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Öğe A comparative study on TiO2 doped hybrid solar cells(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Ozdal, Teoman; Hames, Yakup; Aslan, ErdemIn this study, n-type titanium (IV) oxide (TiO2) and p-type poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) structured various photovoltaic (PV) devices have been produced onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates. For the economy and simplicity, spin coating and doctor blading deposition methods were used in normal atmospheric conditions. The effect of the device morphology on the efficiency of the solar cells was investigated by applying various morphologies such as classic and optimized p-n junctions, bulk heterojunction (BHJ) and sandwich structures, respectively. Electrical characterizations of the devices were obtained under AM 1.5 G (100 mW/cm(2)) solar illumination. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe An effective triple-band enhanced-infrared-absorption detection by honeycomb-shaped metamaterial-plasmonic absorber(Elsevier Science Sa, 2019) Aslan, Erdem; Aslan, Ekin; Saracoglu, Omer Galip; Turkmen, MustafaNowadays, accessing to new electromagnetic properties can be realized by fabricating metamaterials consist of artificial functional and subwavelength-scaled structures. Promoting artificial and functional metamaterial designs with large electromagnetic near-field enhancement especially over throughout multiband spectral range can provide critical contributions for infrared spectroscopy applications. In this context, the design and experimental realization of a photonic metamaterial are presented which can be utilized as an infrared biosensor. We utilize a honeycomb-shaped plasmonic nanoantenna for the design of the proposed novel absorber metamaterial. The fabrication and optical characterization of the structures are carried out and the sensor potential of the metamaterial is demonstrated through the detection of a polymer nanofilm. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Engineering of dual-band magnetic dipole decay rate enhancement with concentric hollow nanodisk resonators(Elsevier, 2021) Aslan, ErdemUnlike metal nanoparticles, the dielectric nanoparticles exhibit low-loss electric and magnetic Mie-type resonances. Thus, all-dielectric nanophotonics concept have been considered as the pathway to enable the key applications such as all-photonic quantum information processing. In this context, the efficient decay-rate enhancement of spontaneous emission have gained interest with the aim of the development of nano light sources. However, due to the neglected interaction of the magnetic component of the light with the matter, the enhancement of the decay rate of the magnetic dipole emission have been ignored. Owing to the capability of efficiently concentrating the magnetic field into subwavelength scale via the Mie-type magnetic resonances, the dielectric nanoparticles such as hollow nanodisks have become intriguing for the magnetic Purcell effect or any optical-magnetism-related application with a demand of magnetic hotspot generation. However, all of the proposed dielectric nanoparticles are designed for single band enhancement which limits the potential of the applications. To overcome this limitation, a novel dielectric resonator architecture based on the nested hollow nanodisks is numerically demonstrated that exhibit dual-band magnetic dipole resonances in the visible and near-infrared range. First the scattering properties of the individual resonators are investigated. Additionally, the near field properties are presented via the field enhancement maps. Finally, the dual-band magnetic dipole decay rate enhancement properties and the dependence on the geometrical parameters are investigated. The results of this study may bring new possibilities to maximize magnetic dipole emission over a wide spectral range that covers visible and near-infrared for the applications such as nano light sources and integrated quantum information technology.Öğe Engineering the boosting of the magnetic Purcell factor with a composite structure based on nanodisk and ring resonators(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Aslan, Erdem; Aslan, EkinThe dependence of the optical communication interconnects on the electronics technology is a limitation for ultra-high-speed communications. Nanophotonics promises intriguing technologies to exceed these limitations. In this context, a silicon-based composite nanostructure is proposed to boost the magnetic Purcell enhancement one order of magnitude higher than a single hollow-disk resonator. The boosting effect relies on the near-field interaction between a hollow disk resonator and two larger rings. The engineering of the device is presented via simulations with the aim of obtaining the highest Purcell enhancement. Additionally, to reveal the underlying mechanism, the contribution of each multipole mode to the scattered intensity and near-field enhancement properties are analysed. Finally, the dependence of the Purcell factor on the position of the source is investigated. The results of this study may have a great potential to realize nanoscale light sources to be used in all-photonic chips for ultra-high-speed optical networks.Öğe Germanium hollow nanodisk resonator for magnetic dipole decay rate enhancement in near-infrared(Wiley, 2021) Aslan, ErdemEnhancement of spontaneous emission has a large potential for the development of nanophotonics based applications. Due to the weak interaction of matter with the magnetic component of light, most of the effort has been directed toward the development of the nanophotonic devices for the enhancement of the electric dipole emission. However, in recent years the enhancement of magnetic dipole emission has attracted the focus of the researchers, owing to the utilization of the dielectric nanophotonic structures which have a great potential to facilitate various exciting applications such as nanolasers and single-photon sources. Despite the high interest on the magnetic dipole emission enhancement, most of the research has been focused on the visible spectrum and few studies have been reported up to present for the near infrared. In this context, a germanium hollow nanodisk resonator is presented and numerically investigated for magnetic dipole decay rate enhancement in the near-infrared spectrum. The obtained enhancement factor is much more than the previous results in the literature which are obtained via utilization of the dielectric nanostructures. The origin of electromagnetic behavior of the proposed resonator is revealed via near-electromagnetic-field enhancement maps and the multipolar decomposition of the electromagnetic scattering modes. Additionally, dependence of the enhancement factor on the geometrical parameters of the germanium hollow nanodisk resonator is studied via parameter sweep simulations. The results of this study may provide a novel strategy for the engineering of chip-scale nanophotonic applications.Öğe Graphene-tunable mid-infrared metamaterials based on titanium nitride nanorods(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2020) Aslan, Erdem; Aslan, EkinGraphene-tunable, particle-based and absorber metamaterials are presented whichutilize titanium nitride as the plasmonic material. The design of the particle-basednanoantenna array is shown via geometrical parameter sweep simulations.Additionally, the origin of the resonance mode is revealed by decomposing thespectrum into the radiating contributions of multipoles and near-fieldenhancement distribution maps. Moreover, the tunability of the designedmetamaterial is shown by changing the chemical potential of a monolayer ofgraphene which is coated on top of the device. To utilize the designed device as anabsorber metamaterial, a mirror layer is introduced for the elimination of thetransmission through the device. With the aim of obtaining perfect absorption, thethickness values of the functional layers are optimized via parameter sweepsimulations. Finally, the tunability of the absorber metamaterial is shown byutilizing a graphene monolayer on top of the nanoantennas and the tuningperformance of both architectures are compared. The engineering of graphenetunable metal-free metamaterials provides a novel strategy for the development oflow-cost integrated photonic devices and plasmonic devices which are resistant tohigh temperatures.Öğe Manufacturing of inorganic-organic hybrid solar cells by screen printing method(2010) Hameş, Yakup; San, Sait Eren; Özdal, Teoman; Aslan, Erdem; Çabalak, Hasip; Şar, HüseyinIn this study, hybrid bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cells with a poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5- diyl)(P3HT):(6,6)-phenyl $C _{61}$ -butyric acid methyl ester (PC61 BM) active layer, a poly(3,4-ethylenedioxyt- hiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate)(PEDOT:PSS) buffer layer, and an electrochemically deposited zinc oxide (ZnO) n-type inorganic layer were produced. The PET/ITO/ZnO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PC61 BM/Al device was manufactured and tested under solar illumination (AM1.5G, 100 mW/$Cm^ 2$ ).Öğe A microlens by gallium doped zinc oxide-nanoantenna(Süleyman Demirel Üniversites, 2020) Aslan, Ekin; Aslan, ErdemAlternative plasmonics based fractal microlens are investigated. In this context, lensing performance of gallium-doped zinc oxide Sierpinski carpet-based fractal construction functionalized by conformal Talbot effect is analyzed for communication wavelength 1550 nm. Focusing via diffraction from these 2D finitesized and two-iterated fractal lattice system is computationally demonstrated. In this regard, focusing performance parameters are computationally examined on the basis of geometrical parameter sweep and fractal generation via finite difference time-domain numerical simulations. Focusing efficiency > 50%, absolute efficiency > 18%, and focal depth larger than primary spot size are introduced by all computational samples. Moreover, a conformal Talbot effect is exhibited by this novel alternative plasmonics construction. A novel perspective based on alternative plasmonics by a newly adapted fractal design to optics is proposed. Thus, this fractal microlens is presented as a new planarized focusing platform, acting a conformal transformation optics device for light capturing tolerance and low-cost.Öğe Novel Dual-Band Resonator Nanoantenna Array for Infrared Detection Applications(Myu, Scientific Publishing Division, 2013) Aslan, Erdem; Turkmen, MustafaWe propose a novel dual-band resonator nanoantenna array based on fence-shaped nanoparticles for infrared detection applications. Here, we demonstrate that the proposed antenna has a dual-band spectral response, and the locations of these resonances can be adjusted by varying the geometrical dimensions. To enable further discussions on the physical origin of the dual-band resonance behavior of the structure, we determine the parameter dependence of this nanoparticle-based nanoantenna array. Furthermore, we analyze the field distributions of the structure at the corresponding resonance frequencies. Finally, we show the sensitivity of the resonant behavior to the refractive index and thickness of the dielectric load by embedding the structure in different cladding media. Owing to the dual-band spectral response and enhanced near-field distributions, the proposed resonator nanoantenna array with adjustable spectral responses can be useful for infrared detection applications.Öğe Novel dual-band resonator nanoantenna array for infrared detection applications(2013) Aslan, Erdem; Turkmen, MustafaWe propose a novel dual-band resonator nanoantenna array based on fence-shaped nanoparticles for infrared detection applications. Here, we demonstrate that the proposed antenna has a dual-band spectral response, and the locations of these resonances can be adjusted by varying the geometrical dimensions. To enable further discussions on the physical origin of the dual-band resonance behavior of the structure, we determine the parameter dependence of this nanoparticle-based nanoantenna array. Furthermore, we analyze the field distributions of the structure at the corresponding resonance frequencies. Finally, we show the sensitivity of the resonant behavior to the refractive index and thickness of the dielectric load by embedding the structure in different cladding media. Owing to the dual-band spectral response and enhanced near-field distributions, the proposed resonator nanoantenna array with adjustable spectral responses can be useful for infrared detection applications.Öğe Screen prıntıng yöntemi ile güneş pili üretimi(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2012) Aslan, Erdem; Hameş, YakupYenilenebilir enerjinin yaygın bir şekilde kullanımına geçilmesinde güneş pili teknolojisi bir çok avantajı ile büyük önem arz etmektedir. Güneş enerjisinin elektriğe dönüşümünde kullanılan güneş pilleri üretim maliyetlerinin yüksek olması sebebi ile halen yaygın bir şekilde kullanılamamaktadır. Bu probleme alternatif olarak geliştirilen çözümlerden biride organik ve hibrit güneş pilleridir. Organik ve hibrit güneş pilleri normal atmosfer koşullarında üretilebilmektedir ve ayrıca modern baskı teknolojileri kullanılarak seri üretimi yapılabilmektedir. Organik ve hibrit güneş pillerinin verimleri, Silisyum tabanlı pillerin verimlerine henüz ulaşamamış olsa da düşük maliyet ve kolay üretim avantajlarından dolayı oldukça ilgi çeken bir konudur.Bu çalışmada organik ve hibrit güneş pillerinin screen printing yöntemi ile üretilmesi üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Üretilen güneş pilleri AM1.5 standart güneş spektrumu altında karakterize edilmiş ve akım-gerilim değerleri elde edilmiştir.