Ulaşlı, Başakİleri, BernaCan, Feza2024-09-192024-09-1920212667-7733https://doi.org/10.37908/mkutbd.860085https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/438568https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12483/16181Aims: Throughout the history silk fiber is one of the indispensable and most valuable textile products. Hatay yellow strain, is an indigenous to Turkey, was domesticated about 5000 years ago and it’s a privilege to have this moth species in our country. In sericulture, the only hibrid strain that weave white coccon has been bred for many years in our country. However, Hatay yellow hasn’t been bred for nearly 45 years. In this study, it is aimed to investigate some morphological and biological characteristics of the Hatay yellow which is facing the danger of extinction. Methods and Results: The development of 1000 first-stage larvae with hatching from the eggs in March, which are cultured in the natural habitat under the climate-appropriate lighting time, temperature and humidity conditions in Harbiye district of Hatay province in 2020; the period of five larvae stages, molting four times, coccon period and moth emergence from the cocoons were observed. This process was applied for both generations of Hatay yellow. After moths died, their wings were spreaded and labeled and prepared as museum material. Conclusions: As a result, Hatay yellow strain was successfully reproduced in nature with preferred “peace silk” method in the world. It also provides us the first steps of sustainability of scientific knowledge in Turkey. Significance and Impact of the Study: The indigenous silkworm of our country, it was determined for the first time that Hatay yellow strain developed two generations in Hatay, in it’s natural habitat, and a significant contribution was made to it’s bioecological characteristics. Biological features such as the life cycle, the development period of the life stages and the number of generation per year, as well as the new morphological features of the adult and immature stages, the ones known before were also updated.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPeace silkHatay yellow strainTurkeyBombyx moribiologyHatay yellow strain (Bombyx mori L.) under the threat of extinction: Determination of morphological and biological features with some reviewsArticle26226627110.37908/mkutbd.860085438568