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Öğe Chemical composition and some trace element levels of thinlip mullet, Liza ramada caught from Mersin Gulf(2008) Kalay, Mustafa; Sangün, Mustafa Kemal; Ayas, Deniz; Göçer, MustafaIn this study; proximate composition and three trace elements level of Liza ramada which were caught from military seaport of Mersin Gulf were determined. The average protein, fat, moisture and ash contents of muscle tissue are 16.02-17.66, 0.25-0.47, 80.70-82.19, 1.25-1.28 %, respectively. In addition, the average trace metal concentrations in the muscle and liver tissues varied in the following ranges respectively: Cu, 1.25-1.65; Fe, 11.78-12.92; Zn, 21.72-27.30; Cu, 875-2066; Fe, 1491-1825; Zn, 161-198 μg/g dry weight. According to the age, muscle tissue protein levels showed a decrease, while fat levels increases. Also tissue moisture levels increase in some quantity according to the age. There were no statistical difference between the age groups according to the Cu, Fe and Zn levels of muscle tissue. This state can be explained by the muscle tissue being less active in trace element cycle. Element levels of the liver tissue demonstrated an increase according to the age. The Cu level in the liver was especially high. Variations in liver tissue element levels can be explained by the liver tissue being more active in trace element metabolism.Öğe Determinate of Cr, Cd and Pb Levels in Surface Water and Patella Species (Patella caerulea, Patella rustica) Collected from Mersin Bay(Foundation Environmental Protection & Research-Fepr, 2009) Ayas, Deniz; Kalayi, Mustafa; Sangun, Mustafa KemalMersin Bay is under the effects of pollution, resulted from urbanization, agriculture and industrial processes. Trace metals is an important source of this pollution. The aim of this study is to determine the levels of concentrations of Cd, Pb and Cr in two Patellla species and seawater collected from Mersin Bay Sampling of P. caerulea, P. rustica and surface water was carried out in Kazanh, Karaduvar, Mersin Port and Mczitli region which was mainly affected from pollution. From each species, 25 individuals were collected from each sampling point. P. rustica was not observed in Kazanh and Mersin Port. The shell indices of R caerulea and P rustica was calculated as mean 1.91 and 2.36, respectively. Cr concentrations in P caerulea collected from Kazanh and Karaduvar was higher than other sampling points. Whilst the Mersin Port was characterized by higher Cd concantrations. Kazanh was characterized by high levels of Pb concentrations. Higher trace metal concentrations were found in P rustica collected from Karaduvar compared to Mezitli although there was no significant difference between these sampling points. When the trace metal concentration of two species were compared, it was observed that P. rustica contaminated higher amount of Cd and Cr concentrations.Öğe Hydroxyapatite production and characterization from four pufferfish species teeth(Korean Assoc Crystal Growth, Inc, 2024) Dogdu, Servet Ahmet; Turan, Cemal; Depci, Tolga; Bahceci, Ersin; Sangun, Kemal; Ayas, DenizThe pufferfishes are invasive alien fish species in the Mediterranean Sea with a powerful toxin in its body called tetrodotoxin. It has no economic value and is very abundant all over the world's marine waters. Calcium phosphate bioceramic materials especially hydroxyapatite are commonly applied as implant resources because of their close resemblance in structure with natural bone. In this study, natural hydroxyapatite was obtained from the teeth of four pufferfish, the obtained products were characterised and their potential uses in the biomedical industry were revealed. Pufferfish teeth were extracted from the fish, thoroughly rinsed using deionized water, measured, and subsequently placed within a furnace set at a temperature of 105 degrees C. Once dehydrated, the teeth were finely pulverized using a planetary ball mill. This powdered material was then subjected to various analyses, including elemental composition assessment, TTX analysis, and SEM-EDX examinations. Ca/P atomic ratio values of Lagocephalus suezensis, L. guentheri, Sphoeroides pachygaster and Torguigener favimaculasus teeth were obtained as 1.58, 1.64, 1.67 and 1.47, respectively. The analysis findings suggest that pufferfish teeth could serve as a promising natural alternative source for biomedical and various other industries in need of natural hydroxyapatite. This hydroxyapatite can be utilized for creating fillers, implants, bone powder, and prostheses with applications in biomedicine and various industries. However, it should not be forgotten that the necessary tests must be carried out before any human use is made available.Öğe Mersin Körfezi'nden örneklenen yüzey suyu ve Patella türlerindeki (Patella caerulea, Patella rustica) Cr, Cd ve PB düzeylerinin belirlenmesi(2009) Ayas, Deniz; Kalay, Mustafa; Sangün, Mustafa KemalMersin Körfezi; kentleşmeden, tarımsal faaliyetlerden ve endüstriyel kuruluşlardan kaynaklanan kirliliğin etkisi altındadır. Bu kirlilikte, ağır metaller önemli bir yer tutmaktadırlar. Bu araştırma, Körfez'den örneklenen iki Patella türü ile yüzey suyundaki Cd, Pb ve Cr düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla Mersin Körfezi'nin en fazla kirlilik alan kısmını tanımlayacak şekilde Kazanlı, Karaduvar, Mersin Limanı ve Mezitli'den P. caerulea, P. rustica ve yüzey suyu örneklenmiştir. Her örnekleme bölgesinin farklı noktalarından, bir türe ait toplam 25 birey alınmıştır. Kazanlı ve Mersin Limanından yapılan örneklemelerde P. rustica'ya rastlanmamıştır. Kabuk indeksi (KI) değerleri P. caerulea ve P. rustica için sırasıyla ortalama 1,91 ve 2,36 olarak belirlenmiştir. Kazanlı ve Karaduvar istasyonlarından alınan P. caerulea örneklerinde Cr düzeyi daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Yine diğer istasyonlara göre Mersin Limanı örneklerinde daha yüksek düzeyde Cd belirlenmiştir. Diğer istasyonlara göre Kazanlı'da Pb düzeyi daha yüksek çıkmıştır. P. rustica için, istatistik fark göstermemekle birlikte, Mezitli'ye göre Karaduvar'da daha yüksek metal düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Iki türün metal derişimleri karşılaştırıldığında, P. rustica'nın daha yüksek düzeyde Cd ve Cr içerdiği saptanmıştır.