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Öğe Effects of some heavy metals on germination and seedling growth of sorghum(Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2020) Ertekin, Esra Nermin; Ertekin, İbrahim; Bilgen, MehmetHeavy metal contamination in soils can adversely affect seedgermination and seedling growth of most plants. This research wasconducted to determine the effects of different doses (0, 100, 200, 400and 800 mg L-1) of Ni (nickel), Cd (cadmium), Pb (lead), Cr (chromium)and Hg (mercury) on seed germination and seedling growth ofsorghum. The study was conducted in laboratory conditions at theAgricultural Faculty of Akdeniz University in 2017. Sorghum cv.N48×Early Sumac was used as the plant material. In the research,germination rate (GR), relative germination index (RGI), meangermination time (MGT), relative vigor index (RVI), relative rootlength (RRL), relative shoot length (RSL), root fresh weight (RFW)and shoot fresh weight (SFW) were measured during germination andseedling growth to determine the effects of heavy metals. The resultsshowed that both germination and seedling growth properties wereadversely affected by heavy metals. In addition, while the negativeeffect of cadmium on germination properties was limited, it hadserious negative effects on seedling characteristics of sorghum.Increasing heavy metal doses adversely affected all investigatedproperties. In conclusion, all heavy metals including Hg and Cd hadnegative effect on germination and seedling growth of sorghum in thestudy.