Ilhan, EmreOzgur, SevdaTuna, Gulsemin SavasEren, Abdil HakanKarahan, FarukTuna, MetinErayman, Mustafa2024-09-182024-09-1820171018-46191610-2304 this study, we performed nuclear DNA content determination of three different licorice species (G. flavescens Boiss, G. glabra L. var. glandulifera and G. echinata L.) collected from three different geographical regions of Hatay Province (Arsuz, Kirikhan, and Antakya) in the East Mediterranean Region. Previous cytogenetic studies in Glycyrrhiza genus is limited to chromosome counts by classical methods and no information was available on nuclear DNA content of the species included within the genus. Nuclear DNA content information is constant among individuals of one species, therefore, it is species specific. This makes nuclear DNA content information very useful for taxonomic, evolutionary, and genetic studies. Nuclear DNA content information (pg) can be converted to genome size (bp) by using a simple equation and it is critical for genome sequencing projects. In this study, nuclear DNA content of three different Glycyrrhiza species were comparatively analyzed for the first time by using flow cytometry method. Based on the results of the study G. flavesences (1.138 0,013 pg, 1112.96 Mbp) had larger nuclear DNA content than those of G. glabra (0.967 0,009, 945.73 Mbp) and G. echinata (0.946 0,008 pg, 925.19 Mbp). These results indicate that G. flavescens have different genomes than G. glabra and G. echinata, which have more similar genomes. The results of this study will be useful for taxonomic identification of Glycyrrhiza species and to understand their geno-mic structures and relations.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessGlycyrrhiza spp.Flow cytometrynuclear DNA contentC-valueevolutionNUCLEAR DNA CONTENT VARIATION AMONG GLYCYRRHIZA TAXONS COLLECTED FROM EAST MEDITERRANEANArticle26532513256WOS:000403134800019Q4