Ozsoy, Sule YurdaguelKutsal, Osman2024-09-182024-09-1820071300-08611308-2817https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12483/9559In the case, malignant seminoma was described with macroscopical and microscopical findings in a 13 year-old, male Terrier dog. Macroscopically; left testicle was measured as 7x5x3.2 cm and weighted as 30 g, while right testicle was measured as 2.5x1.5x1 cm and weighted as 5 g. Both testicles were elastic in consistency and had a gray-white appearance with also necrosis and hemorrhage on cut surfaces. In microscopic examination; in right and left testicle tissue vesicular nucleated, different sized, polyhedral shaped, pale basophilic cytoplasmated, diffusely spread anaplastic cells with a few multinucleate giant cells and mitotic figures were observed. Also necrosis, hemorrhage and focal lymphocyt infiltrations were accompanying anaplastic cells.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessdogmalignant seminomaMalignant seminoma in a dogArticle5416566WOS:000254431100013N/A