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Öğe Aynı hastada konvansiyonel soğuk diseksiyon tekniği ile bipolar elektrokoter tonsillektominin karşılaştırılması(2011) Akbay, Ercan; Çokkeser, Yaşar; Kahraman, Şerif ŞamilAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, daha objektif karşılaştırma yapabilmek amacıyla aynı olgu üzerinde, sağ tarafına klasik soğuk diseksiyon tonsillektomi ve sol tarafına bipolar tonsillektomi yapılan hastaların sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Hastalar ve metod: Yaşları 6 ile 32 arasında olan(ortalama 10.2±4.2), tonsillektomi veya adenotonsillektomi planlanan 54'ü kadın(%51.9) 50'si erkek(%48.1) olmak üzere toplam 104 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların sağ tonsillerine klasik soğuk diseksiyon yöntemi, sol tonsillerine ise bipolar elektrokoter yöntemiyle tonsillektomi yapıldı. Cerrahi süreleri, postoperatif ağrı ve kanama yönünden sonuçları karşılaştırıldı. Sonuçlar: Sol tonsillektomi için ortalama cerrahi süresi 5.6±1.3 dakika (min.4 – maks.10), sağ tonsillektomi için ortalama cerrahi süresi 4.9±1.3 dakika (min.3 - maks.9) olarak bulundu(p<0.05). Hastaların 2(%1.9) tanesinde sağ tarafta, 3(%2.9) tanesinde ise sol tarafta postoperatif kanama meydana geldi. Postoperatif 2. saatte 17(%16.3) hasta ağrısının sağda daha çok olduğunu, 36(%34.6) hasta ağrısının solda daha çok olduğunu ve 51(%49) hasta ise ağrısının heriki tarafta da aynı şiddette olduğunu söylemiştir. Ameliyatın 24. saatinde ise hastaların 26'sında(%25) sağ tarafında, 14'ünde(%13.5) sol tarafında göreceli olarak ağrının daha çok olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tartışma: Her iki cerrahi teknik süre, postoperatif kanama ve ağrı yönünden karşılaştırıldı. Bipolar tonsillektominin uygulanma süresi klasik diseksiyona göre anlamlı olarak uzun bulundu. Postoperatif ağrı bipolar tonsillektomide ilk gün daha fazla ancak sonraki günlerde anlamlı olarak daha az bulundu(p<0.05). Bununla birlikte postoperatif kanama oranı her iki teknikte de birbirine yakın bulundu.Öğe Comparison of Mean Platelet Volume Values between Patients with Nasal Polyp and Healthy Individuals(Galenos Yayincilik, 2013) Cevik, Cengiz; Yengil, Erhan; Akbay, Ercan; Arli, Cengiz; Gulmez, Mehmet Ihsan; Akoglu, ErtapObjective: Nasal Polyp (NP) and Allergic Rhinitis (AR) are frequently seen in common. It has been reported that there is an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis in allergic patients. In our study, we aimed to evaluate Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) values in patients with NP, which is used as a marker of atherosclerosis. Methods: Seventy-five patients who underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) with a diagnosis of NP were reviewed. Seventy-five age-matched healthy individuals without AR made up the control group. Val-ues of white blood cell (WBC), platelet (PLT), hemoglobilin (Hb) and MPV were evaluated. Results: MPV values were found to be low in patients with NP 7.89 +/- 1.02 fL compared to control group 8.32 +/- 1.42 fL. This finding was statistically significant. Conclusion: It was found that MPV values are significantly low in patients with NP than control group.Öğe Comparison of mean platelet volume values between patients with nasal polyp and healthy individuals(2013) Çevik, Cengiz; Yengil, Erhan; Akbay, Ercan; Arlı, Cengiz; Gülmez, Mehmet İhsan; Akoğlu, ErtapAmaç: Nazal Polip (NP) Allerjik Rinit (AR) sıklıkla birlikte görülür. Allerjik hastalarda ateroskleroz riskinde artış olduğu bildirilmektedir. Çalışmamızda aterosklero- zun bir belirteci olarak kullanılan Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) değerlerini nazal polip hastalarında incelemeyi amaçladık. Yöntemler: Nazal polip tanısıyla fonksiyonel endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi (FESC) yapılan 75 hasta değerlendirildi. Aynı yaş grubundan AR şikayeti olmayan sağlıklı 75 bi- reyin verileri kontrol gurubu olarak incelendi. Beyaz kan hücresi (WBC), trombosit (PLT), Hemoglobülin (Hb) ve MPV değerleri ayrı ayrı kaydedildi. Bulgular: MPV değerleri nasal polipli hastalarda 7,89±1,02 fL, kontrol hastalarında 8,32±1,42 fL idi. İstatistiksel olarak anlamlılık tespit edildi. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda sonuç olarak NP hastalarındaki kontrol grubuna oranla MPV değeri düşük tespit edildi.Öğe Determination of hearing levels in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever(2013) Cevik, Cengiz; Silfeler, Ibrahim; Arica, Vefik; Yengil, Erhan; Akbay, Ercan; Sarac, Tuba; Basarslan, FatmagulObjective: Familial Mediterranean Fever is the most common congenital, periodic fever condition that affects over 100,000 people worldwide. In the literature, there is limited number of studies about hearing levels in children with Familial Mediterranean Fever. In the present study, we aimed to investigate hearing levels and cochlear functions by using Distortion product Otoacoustic Emission and High Frequency Audiometry (250-20,000. Hz) in pediatric patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Methods: The study included 62 children with Familial Mediterranean Fever and 27 healthy children with similar age and gender. After otoscopic examination, both groups underwent audiological evaluation including High Frequency Audiometry (250-20,000. Hz) and Distortion product Otoacoustic Emissions. The results obtained were assessed among groups. In addition, these results were compared regarding colchicine use, age at the onset of disease and duration of the diseases in the Familial Mediterranean Fever group. Results: Of the Familial Mediterranean Fever patients, 93.5% were on colchicine therapy and mean duration of colchicine use was 19.9 ± 13.9 months. The mean age at diagnosis was 6.57 ± 2.86 years (min-max: 2-14) and mean duration of disease was 23 ± 17 months (min-max: 6-84). Pure tone audiometry values, and hearing levels between 9000 and 20,000. Hz were similar and within normal range in both groups. The Distortion product Otoacoustic Emissions responses at the frequencies of 1020, 2040, 3000, 4080 and 5040. Hz were similar for both groups. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating hearing levels at the frequencies of 18. kHz and 20. kHz in children with Familial Mediterranean Fever in the literature. In children with Familial Mediterranean Fever, Pure tone audiometry values, hearing values obtained at all frequencies from 250 to 20,000. Hz, and Distortion product Otoacoustic Emissions levels were within normal range. Furthermore, hearing levels were found to be similar to those in healthy children. © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.Öğe Does menopause effect nasal mucociliary clearance time?(Springer, 2015) Ozler, Gul Soylu; Akbay, Ercan; Akkoca, Ayse Neslin; Karapinar, Oya Soylu; Simsek, Gokce OzelThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of menopause on nasal mucociliary clearance time by comparing the results of premenopausal and postmenopausal women. A total of 60 women met the criteria and were divided into two groups: premenopausal women (n = 30) and postmenopausal women (n = 30). Nasal mucociliary clearance time of these women was measured and compared. Moreover, the correlation between nasal mucociliary clearance time and menopause duration in postmenopausal women was evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 13.0 Evaluation for Windows. Normal distribution of continuous variables was tested with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Chi square test was used for comparisons between categorical variables. Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for continuous variables when comparing the groups. The statistically significant level was accepted as p value < 0.05. The mean nasal mucociliary clearance time in premenopausal and postmenopausal women was 11.43 +/- A 2.81 (7-16) and 16.76 +/- A 2.73 (12-22), respectively. The mean nasal mucociliary clearance time in postmenopausal women was significantly longer than in premenopausal women (p < 0.0001). Also, there was positive correlation between menopause duration and nasal mucociliary clearance time in postmenopausal women (r = 0.833, p < 0.0001). The clinicians must keep in mind that nasal mucociliary clearance time in postmenopausal women is prolonged and must follow up women in postmenopausal period more closely for respiratory tract diseases, sinonasal and middle ear infections.Öğe Effect of carboxyhemoglobin on postoperative complications and pain in pediatric tonsillectomy patients(Wiley, 2015) Koyuncu, Onur; Turhanoglu, Selim; Tuzcu, Kasim; Karcioglu, Murat; Davarci, Isil; Akbay, Ercan; Cevik, CengizBackground: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a product of burning solid fuel in stoves and smoking. Exposure to CO may provoke postoperative complications. Furthermore, there appears to be an association between COHb concentrations and pain. We thus tested the primary hypothesis that children with high preoperative carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) concentrations have more postoperative complications and pain after tonsillectomies, and secondarily that high-COHb concentrations are associated with more pain and analgesic use. Methods: 100 children scheduled for elective tonsillectomy were divided into low and high carbon monoxide (CO) exposure groups:COHb 3 or 4gdl(-1). We considered a composite of complications during the 7days after surgery which included bronchospasm, laryngospasm, persistent coughing, desaturation, re-intubation, hypotension, postoperative bleeding, and reoperation. Pain was evaluated with Wong-Baker Faces pain scales, and supplemental tramadol use recorded for four postoperative hours. Results: There were 36 patients in the low-exposure group COHb [1.81.2gdl(-1)], and 64 patients were in the high-exposure group [6.4 +/- 2.1gdl(-1)]. Indoor coal-burning stoves were reported more often by families of the high- than low-COHb children (89% vs 72%, P<0.001). Second-hand cigarette smoke exposure was reported by 54% of the families with children with high COHb, but only by 24% of the families of children with low COHb. Composite complications were more common in patients with high COHb [47% vs 14%, P=0.0001, OR:7.4 (95%Cl, lower=2.5-upper=21.7)], with most occurring in the postanesthesia care unit. Pain scores in postanesthesia care unit and one hour after surgery were statistically significantly lower in the low-exposure group [respectively, P=0.020 (95%CI, lower=-1.21-upper=-0.80), P=0.026 (95%CI, lower=-0.03-upper=0.70)], and tramadol use increased at 4h (3.5 (interquartile range: 0-8) vs 6 (5-9) mg, P=0.012) and 24h (3.5 (0-8) vs 6 (5-9) mg, P=0.008). Conclusion: High preoperative COHb concentrations are associated with increased postoperative complications and pain.Öğe The Effect of Passive and Active Smoking on Nasal Mucociliary Clerarance Time(Derman Medical Publ, 2016) Ozler, Gul Soylu; Simsek, Gokce Ozel; Akbay, Ercan; Akoglu, ErtapAim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of passive and active smoking on NMC by comparing the results of age and sex matched healthy individuals, passive and active smokers. Material and Method: A total of 75 subjects met the criteria and were divided into three groups: control group (nonsmokers, group 1, n = 25), passive smokers group(group 2, n = 25), active smokers group (group 3, n = 25). NMC of these subjects were measured and compared. Moreover, the amount of cigarette consumption of active smokers group were calculated as package to year and the correlation between NMC and the amount of cigarette consumption. in active smokers group were evaluated. Results: The mean NMC in passive smokers group and active smokers group were significantly longer than the control group (p= 0,0001) The comparison of NMC values between the passive smokers group and the active smokers group revealed no statistically significant differences (p >= 0,05). There was positive correlation between the increase in NMC and amount of cigarette consumption in the active smokers group (p= 0,0001, r= 0.433). Discussion: Both active and passive smoking prolonged nasal mucociliary clearance time when they were compared with healthy controls. Tobacco exposure is associated diseases such as asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis, and lower airway infections. It may be related to the direct effect of prolonged NMC.Öğe The effect of width of facial canal in patients with idiopathic peripheral facial paralysis on the development of paralysis(Springer, 2015) Eksi, Guldem; Akbay, Ercan; Bayarogullari, Hanifi; Cevik, Cengiz; Yengil, Erhan; Ozler, Gul SoyluThe aim of this prospective study is to investigate whether the possible stenosis due to anatomic variations of labyrinthine segment (LS), tympanic segment (TS) and mastoid segment (MS) of the facial canal in the temporal bone is a predisposing factor in the development of paralysis. 22 patients with idiopathic peripheral facial paralysis (IPFP) were included in the study. Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) with 64 detectors was used for temporal bone imaging of the patients. Reconstruction images in axial, coronal and sagittal planes were created in workstation computers from the captured images. The diameters and lengths of LS, TS and MS of the facial canal were measured. The mean values of LD, ND and SL of LS were 1.31 +/- A 0.39, 0.91 +/- A 0.27, 4.17 +/- A 0.48 in patient group and 1.26 +/- A 0.29, 0.95 +/- A 0.21, 4.60 +/- A 1.36 in control group, respectively. The mean values of LD, ND and SL of TS were 1.11 +/- A 0.22, 0.90 +/- A 0.14, 12.63 +/- A 1.47 in patient group and 1.17 +/- A 0.23, 0.85 +/- A 0.24, 12.10 +/- A 1.79 in control group, respectively. The mean values of LD, ND and SL of MS were 1.80 +/- A 0.30, 1.44 +/- A 0.29 vs. 14.3 +/- A 1.90 in patient group 1.74 +/- A 0.38, 1.40 +/- A 0.29, 14.15 +/- A 2.16 in control group, respectively. The measurements of the parameters of all three segments in patient group and control group were similar. Similar results between patient and control group were obtained in this study investigating the effect of stenosis in facial canal in the development of IPFP.Öğe Identification of nasal bacterial flora profile and carriage rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in patients with allergic rhinitis(Springer, 2014) Cevik, Cengiz; Yula, Erkan; Yengil, Erhan; Gulmez, M. Ihsan; Akbay, ErcanThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of allergic rhinitis (AR) on the nasal flora and colonization rates of resistant microorganisms in comparison to healthy individuals. This colonization may be important in terms of AR-related disorders, the resistant microorganisms' carriage, and its complications and co-morbidities. The study was performed with two groups. The study group was composed of 54 adult patients with AR. The control group was composed of 50 healthy individuals. None of the individuals in both groups have used any antibiotics, local or systemic steroid within the last month. Composition of bacterial nasal flora and carriage rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were evaluated with conventional methods by taking nasal smears with a swab. In the study group, methicillin-sensitive coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCNS) were detected in 30 %; whereas diphtheroids in 25 %, methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci in 13 %, methicillin-sensitive S. aureus in 9 %, methicillin-resistant S. aureus in 3.7 %, and extended-spectrum beta lactamases-positive gram-negative bacilli (GR-ESBL+) in 3.7 % were detected. In the control group, methicillin-sensitive coagulase-negative staphylococci were detected in 54 %; whereas diphtheroids in 21 %, methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci in 1.5 %, methicillin-sensitive S. aureus in 16 %, methicillin-resistant S. aureus in 1.5 %, Gr-ESBL(-) in 4 %, and viridians streptococci in 3 % were detected. It is found that the MRSA and MRCNS colonization is higher in patients with AR. This colonization may be important in terms of AR-related disorders, the resistant microorganisms' carriage, and its complications and co-morbidities in comparison to healthy subjects.Öğe Intramuscular cavernous hemangiomas arising from masseter muscles(2012) Bayaroğulları, Hanifi; Çokkeser, Yaşar; Akbay, Ercan; Karaoğlu, Ece; Karaoğlu, Emre; Çevik, CengizTüm hemanjiyomların %1’ini oluşturan intramuskuler hemanjiyomalar nadir görülen benign tümörlerdir. Sıklıkla gövde ve ekstremitelerde görülebilmektedir. Masseter ve trapezius kaslarından köken alabilen bu oluşumlar baş ve boyun bölgesinde nadir izlenmektedir. Hastalar genellikle parotis ve yüz bölgesinde zamanla büyüyen ağrısız kitleden şikayet eder. Lokalizasyonundan dolayı intramuskuler hemanjiyomaların %90’ında klinik olarak yanlışlıkla parotis kitlesi tanısı konulabilir. Bu kitlelerin tanısında görüntüleme yöntemleri önemli yer tutar.Öğe Is there any relationship between the clinical, radiological and histopathologic findings in sinonasal polyposis?(2013) Akbay, Ercan; Özgür, Tümay; Çokkeser, YaşarAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı nazal polipli hastalarda klinik, radyolojik ve postoperatif histopatolojik bulgular arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2005-2010 yılları arasında nazal polip tanısı konularak endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi uygulanan 85 hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Tüm hastaların cerrahi öncesi çekilen koronal plan paranazal Bilgisayarlı Tomografi görüntüleri Lund-Mackay ölçülerine göre skorlandı. Patoloji bölümünde, postoperatif nazal polip tanısı alan olguların Hematoksilen-Eosin boyalı preparatları yeniden değerlendirilerek klinik ve radyolojik bulgular ile karşılaştırıldı. Tüm sonuçlar SPSS 13.0 yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edildi. p<0.05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Astımı olan (%16,4) ve olmayan (%83,6) hastalar histopatolojik açıdan kıyaslandığında eosinofil, lenfosit, nötrofil, makrofaj, mast hücreleri ve goblet hücresi/epitel hücresi oranlarında anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı (p>0.05). Lund-Mackay skoru ile hastaların preoperatif şikayetlerinin süresi arasında anlamlı ilişki saptandı (r=0,270, p=0,012). Metaplazi bulunan hastaların preparatlarında gözlenen nötrofil sayısı (16,53±19,87) metaplazi bulunmayan (8,71±23,98) hastalardan daha yüksek bulundu (p=0,001). Radyolojik olarak Lund-Mackay skoruna gore ön ve arka grup sinüslerin tutulumları ile nazal kavitenin tutulumu da paralellik gösterdi. Sonuç: Preoperatif şikayet süresi ile skuamöz metaplazi varlığı ve total Lund-Mackay skorlaması arasında pozitif korelasyon saptandı. Ön ve arka grup sinüslerin polip dokuları arasında histopatolojik olarak fark görülmedi.Öğe Mean platelet volume evaluation in patients with nasal polyp : methodological drawbacks ( author’s reply )(2015) Çevik, Cengiz; Yengil, Erhan; Akbay, Ercan; Arlı, Cengiz; Gülmez, Mehmet İhsan; Akoğlu, Ertap…Öğe Mean Platelet Volume Evaluation in Patients with Nasal Polyp: Methodological Drawbacks Reply(Galenos Yayincilik, 2015) Cevik, Cengiz; Yengil, Erhan; Akbay, Ercan; Arli, Cengiz; Gulmez, Mehmet Ihsan; Akoglu, Ertap[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Metachronous primary cranial tumors : Temporal lobe oligodendroglioma and temporal bone epidermoid carcinoma(2013) Akbay, Ercan; Özgür, Tümay; Çevik, CengizBeyin sol temporal lobunda oligodendroglioma tanısı ile 5 yıl önce opere edilen 41 yaşındaki erkek hastanın aynı taraf orta kulağında orta derecede diferansiye squamöz hücreli karsinom tespit edilmiştir. Farklı patolojilerde birden fazla primer malign tümörün aynı hastada görülmesi sık rastlanılan bulgu değildir. Bu olgunun amacı primer bir tümörün varlığında farklı patolojideki tümörlerin de birlikte olabileceğini hatırlatmaktır.Öğe Nasal reconstruction by modified bilobed forehead flap(2012) Akbay, Ercan; Çokkeser, Yaşar; Karaoğlu, EmreSupratroklear arterden beslenen ve yapı olarak burun cildiyle uyum gösteren paramedian alın flepleri, nazal rekonstrüksiyon amacıyla uzun yıllardır başarıyla kullanılmaktadır. Ancak, bu flebin alın çizgilerine dik olarak orta hattan kaldırılması belirgin bir skara neden olabilmektedir. Alın çizgilerine paralel olarak laterale uzanan bir flep ise, aynı tarafta kaşın asimetrik olarak kalkmasıyla sonuçlanır. Bu yazıda “modifiye bilobe alın flebi tekniği” olarak adlandırılan bir flep tekniğini göstermeyi amaçladık. Bu teknikte flep sapı bir tarafın supratroklear arterinden beslenir ve lezyonun karşı tarafında alın çizgilerine paralel insizyonla kaldırılır. Flebin kaldırıldığı sahada kaşın asimetrik olarak kalkmasını engellemek amacıyla, karşı frontal bölgeden ilk kaldırılan flebin yarısı kalınlığında bir başka flep ilk kaldırılan flebin yerine rotasyonel olarak çevrilir. Bu tekniğin temel amacı, alın çizgilerinin kamuflaj etkisini kullanmak; temel yöntemi ise, bilobe flep tekniğidir. Alnın gerilmesi ve kaşların iki taraflı kalkması ise bu tekniğin sekonder kazançlarıdır.Öğe Orbitomaxillomandibular Reconstruction With Free Osteomyocutaneous Fibular Flap and Lower Trapezius Myocutaneous Flap(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013) Akbay, Ercan; Aydogan, Fusun; Ucak, MuratSeveral types of flaps and techniques have been used in the reconstruction of maxillomandibular defects. Myocutaneous flaps of the fibula, the scapula, the rib, the iliac bone, the radial forearm, the rectus abdominis, the anterolateral thigh, the latissimus dorsi, and the pectoralis major have been used either alone or in combination for this purpose. The aim of the current study was to discuss a 17-year-old patient with a gunshot injury who underwent orbitomaxillomandibular bone reconstruction using free fibular graft shaped as 3 pieces and soft tissue reconstruction using lower trapezius myocutaneous flap in conjunction with the surgical approach used.Öğe Perioperative Difficulties and Early Postoperative Complications of Transoral Approach in Mouth Base Surgery(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014) Akbay, Ercan; Cevik, Cengiz; Arli, CengizObjective The aim of this study was to discuss perioperative difficulties and temporary or permanent complications that can be seen at early postoperative period in cases undergoing transoral surgical approach for disorders of mouth base. Study Design The study included 19 patients undergoing transoral surgical approach between September 2011 and January 2013 who were retrospectively evaluated. Exclusion criteria were patients with malign submandibular gland tumor or other suspected tumors at mouth base, those with a benign solid mass larger than 10 x 10 cm, and those who did not accept the transoral approach. Results Mean age was 28.47 17.89 years (range, 8-76 years) in 19 patients included (9 male and 10 female subjects). Of these, submandibular gland excision was performed in 9 cases, whereas thyroglossal duct cyst excision was performed in 3 (2 transfrenulum approach and 1 lateral lingual approach), lymphangioma excision in 1, diagnostic lymph node excision at the posterior of submandibular gland in 3 cases, and dermoid cyst excision (2 with midline and 1 with left submandibular localization) in 3 cases. Perioperative difficulties included dissection problems due to adhesion, partial adhesion between Wharton canal and lingual nerve, fragmented dissection of the gland, capsule rupture of submandibular adenoma, and facial artery rupture. While visualization of surgical field and retraction of mouth base muscles are an important issue in midline approaches, resection of hyoid bone corpus is challenging in lateral approaches. Early postoperative complications included edema at mouth base, lingual ecchymosis, and postoperative temporary abnormal tongue sensation. Conclusions Transoral mouth base surgery is a safe approach in selected patients. Permanent injuries of neural structures are rarely encountered, which is considered as a concern by head and neck surgeons. Temporary complications are at a level that can be tolerated by patients.Öğe Pseudoaneurysm of the Carotid Arterial System(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014) Bayarogullari, Hanifi; Acipayam, Mehmet; Akbay, Ercan; Atci, Nesrin; Davran, Ramazan; Cevik, CengizPseudoaneurysms of internal, external, and common carotid arteries are seen rarely. Blunt traumas caused by automobile accidents are the prior reasons to this. Central venous catheterization, ballistic trauma, cystic medial necrosis, fibromuscular dysplasia, atherosclerosis, and other inflammatory processes are some other potential reasons for pseudoaneurysm. In contrast to true aneurysms, it does not contain 3-layer structure with adventitia, media, and intima sublayers in its wall. The wall contains coagulum and fibrous capsules. Clinically, after trauma, it presents itself as swelling after days to weeks of damage to vascular walls. Because it causes morbidity and mortality when it is ruptured, It should be treated via surgical or vascular intervention.Öğe A rare complication of acute otitis media: A 6-month old infant with peripheral facial paralysis(Dr Behcet Uz Cocuk Hastaliklari Ve Cerrahisi, 2013) Cevik, Cengiz; Tutanc, Murat; Silfeler, Ibrahim; Akbay, Ercan; Alakus, UmmuOtitis media is the second most common infectious disease of childhood, which is defined as clinical presentation that occurs due to inflammation of middle ear. It has been reported that Streptococcus pneumonia, Hemophilus influenzea and Moraxella catarrhalis are the causative agents accounted for acute otitis media (AOM). It is most commonly seen between 6 and 24 months of age. Although AOM is a commonly encountered disease in children, peripheral facial paralysis (PFP) is an uncommon complication of AOM. Most common cause of PFP is Bell's paralysis in children. A child, who had a history of AOM following upper tract infection and presented with PFP (Grade III according to Hause-Brackman classification) on the 3rd day of infection, was admitted to hospital and IV antibiotic therapy was given. One-week steroid therapy was initiated during follow-up period. At the end of 2nd month, PFP was completely recovered by medical treatment. In the present study, we aimed to call attention to a rare complication of AOM, facial paralysis, in this 6-month-old girl.Öğe Rare tumours and tumour-like lesions of pharynx tat cause dysphagia(2013) Bayaroğulları, Hanifi; Çevik, Cengiz; Akbay, Ercan; Çokkeser, YaşarAmaç: Bu makalenin amacı disfaji şikayetleri ile başvuran hastalarda tespit ettiğimiz, farinksin değişik seviyelerinde gözlenebilen çok nadir tümör ya da tümör benzeri kitleleri tartışmaktır. Yöntemler: 2009-2011 yılları arasında hastanemize yut- ma güçlüğü şikayeti ile başvuran hastalar arasında disfajiye sebep olan orofaringeal, hipofaringeal ve laringeal düzeyde kitlesi bulunan 21 vaka teşhis edildi. Detaylı bir anamnez ve fizik muayene ile birlikte tanı amaçlı olarak kontrastlı-kontrastsız Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme, Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, 3 boyutlu Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, Multiple row-Detector Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, MR an- jiyografi ve 99m Tc sintigrafi görüntülemeleri kullanıldı. Bulgular: On ikisi kadın ve 9’u erkek 21 hasta calışmaya dahil edildi. Yas ortalamasi 49.23±32.71 idi (min. 15- maks 80). On bir olguda, orafaringeal seviyede, kalan 10 olguda ise laringeal ve hipofaringeal seviyede parsiyel obstrüksiyon saptandı. Sonuç: Endoskopik, radyolojik ve laboratuvar değerlendirmelerle birlikte detaylı hikaye ve muayene, disfajiye sebep olan orafarinks ve boynun az reastlanılan tümör ve tümör benzeri lezyonlarının erken teşhisinde ve tedavi- sinde çok önemlidir.