Koyuncu, OnurHakimoğlu, SedatPatarroyo, Fabio RodrıguezUrfalı, SenemKokaçya, Mehmet HanifiTuran, Alparslan2024-09-192024-09-1920212147-0758https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/487650https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12483/16536INTRODUCTION: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is aneffective, life-saving treatment method with no significant sideeffects in the treatment of serious psychiatric disorders such asmania, schizophrenia, and acute catatonia. Headache is aserious complication seen with a high incidence (26-85%) afterthis treatment. Our hypothesis in the study is that pre procedure administration of dexketoprofen trometamol willreduce headache more effectively than acetaminophen withinsix hours after ECT. METHODS: In this prospective, double-blind, single-centerstudy,we studied a total of 225 psychiatric patients aged 18 to80 years having ECT.Before ECT, three analgesic strategieswere (1) acetaminophen 1g / 100ml isotonic, (2) dexketoprofentrometamol 50mg / 100ml isotonic; and (3) 100 ml of placebowas administered intravenously.Headache intensity using VAS(Visual Analog Scale ), heart rate, noninvasive blood pressure,oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, sedation (Ramsey SedationScale), were evaluated at 2, 4 and 6 hours after the ECT.Analgesic requirements and side effects were recorded. RESULTS: The most common diagnosis was depression(41%), followed by schizoaffective disorder (38%), andobsessive compulsive disorder (21%). No difference was foundbetween groups in the headache VAS scores at 2 and 4 hoursbut patients who received dexketoprofen-trometamol havepersistent headache at 6 hours after the procedure. At the 4thhour, 11% of patients in placebo group required rescueanalgesia compared to the other two groups (p = 0,000). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: We found no clinicallysignificant difference between the efficacy of dexketoprofen,acetaminophen, and placebo for reducing headache within thesix-hour period after the ECT procedure.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessComparison of Preoperative Acetaminophen, DeksketoprofenTrometamol on Headache Treatment after Electroconvulsive TherapyArticle101188193487650