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Öğe Adi yalancıdarı ( Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) bitkisinin genç salkımlarından kallus oluşumu ve bitki rejenerasyonuna genotip ve 2, 4-D konsantrasyonunun etkileri üzerine bir araştırma(2000) Can, Ersin; Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Hatipoğlu, RüştüThis study was conducted to determine the effects of genotype and 2,4-D concentrations on the callus induction and plant regeneration from young inflorescences of dallisgrass ( Paspalum dilatatumPoir). Segments of young inflorescences from six different ecotypes of dallisgrass were cultured on MS-medium containing different con-centrations of 2,4-D ( 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg/l). The results of the study showed that the ecotypes were significantly different in cal-lus induction ratio, callus weight per petri dish and plant regeneration from the young inflorescences. With respect to the ecotypes, callus induction ratio varied from 17.5 % to 65 %, callus weight from 75.25 to 365.1 mg/petri dish and number of regenerates per inflorescence segment from 0.775 to 1.612. The callus induction ratio, callus weight and regeneration ratio were also signifi-cantly influenced by the 2,4-D concentrations. The segments cultured on the MS medium containing 6 mg/l of 2,4-D gave the high-est values of callus induction ratio (74 %), callus weight (369.3 mg/petri dish) and regeneration ratio (2.094 regenerates perseg-ment).Öğe A detailed experimental knowledge on differentiation of nutritional quality depending on the phenological stages of native cool season grasses and satisfying the daily maintenance requirements of livestock(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2019) Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Can, Ersin; Kaya, Şerafeddin; Uygur, VeliAims: For a proper range management and livestock feeding operations need to detailed chemical analyses and knowledge on pasture composition. Methods and Results: Seven native cool-season grasses that are Festuca arundinaceae L., Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv., Phleum pretense L., Dactylis glomerata L., Bromus inermis Leyss., Lolium perenne L. and Hordeum bulbosum L. were evaluated for their nutritive value at five different phenological stages. The chemical composition, quality and therefore their feeding value so the animal performance are directly under control of the stage of plant phenology. Stage of plant maturity decreases dry matter digestibility, dry matter intake and protein content, but increases in lignocellulosic structure with the advance phenology of the whole investigated perennial species. Conclusions: The species which have thickand longer leaves, and higher leaf/stem ratio determined as the more digestible, and also the metabolizable energy of the fast growing ones was considerably higher. The vast majority of the minerals’ concentration was distinctly reduced at stem elongation to flowering and then increased remarkably from that point to developing seed stalks. The fast growing species accumulated the minerals more. Grass Tetany risk (K/(Ca+Mg)) of the investigated species increased remarkably at head emergence and flowering stage. Most of the species were detected within the boundaries of the recommended Ca/P ratio for diet. Significance and Impact of the Study: The native pastures seem to satisfy the daily maintenance requirements of most livestock in respect to most minerals without any supplementation via correct timing for feeding.Öğe Effect to the young inflorescence length on the callus formation and plant regeneration in yellow bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemmum (L.) keng)(TUBITAK, 2000) Can, Ersin; Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Hatipo?lu, RüştüThis study was carried out to determine the effect of inflorescence length on callus induction and plant regeneration in yellow bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L) Keng). Inflorescences with different lengths (2-25 mm) from the in vitro regenerated plants of a Bothriochloa - ecotype with a good response to in vitro culture were cultured on LS-medium with addition 8 mg/1 dicamba. The results of the study showed that the rates of callus induction related to inflorescence length varied from 20.3% to 46.9%. The highest callus weight per inflorescence was obtained from the inflorescences with a length of 11-15 mm. Increasing the inflorescence length decreased the callus weight per inflorescence when inflorescences longer than 15 mm were used as explant. The highest rate of regeneration (10.860 plantlets per inflorescence) was obtained from the inflorescence with a length of 16-20 mm. Increasing the inflorescence length decreased the regeneration rate when inflorescences longer than 20 mm were used as expiant. It was concluded that inflorescences that are yellowish and 11-20 mm long can be used as explant for the establishment of the embryogenic callus cultures of Bothriochloa ischaemum.Öğe Effects of genotype and concentration of 2,4-D on callus induction and plant regeneration from young inflorescences of dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir)(TUBITAK, 2000) Can, Ersin; Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Hatipo?lu, RüştüThis study was conducted to determine the effects of genotype and 2,4-D concentrations on the callus induction and plant regeneration from young inflorescences of dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir). Segments of young inflorescences from six different ecotypes of dallisgrass were cultured on MS-medium containing different concentrations of 2,4-D ( and 10 mg/1). The results of the study showed that the ecotypes were significantly different in callus induction ratio, callus weight per petri dish and plant regeneration from the young inflorescences. With respect to the ecotypes, callus induction ratio varied from 17.5 % to 65 %, callus weight from 75.25 to 365.1 mg/petri dish and number of regenerates per inflorescence segment from 0.775 to 1.612. The callus induction ratio, callus weight and regeneration ratio were also significantly influenced by the 2.4-D concentrations. The segments cultured on the MS medium containing 6 mg/l of 2,4-D gave the highest values of callus induction ratio (74%), callus weight (369.3 mg/petri dish) and regeneration ratio (2.094 regenerates per segment).Öğe Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and multivariate analyses for fast and non-destructive prediction of corn seed germination(Turkish Science and Technology Publishing (TURSTEP), 2020) Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Konuşkan, ÖmerThe application of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis for determining the seed germination rate of corn genotypes was assessed. Seed samples about 90 gr belong to commercial and local corn varieties at various ages were scanned with FT-NIRS on the reflectance mode from 1000 to 2500 nm wavelength. Filter paper technique showed the seed germination rates varied between 18-100% depending on the genotypes after 7 days at ±25°C. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was applied to the reference values corresponding to the spectra. The best statistical results obtained from the pre-treatment combinations of Smooth Savitzky-Golay 9 Points (sg9), MSC full and normalization to unit length (nle). The regression coefficient of calibration (R2C) and prediction (R2P) of the created NIRS calibration via chemometric software NIRCal are realized 0.97 and 0.98 respectively for the property of corn germination rate. The standard error of both calibration (SEC) and prediction (SEP) were almost overlapping (4.17%, 4.61% respectively). The prediction accuracy of the final NIRS model was quite reasonable with the acceptable root mean standard error of prediction (RMSEP) as 8.88%. According to the residual predictive deviation (RPD) index (4.18), the accuracy of the NIRS model regarded as in the best category. Therefore, the NIRS model developed here is sufficient to predict the corn seed germination rate very fast and non-destructively without using any regents.Öğe Production of dihaploids in durum wheat using Imperata cylindrica L. mediated chromosome elimination(2015) Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Tiryakioğlu, Murat; Can, Ersin; Kutlay, Duygu; Hatipoğlu, RüştüThe possibility of obtaining dihaploid durum wheat ( Triticum durum L.) plants by interspecifc hybridization with Imperata cylindrica L. was studied. Ten local varieties and 1 commercial durum wheat variety (Triticum durum L., 2n = 4x = 28; AABB) were used as maternal lines. Imperata cylindrica L. (2n = 2x = 20) ecotypes sampled from diferent districts of Hatay were used as the pollen source. Isolated embryos were placed in an MS medium for plant regeneration 14 days afer the interspecifc hybridization. Te highest average seed setting, embryo formation, and dihaploid plant regeneration for the diferent hybrid combinations were determined as 31.1%, 15.5%, and 11.5%, respectively. Cytological observations revealed that all the regenerants had 2n = 2x = 14 chromosomes.Öğe Sarı sakalotu (Bothriochloa ischaemmum (L.) Keng) bitkisinin genç salkımlarının In vitro kültüründe salkım uzunluğunun kallus oluşumu ve bitki rejenerasyonuna etkisi(2000) Can, Ersin; Çeliktaş, Nafiz; Hatipoğlu, RüştüBu çalışma, sarı sakalotu ( Bothriochloa ischaemum(L.) Keng) genç salkımlarının in vitrokültüründe salkım uzunluğunun kallus oluşumu ve bitki rejenerasyonuna etkisini saptamak amacıyla sürdürülmüştür. Arastırmada, in vitro kültüre iyi reaksiyon gösteren bir sarı sakalotu ekotipinin rejeneratlarından alınan farklı uzunluktaki salkımlar (2-25 mm) 8 mg/l dicamba içeren LS besi ortamında kültüre alınmışlardır. Araştırmada, kallus indüksiyon oranı salkım uzunluguna baglı olarak % 20.3 ile % 46.9 arasında degişmiştir. Salkım başına en yüksek kallus ağırlığı (111.5 mg/salkım) 11-15 mm uzunluğundaki salkımlardan elde edilmiştir. 15 mm'den daha uzun salkımların eksplantat olarak kullanılması durumunda salkım uzunlugu arttıkça salkım basına kallus ağırlığı azalma göstermiştir. En yüksek rejenerasyon oranı (10.860 bitkicik/salkım) 16-20 mm uzunlugundaki salkımlardan elde edilmiştir. 20 mm'den daha uzun salkımların eksplantat olarak kullanılması durumunda, rejenarasyon oranı azalmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları dikkate alınarak, 11-20 mm uzunluğundaki açık sarı renkli salkımların sarı sakalotunda embriyogenik kallus kültürlerinin elde edilmesi amacıyla eksplantat olarak kullanılabilecegi sonucuna varılmıştır.