Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi
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Güncel Gönderiler
Öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere yönelik farkındalıklarının incelenmesi
(IKSAD Publications, 2024) Sarıgöz, Okan
Doğal afetler, insanlık tarihinin en yıkıcı olayları arasında yer almakta olup toplumların ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel yapıları üzerinde derin etkiler bırakmaktadır. Depremler, sel baskınları, heyelanlar, kuraklıklar ve benzeri olaylar, insanların yaşamını tehdit ederken, aynı zamanda toplumların dayanıklılıklarını ve duyarlılıklarını sınamaktadırlar. Afet bilincinin artırılması, sadece bireylerin değil, aynı zamanda toplumsal yapıların da güçlendirilmesi için mutlaka gereklidir. Etkili bir afet ve özellikle deprem eğitimi, depremlerden kaynaklanabilecek zararları azaltmak veya bu zararlardan korunmak için çok önemlidir. Bir deprem bölgesi olan Türkiye’de afet eğitimi konusunda birçok girişim hayata geçirilmiş olup, bu girişimler, bireylerin ve toplumun afetlere karşı bilinç düzeyini artırmayı ve risk azaltma stratejilerini yaygınlaştırmayı amaçlayan kapsamlı projelerle desteklenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere özellikle de depremlere yönelik farkındalıklarını belirleyebilmektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2024-2025 öğretim yılı Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Anabilim Dalında tezsiz yüksek yapmakta olan öğretmenler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere özellikle de depremlere yönelik farkındalıklarını belirleyebilmek amacıyla araştırmacı tarafından 3 sorudan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu veri toplama aracı olarak geliştirilmiş ve araştırmada kullanılmıştır. Nitel olarak yürütülen araştırmada yöntem olarak olgu bilim modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere özellikle de depremlere yönelik farkındalıklarının yüksek olduğu, son yaşanan depremlerden sonra farkındalıklarının daha da arttığı, hizmet içi eğitimlerle öğretmenlere doğal afet eğitimleri verilmesi gerektiği, ilkokullardan hatta okul öncesinden itibaren tüm öğrencilere doğal afetlere yönelik özellikle de depremlere yönelik eğitimlerin verilmesi gerektiği gibi sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır.
Examination of teacher candidates’ opinions about values and values education
(IKSAD Yayınevi, 2024) Sarıgöz, Okan
Values, which form the basis of moral, social and cultural structures, play a central role in individuals building their identities, establishing social relationships and finding the meaning of life. For this reason, values are provided in schools as education. Values education is an educational process that aims to teach individuals universal and cultural values, ensure that they internalize these values and regulate their behaviors accordingly. Values education is implemented with various approaches and methods in different countries around the world. In this context, values education is typically implemented in schools under the framework of character education and aims to develop individuals’ virtues such as honesty, responsibility, respect and cooperation. This research seeks to explore the perspectives of prospective teachers on values and values education. The study group consists of prospective teachers studying at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Education in the 2024-2025 academic year. A semi-structured interview form consisting of three questions was developed by the researcher and utilized as a data collection tool to identify the views of prospective teachers concerning values and values education. The phenomenological model was used as the method in the qualitative research. At the end of the research, based on the views of the teacher candidates, it was determined that emphasis should be placed on values and values education, especially from a social and socio-cultural perspective, and that every student should learn their cultural values in schools from a young age. In the research, teacher candidates also concluded that for the continuity of societies, they should protect their values, and therefore, values education should be given to all children by their families before they start school, that is, before school.
An examination of teachers’ preferences for postgraduate education
(Fraktal Psikoloji Yayıncılık, 2024) Sarıgöz, Okan
This study aimed to determine the views of teachers working in public schools regarding their pursuit of postgraduate education. The study group consists of teachers working in public schools affiliated with the Hatay Provincial Directorate of National Education in the 2023-2024 academic year. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher, consisting of three questions, was used as a data collection tool to ascertain teachers' views on postgraduate education. This qualitative research employed the phenomenology model as the method. The findings reveal that teachers wish to pursue postgraduate education to enhance their personal development, increase their motivation, and stay updated with new knowledge. However, they face challenges in meeting the admission requirements for postgraduate education. Additionally, the heavy workload at school prevents them from allocating sufficient time for postgraduate studies, and they feel pessimistic due to the limited availability of postgraduate education quotas at universities.
Examination of teachers' opinions about outside school activities
(İKSAD Global publishing house, 2024) Sarıgöz, Okan
Extracurricular activities are activities that students participate in outside of class and are usually organized by the school. These activities contribute to the academic, social and personal development of students. Extracurricular activities not only increase students' academic success, but also allow them to develop their social skills, gain self-confidence and discover different areas of interest. Among these activities, activities such as science fairs, math competitions and language clubs aim to increase students' academic success. Artistic activities such as theater, music and painting help students develop their creativity and artistic talents. Sports activities such as football, basketball and swimming contribute to students' physical health and development of teamwork skills. In addition, community service projects, cultural trips and social clubs carried out by schools increase students' social skills and cultural awareness. In this way, students develop themselves both in terms of skills and socio-culturally. Changes in educational approaches and curriculum in recent years show that it is not enough to take classes only in the classroom environment and that activities should be held outside of school. It is thought that schools should teach students to learn by doing and experiencing, therefore, teachers organizing out-of-school activities with students will increase students' interest in lessons and make abstract concepts more fun and educational. The aim of this research is to determine teachers' views on out-of-school activities. The study group of the research consists of teachers who are doing a non-thesis master's degree in Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Curriculum and Instruction Department in the 2023-2024 academic year. In the research, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 4 questions developed by the researcher was used as a data collection tool in order to determine teachers' views on out-ofschool activities. The phenomenological model was used as the method in the qualitative research. At the end of the research, based on teachers' views, it was concluded that out-ofschool activities increased students' comprehension skills, increased their motivation, understood the subjects better, and that what was learned was more permanent since they appealed to more sense organs.
The examination of teachers’ opinions on refugee students
(İKSAD global publishing house, 2024) Sarıgöz, Okan
Refugee students are children who have been forced to leave their country due to war, conflict or various persecutions and are trying to continue their education in another country. In Turkey, which constantly receives migration and has a large number of refugee students, the right to education of refugee students is secured by international and national legislation. All refugee students with temporary protection status have the right to receive free education in public schools in Turkey. In addition to basic needs such as nutrition and shelter, communication, education and cultural problems also arise for refugee students who settle in a country with migration. Language, cultural and educational problems are usually left in the background.Teachers, on the other hand, encounter problems such as language deficiency, low academic success and cultural differences in the education processes of refugee students. The purpose of this research is to determine the views of teachers on refugee students. The study group consists of teachers who are doing a non-thesis master's degree in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University in the 2024-2025 academic year. In order to determine the teachers' views on refugee students, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 4 questions was developed by the researcher as a data collection tool and used in the research. The phenomenological model was used as a method in the qualitative research. At the end of the research, it was concluded that teachers have the most problems with communication, namely language, with refugee students, that students have problems in obtaining materials related to the lessons due to their inadequate economic situation, and that this situation can affect the academic success of the entire class, and that sometimes there are problems between students in the classroom due to customs, traditions and traditions or their lives in terms of socio-cultural aspects. In addition, it was concluded that teachers are happy to help families or refugee students in difficult situations, and that their job satisfaction increases.