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Öğe Akut böbrek yetmezliği ile prezente olan lenfoma olgusu(2017) Yaprak, Mustafa; İlhan, Gül; Bay, Feyyaz; Gezici Güneş, Ümran; Turgut, FarukKanser hastalarında da akut böbrek yetmezliği (ABY), normal popülasyonda olduğu gibi prerenal, renal ve postrenal nedenlere bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Böbreğe tümör infiltrasyonu genellikle yaygın değildir. Fakat akut lösemi veya lenfoma gibi hızlı büyüyen hematolojik malignitelerde tümör tutulumuna bağlı böbrek fonksiyonları bozulabilmektedir. Burada akut böbrek yetmezliği ile başvuran ve daha sonra lenf nodu biyopsisi ile B hücreli Nonhodgkin lenfoma tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuştur. Tümör infiltrasyonuna bağlı ABY gelişmesi nadir olmakla birlikte, akut böbrek yetmezliği gelişimi açısından risk faktörü bulunmayan olgularda lösemik veya lenfomatöz infiltrasyon düşünülmelidir.Öğe Aseptic arthritis of the bilateral temporomandibular joint mimicking rheumatological diseases(2016) Kahraman, Şerif Şamil; İlhan, Gül; Bayaroğulları, Hanifi; Tuzlalı, Mesut…Öğe A case of lymphoma presented with acute renal failure(2017) Yaprak, Mustafa; İlhan, Gül; Bay, Feyyaz; Gezici, Ümran Güneş; Turgut, FarukKanser hastalarında da akut böbrek yetmezliği (ABY), normal popülasyonda olduğu gibi prerenal, renal ve postrenal nedenlere bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Böbreğe tümör infiltrasyonu genellikle yaygın değildir. Fakat akut lösemi veya lenfoma gibi hızlı büyüyen hematolojik malignitelerde tümör tutulumuna bağlı böbrek fonksiyonları bozulabilmektedir. Burada akut böbrek yetmezliği ile başvuran ve daha sonra lenf nodu biyopsisi ile B hücreli Nonhodgkin lenfoma tanısı alan bir olgu sunulmuştur. Tümör infiltrasyonuna bağlı ABY gelişmesi nadir olmakla birlikte, akut böbrek yetmezliği gelişimi açısından risk faktörü bulunmayan olgularda lösemik veya lenfomatöz infiltrasyon düşünülmelidir.Öğe Clinical Outcomes caused by COVİD-19 in patients with Sickle Cell Disease in the Hatay Province of Turkey(2023) Kaçmaz, Murat; İlhan, Gül; Oktay, GönülObjective: The COVID-19 caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) can be mortal particularly due to respiratory system involvement and coagulopathy. On the other hand, respiratory system involvement and coagulopathy are among the major causes of mortality in sickle cell patients as well. There are conflicting results in the literature on the mortality rates caused by COVID-19 in sickle cell patients. For this reason, we aimed to show the course of COVID-19 in sickle cell patients. Material and Method: Our study was created from the data of 21 sickle cell patients in the adult age group who were infected with SARS-COV-2. The laboratory and imaging results of these patients were reviewed. Result: The median age of the patients in the study was 34 years and 57% of the patients were male. 72% (n:15) of the patients needed to be admitted to the hospital and three of them died. The CRP level in individuals who died was found to be statistically significantly higher (HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 1.01-1.03; p=0.049). Conclusion: In this patient group, the requirement for hospitalization has increased significantly and mortality rates have increased in comparison to the general population. Patients with a high CRP value should be monitored closely since they can have a fatal outcome.Öğe Evaluation of Four Adult Visceral Leishmaniasis Cases(Galenos Publishing House, 2023) Çabalak, Mehmet; Çulha, Gülnaz; Kaya, Tuğba; Gürsoy, Didar; İlhan, Gül; Özbilgin, AhmetLeishmania infantum is the species responsible for visceral leishmaniasis [(VL), kala-azar], which is observed sporadically mainly in pediatric age groups in the Aegean, Mediterranean and Central Anatolian regions of Türkiye. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnosis, clinic, laboratory results and treatments of four adult patients with VL who applied to our hospital. The patients were referred to our hospital to investigate hematological malignancy. In the study, the data of four patients (three men, one woman; age range: 30-40 years) who were diagnosed with VL and treated in the infectious diseases clinic of our hospital between January 2022 and April 2022 were evaluated retrospectively. The diagnosis of VL was made according to appropriate clinical and physical examination findings, biochemical and serological tests (indirect fluorescent antibody test and rK39 rapid antigen test) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results, as well as the presence of amastigote forms of the parasite in bone marrow samples. Serology positivity was found in all patients, and bone marrow positivity was found in two patients. According to the results of RT-PCR in all patients, it was determined that the species causing the disease was L. infantum/L. donovani. Initially, the most common symptoms were fever, fatigue, and abdominal distension. None of the patients had an immunosuppressive condition. It was understood that all the patients lived in the rural area of Syria’s Idlib province. Hepatosplenomegaly, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia were found in all patients. The patients were treated with liposomal amphotericin-B (L-AMB). One patient did not come for follow-ups, the other three patients were found to have completely recovered in their follow-up. No recurrence was observed in any of the patients. In conclusion, VL should be considered in patients who apply to health institutions with complaints of fever, hepatosplenomegaly, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. © Telif hakkı 2023 Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği-Makale.Öğe Evaluation of the achievement of hematologists to transfusion medicine education with self-assessment questionnaire in Turkey(Tıp Eğitimini Geliştirme Derneği, 2020) Tayfun Küpesiz, Funda; Andıç, Neslihan; Sezgin Evim, Melike; Eker, İbrahim; Yılmaz, Fergün; Tüysüz Kintrup, Gülen; Gürlek Gökçebay, Dilek; Işık, Melek; Oymak, Yeşim; Ateşağaoğlu, Berna; Belgemen Özer, Tuğba; Erdoğan Özünal, Işıl; Aygüneş, Utku; İlhan, Gül; Töret, Ersin; Akıncı, Ayşe Burcu; Tüfekçi, Özlem; Tatlı Güneş, Burcu; Koç, Begüm Şirin; Ünver Koluman, Başak; Ocak, Süheyla; Duran, Mustafa; Gürpınar, Erol; Özel Erkan, Deniz; Aydınok, YeşimBackground: Proper clinical use of blood andblood products requires competent theoreticaland practical knowledge of transfusion medicine.The Curriculum Development and StandardDetermination System Medical SpecializationBoard is prepared Hematology SpecialistEducation Core Curriculum in Turkey. In thisstudy, we aimed to determine the access ofhematologists to the learning objectives definedby curriculum for the transfusion medicine andthe factors affecting it.Methods: Hematologists who have beenmembers of Turkish Hematology Society since2013 have been included in the study, Thesurvey questions were prepared based on thecurriculum for transfusion medicine. The studywas applied to hematologists with “surveymonkey” application. The questionnaireconsisted of a competence self-assessment withLikert scale and theoretical multiple-choiceknowledge questions.Results: Of the 213 hematologists, 54 (25%)were included in the study. Hematologists ratedtheir competences in the clinical competenceareas as 3,65 ± 0,73 (median 3,60) as “I knowbut not t a sufficient level”. The participants‘perception of competence was “I know, butnot at a sufficient level’” with an average of3.31 ± 0.84 (median3.5) in the blood bankingfield, while the average in hemapheresis andtransfusion medicine was 4.04 ± 0.63 (median4) as “enough”. In interventional procedures,hematologists stated that their vocationalcompetences were 2,79± 0,92 (median 2,93)on average as “I have an idea- I know, but notenough”. The correct answer to 13 theoreticalquestions was an average of 6,96 ± 1,89(median 7). Hematologists performing bloodrotation felt significantly more competent thanthe physicians who could not do the rotation inthe blood bank, blood banking t(52) = -3.9, p <.001 , transfusion medicine and interventionalcompetence t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 . Physicianswho believed that they are sufficient in theblood banking area, were more confident intransfusion medicine r(54) = .67, p <.001 andmanaging interventional procedures r(54) =.85, p <.001.Conclusion: In this study, hematologistsgenerally felt more competent in subjects suchas transfusion and therapeutic apheresis,which they often think of as not having enoughknowledge in the area of blood banking.Hematologists have been more confident inthe field of transfusion medicine as their yearsof expertise increased, but they did not feelbetter equipped in the fields of blood bankingand interventional competence. The currentresults suggested that hematologists who areexpected to be the blood bank supervisors do notinternalize the area of blood banking, are notstrong in their competence, and do not want towork in this area unless they are required.In hematology education curriculum, positiverevisions in education can be achieved byrevising blood banking curriculum and learningobjectives, standardizing blood center rotationswith content and duration, and support fromonline distance education programs.Öğe Hemoglobinopati hastalarında Hepatit B, Hepatit C ve HIV Seroprevalansı(2014) İlhan, Gül; Ekiz, Fuat; Acıpayam, Can; Oktay, GönülAmaç: Talasemi ve orak hücreli anemi hastaları sık transfüzyon almaktadır. Hepatit B (HBV), hepatit C (HCV) ve insan immün yetmezlik virüsü (HIV) kanla geçmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı hemoglobinopati hastalarımızda bu enfeksiyonların sıklığını belirlemektir. Materyal ve Metod: Dört yüz on hemoglobinopati hastasını inceledik.Viral serolojiler "ikinci jenerasyon enzim bağlantılı immün absorban tahlil" metoduyla incelendi. Dört yüz on hastanın (116 talasemi major, 16 talasemi intermedia, 12 hemoglobin H, 222 orak hücreli anemi, 43 orak-beta talasemi ve 1 Hb E) 258'i erkek, 152'si kadındı. Bulgular: HBV sıklığı %1,2, HCV %3,2 ve HIV %0 bulundu. Sonuçlarımız göstermektedir ki transfüzyon ilişkili viral enfeksiyon sıklığı literatüre kıyasla daha yüksek değildir. Sonuç: Peryodik olarak duyarlı tarama testlerinin kullanılması ve doğru verici seçimi yüksek risk altındaki hemoglobinopati hastalarının bu enfeksiyolarda korunmasında çok önemlidir.Öğe Plasma ischemia-modified albumin levels and dynamic thiol/ disulfide balance in sickle cell disease : a case-control study(2018) Özcan, Oğuzhan; Erdal, Hüseyin; İlhan, Gül; Demir, Damla; Gürpınar, Ahmet Burak; Neşelioğlu, Salim; Erel, ÖzcanObjective: Sickle cell disease (SCD), described as a group of inherited blood disorders, affects millions of people throughout the world and is particularly common in the southern part of Turkey. We aimed to determine the relationship between ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) and the dynamic thiol/disulfide balance in SCD. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four adult SCD patients and 30 healthy controls were included in the study. The 54 adult patients included 30 (56%) males and 24 (44%) females with a mean age of 28.3±8.4 years (minimum-maximum: 18-46 years). Of the 54 patients, 46 had homozygous sickle cell anemia (HbSS) and 8 had sickle/?-thalassemia (HbS/?+-thalassemia). Fasting blood samples were collected. After centrifugation at 1500×g for 10 min, plasma samples were portioned and stored at -80 °C. IMA levels were determined by albumin cobalt binding test, a colorimetric method. Total and native thiols and disulfide were analyzed with a novel spectrophotometric method. Results: We found significantly lower levels of native thiol (-SH) (284.0±86.3 µmol/L), disulfide levels (14.6±7 µmol/L), and total thiols (-SH + -S-S-) (313.0±89.3 µmol/L) in SCD patients compared to healthy controls (respectively 417.0±54.2, 22.7±11.3, and 462.0±58.7 µmol/L). Plasma albumin levels (34.9±7.9 g/L) were lower and IMA levels (13.6±3.1 g/L) were higher in SCD patients compared to controls (respectively 43.5±3.1 and 8.4±1.6 g/L). Plasma albumin levels were strongly correlated with both plasma native (r=0.853; p=0.0001) and total thiols (r=0.866; p=0.0001). Conclusion: Decreased plasma native and total thiol levels and increased IMA levels are related to increased oxidative stress and provide an indirect and quick reflection of the oxidative damage in SCD patients.Öğe Portal vein thrombosis in a chirrotic patient with immune thrombocytopenic purpura during eltrombopag treatment(2016) İlhan, Gül; Acıpayam, CanPortal ven trombozu karaciğer sirozunda görülen nadir ancak ciddi bir komplikasyondur. Eltrombopag immün trombositopenide kullanılan ikinci jenerasyon bir ajandır. Trombotik komplikasyonlara yol açabilmektedir. Portal ven trombozu eltrombopag kullanılan bazı siroz hastalarında nadir rapor edilen yaşamı tehdit eden bir komplikasyondur. Burada eltrombopag kullanımı sonrası portal ven trombozu gelişen 63 yaşındaki immün trombositopenik bir siroz vakası sunulmuştur.Öğe Priapizmle başvuran bir orak hücreli anemili hastada korpus kavernozum trombozu(2017) İlhan, GülPriapizm orak hücreli aneminin bir komplikasyonu olarak görülebilen uzamış ağrılı ereksiyondur. Korpus kavernozum trombozu nadir görülen bir durumdur.Otuz yaşında bir orak hücreli anemi hastası priapizm şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastaya korpus kavernozum aspirasyonu ve exchange transfüzyon uygulandı. Hastanın ağrılı ereksiyonu geriledi ancak ağrısı düzelmedi. Hastada korpus kavernozum trombozu saptandı ve sistemik antikoagülasyon tedavisi sonrası hastanın ağrısı düzeldi. Özellikle konvansiyonel tedavi yöntemleri ile şikayetleri devam eden hastalarda korpus kavernozum trombozu akılda tutulmalıdır.Öğe The results of hemoglobinopathy screening in Hatay, the southern part of Turkey(2016) Oktay, Gönül; Acıpayam, Can; İlhan, Gül; Karal, Yasemin; Sakallı, Gülten; Yılmazoglu, Nurullah; Basun, SunaAmaç: ?-Talasemi ve hemoglobinopatiler yaygın genetik bozukluklardır. Bu nedenle evlilik öncesi çiftler ya da her anemik kişi rutin hemoglobinopatiler açısından incelenmelidir. Bu retrospektif çalışmada amacımız, ?-Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Edirnetalasemi ve hemoglobinopati sıklığını Türkiye'nin güney kesiminde bulunan Hatay'da, saptamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada veriler, Ocak 2006 ve Ekim 2012 tarihleri arasında anemi nedeni ile ve evlilik öncesi araştırma için Hatay Antakya Devlet Hastanesi Hemoglobinopati Merkezi'ne başvuran 70226 bireyden alınmıştır. Kan örnekleri EDTA'lı tüplere alınmış ve hematolojik parametreler bir Sysmex XT-2000i Hematology Analyzer kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yüksek performanslı sıvı kromatografisi tekniği hemoglobin tiplerini belirlemek için kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Hemoglobinopati sıklığı ?-Talasemi taşıyıcılığı % 6, orak hücre anemisi taşıyıcılığı %6,3, ?-talasemi taşıyıcılığı? %12,9 ve diğer anormal hemoglobinopatili varyantları % 4,2 idi. Homozigot ?-talasemi 49 olguda, homozigot hemoglobin S 60 olguda, HbH hastalığı (bir talasemi intermedia) 33 olguda tespit ettik. Tartışma: ?-talasemi taşıyıcılığı ve diğer hemoglobinopati sıklığının Hatay'da Türkiye'de diğer iller ile karşılaştırıldığında oldukça yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur.Öğe The Severity of premenstrual syndrome symptoms in sickle cell disease patients : A case- control study(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2019) Döner Güner, Pınar; Uslusoy, Sabahat; İlhan, Gül; Kokaçya, Sümeyya Havva; Dirican, Emre; Kokaçya, Mehmet Hanifi; Yengil, Erhan; Özer, CahitObjective: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients experience recurrent pain attacks and up to 30% of these become chronic pain. There is known to be a relationship between chronic pain and depression and other psychological problems. Therefore, Sickle Cell Disease patients often experience a series of social and psychiatric problems. The aim of this study to determine the frequency and severity of premenstrual syndrome in women aged ≥18 years with sickle cell disease and to compare these values with healthy women. Methods: This case control study was conducted from January 2018 to March 2018. The data were collected using a questionnaire of 21 items and the Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMSS). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21 software. Results: The study included 50 patients aged with 18 years who were diagnosed sickle cell anemia at the University Hospital and control group of 50 subjects have no chronic disease. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) according to DSM-5 was determined in 34 (68%) of the case group and 39 (78%) of the control group (p=0,26). Mean depressive effect subscale score was 15.64±6.56 in the sickle cell anemia group while, it was 19.48±6.67 in control group (p=0,05). Conclusions: Although PMS frequency and symptom severity in women with SCD were similar with normal population, the depressive effect subscale scores were lower in SCD group. This results’ cause could be attributed to PMS symptoms being perceived as less severe compared to the pain experienced in sickle cell crises. Keywords: Sickle Cell Disease, Premenstrual Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Depression, Hemoglobinopathies.Öğe Uric Acid and Multiple Myeloma, Unexplored Association(2023) Kaçmaz, Murat; Başcı, Semih; Yaman, Samet; Candir, Burcu Aslan; Seçilmiş, Sema; İlhan, Gül; Yiğenoğlu, Tuğçe NurIntroduction: Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a common hematological malignancy and various factors affect survival. Uric acid (UA) is an easily and quickly accessible laboratory test. UA has been found to affect prognosis and survival in many hematological diseases and its impact on myeloma is not widely investigated. Methods: Our retrospective study includes 106 MM patients between 2014 and 2021. The influence of UA level at diagnosis on treatment outcomes and survival of patients who received autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) was investigated. Results: The mean UA at diagnosis was 6.05 mg/dL, and 38.7% of our cohort relapsed after a median of 30 months of follow-up, with 22.7% dead. In survival analysis, the level of UA did not significantly differ in both progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) (HR, 1.067; 95% CI, 0.947-1.202; p=0.290, HR, 0.941; 95% CI, 0.791-1.121; p=0.497, respectively). Discussion and Conclusion: In our study, regardless of the cut-off value for the UA level at the time of diagnosis, the UA level had no impact on PFS or OS in MM patients who received ASCT.