Copur, GulsenBaylan, MikailCanogullari, Sibel2024-09-182024-09-1820101680-55931993-601X study was carried out to investigate the effect of egg Shape Index (SI) and Egg Weight (EW) on hatchability parameters, hatching weight and weekly live weight in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Quail eggs were divided into three groups according to their SI (SI-1:<= 76: SI-2:77-78 and SI-3:>= 79%) and into three groups according to their weight (A1:<13.00 g, A2:13.01-14.00 g and A3:>= 14.01 g), respectively. The mean values of hatching weight were found as 8.41, 9.40 and 10.27 g in A1, A2 and A3 egg weight groups and as 8.97, 9.37 and 8.90 g in SI-1, SI-2 and SI-3 SI groups, respectively. The differences between groups in terms of these traits were statistically significant (p<0.01). The fertility rate was not affected significantly by egg weight. The hatchability of fertile eggs was not affected by (SI) groups but it was affected by egg weight groups (p<0.01). The highest hatchability of fertile eggs was observed in A1 group (79.47%) and this was followed by A2 (78.67%) and A3 (74.86%) groups. The difference in hatchability between egg weight groups was statistically significant (p<0.01) and the mean value of this trait in A3 group was lower (64.31%) than those in A1 (72.12%) and A2 (70.45%) groups. The differences between SI groups in terms of hatchability of total eggs, embryonic mortality rates, pipped and discarded chick rates were not statistically significant. The average Body Weights (BW) for the first 2 weeks between egg weight groups were statistically significant (p<0.01) but these differences were not statistically significant after 3 weeks of age.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessShape indexegg weightlive weighthatchabilitysignificantlyquailEgg Weight but Not Egg Shape Index, Determines the Hatchability in Japanase Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)Article91318901895WOS:000281150400019Q3