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Öğe THE EFFECT OF 5E LEARNING CYCLE ON MENTAL ABILITY OF ELEMENTARY STUDENTS(Sci Methodical Ctr-Sci Educologica, 2013) Bilgin, Ibrahim; Coskun, Humeyra; Aktas, IdrisThe purpose of this research is to investigate effect of 5E learning cycle instruction on 4th grade students' mental ability in the unit of Introduction to the Matter. The subjects of this study were 160 students from four different classes enrolled to Science Course in an Elementary School in TURKEY. Non-equivalent pre-test/post-test control group design was used. Two of the classes randomly chosen as experimental group (79) took 5E learning cycle instruction, and the other two chosen as control group (81), took traditional instruction. Word-Association Test (WAT) was administered to the experimental and the control groups as pre- and post-tests to measure the students' mental ability related to Unit of Introduction to the Matter. The data collected from WAT was converted into mind maps by using content analysis and cut off point methods. As a result of application, while Introduction to the Matter subject was seen as a whole on the mind maps of the experimental group of students, mind maps of the control group students were seen to be composed of piecemeal knowledge islets. Hence, it proves that the experimental group students learn terms in a more meaningful and more interrelated way than the control group students.Öğe The effect of 5e learning cycle on mental ability of elementary students(E-flow PDF Range Management Society of India, 2013) Bilgin, Ibrahim; Coşkun, Hümeyra; Aktaş, IdrisThe purpose of this research is PhD., Associate Professor, to investigate effect of 5E learning cycle instruction on 4th grade students' mental ability in the unit of "Introduction to the Matter". The subjects of this study were 160 students from four different classes enrolled to Science Course in an Elementary School in TURKEY. Non-equivalent pre-test/post-test control group design was used. Two of the classes randomly chosen as experimental group (79) took 5E learning cycle instruction, and the other two chosen as control group (81), took traditional instruction. Word-Association Test (WAT) was administered to the experimental and the control groups as pre- and post-tests to measure the students' mental ability related to Unit of "Introduction to the Matter". The data collected from WAT was converted into mind maps by using content analysis and cut off point methods. As a result of application, while "Introduction to the Matter" subject was seen as a whole on the mind maps of the experimental group of students, mind maps of the control group students were seen to be composed of piecemeal knowledge islets. Hence, it proves that the experimental group students learn terms in a more meaningful and more interrelated way than the control group students.Öğe The effect of the 4MAT learning model on the achievement and motivation of 7th grade students on the subject of particulate nature of matter and an examination of student opinions on the model(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Aktas, Idris; Bilgin, IbrahimBackground:Many researchers agree that students, especially primary students, have learning difficulties on the Particulate Nature of Matter' unit. One reason for this difficulty is not considering individual differences for teaching science. In 4MAT model learning, environment is arranged according to individual differences.Purpose:The purpose of this study is to examine (1) the effects of the 4MAT learning model on the7th grade students' academic achievement and motivation on the Particulate Nature of Matter' unit and (2) identify student opinions on the 4MAT model.Sample:The sample consists of 235 students (115 experimental, 120 control) in Turkey.Design and methods:Experimental groups were instructed with the 4MAT model while control groups were instructed with a traditional method. Achievement Test (AchToM) and Motivation Scale (MotScl) were administered to students as pre- and post-tests. Moreover, the opinions of students in the experimental groups on the 4MAT model were ascertained through open-ended questions after the application.Results:According to independent t-test results, statistical difference in favour of the experimental groups was detected between the post-AchToM (ES=1.43; p<.0001) and post-MotScl (ES=0.32; p<.05) scores. According to data obtained from the questionnaire, the application of the 4MAT model increases student motivation and participation in the lesson, lessons are more amusing and enjoyable, and the self-confidence of the students increases. Besides these positive opinions, however, a few students stated that the method took too much time, they were not motivated and it did not help them in understanding the subject.Conclusions:The 4MAT model is more effective than traditional method in terms of increasing achievement and motivation. The model takes all learners into account. Thus, the teacher or educator should use the 4MAT model to ensure all students' learning in their classroom.Öğe The Effects of Cooperative Learning Techniques on 5th Grade Students' Conflict Resolution and Empathic Tendencies in Science and Technology Course(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek, 2012) Bilgin, Ibrahim; Karakuyu, Yunus; Tatar, Erdal; Cetin, AbdullahThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of students' teams achievement divisions, team - assisted individualization and traditional instruction on students' conflict resolution and empathic tendencies. 240 5th grade students from three different schools participated in the study. To investigate the effect of different teaching approaches on 5th grade elementary school students' conflict resolutions and empathic tendencies, conflict resolution (CRS) and empathic tendencies scales (ETS) were applied to the groups as pre - and post-tests. Students who experienced students' teams - achievement divisions and team assisted individualization showed significantly higher mean scores in the dimension of problem solving in post-CRS and for post-ETS and low scores in the dimension of aggression in post-CRS than students who experienced traditional instruction.Öğe The effects of guided inquiry instruction incorporating a cooperative learning approach on university students' achievement of acid and bases concepts and attitude toward guided inquiry instruction(Academic Journals, 2009) Bilgin, IbrahimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of guided inquiry instruction incorporating with cooperative learning environment on University students' achievement of acid and bases concepts and attitude toward guided inquiry instruction. The subject of this study consisted of 55 first year University students from two intact classes of a Chemistry Course instructed by the same teacher. One of the classes was randomly assigned as the experimental group and the other was assigned as the control group. Researcher prepared worksheets which were related to acid-based concepts based on guided inquiry instruction from the book which is written by (Moog and Farrell, 2006). The experimental group was cooperatively studied worksheets in the groups while the control group was individually studied worksheets in the class. Acid and Bases Achievement Test (ABAT) was administered to the experimental and the control groups as pre and post-tests to measure the students' understanding of acid and bases concepts and Attitude Toward Guided Inquiry Instruction Scale (ATGIIS) was also used as pre and post-test for both of groups. Multi Variance Analysis (MANOVA) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that students in the experimental group had better understanding of acid and bases concepts and more positive attitude toward guided inquiry instruction.Öğe The effects of problem-based learning instruction on university students' performance of conceptual and quantitative problems in gas concepts(Modestum LTD, 2009) Bilgin, Ibrahim; Şenocak, Erdal; Sözbilir, MustafaThis study aimed at investigating effects of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on pre-service teachers' performance on conceptual and quantitative problems about concepts of gases. The subjects of this study were 78 second year undergraduates from two different classes enrolled to General Chemistry course in the Department of Primary Mathematics Education a State University in Turkey. Nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design was used. One of the classes was randomly chosen as experimental group (40), took PBL instruction, and the other was control (38) group, took traditional instruction. Students' achievement of conceptual and quantitative problems in chemistry was measured by Conceptual Problems Gases Test (CPGT) and Quantitative Problems Gases Test (QPGT) as pre and post-tests. The analysis of results showed that students in experimental group had better performance on conceptual problems while there was no difference in students' performances of quantitative problems. The results of the study are discussed in terms of the effects of PBL on students' conceptual learning. Copyright © 2009.Öğe The Effects of Project Based Learning on Undergraduate Students' Achievement and Self-Efficacy Beliefs Towards Science Teaching(Modestum Ltd, 2015) Bilgin, Ibrahim; Karakuyu, Yunus; Ay, YusufThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method on undergraduate students' achievement and its association with these students' self-efficacy beliefs about science teaching and pinions about PBL. The sample of the study consisted of two randomly chosen classes from a set of seven classes enrolled in the Science Teaching Course in a Primary School Education Department of a State University in Turkey. The randomly assigned treatment group (n = 33) was instructed based on a PBL method. The control group (n = 33) was instructed through the use of a traditional teaching (TT) method. The Science and Technology Teaching Achievement Test (STTAT) and self-efficacy belief scale (SEBS) were used as pre- and post-test measures. The results showed that students in the treatment group produced better performance on the Post-SEBS and the Post-STTAT. The students in the treatment group expressed mostly positive opinions about the use of the Project-Based Learning method.Öğe The impact of a creative play intervention on satisfaction with nursing care: Amixed-methods study(Wiley, 2017) Teksoz, Emel; Bilgin, Ibrahim; Madzwamuse, Suna Eryigit; FerdaOscakci, AysePurpose: Hospitalisation can lead to distress for children. Creative play may reduce the adverse effects of hospitalisation on children, as it could lead to children associating satisfaction and fun with their hospital experience. The aim of the current study is to investigate the impact of a creative play intervention on service-care satisfactionmeasurements of children and their parents. Design and Methods: A mixed-methods design consisting of quantitative pre/ post-assessments and qualitative interviews was used within this study. The research was conducted with 30 children (n(experimental group) = 15; n(control group) = 15). Their parents (n = 30) and their nurse practitioners (n = 20) were also contacted in order to capture their reflections of this intervention which included creative activities with unused clean medical materials. Child participants completed the Patient's Nursing Care Perception Tool and their parents completed the PedsQL Health Care Satisfaction Tool. Results: The two groups did not differ in relation to the Patients' Nursing Care Satisfaction Tool (PNCST) (t(28): 0.348, p =.730) and the PedsQL (t(28): -0.189, p =.852) scores at Time 1 before the intervention; however, significant differences were observed at the end at Time 2 (PNCST: t(28): -11.63, p <.001; PedsQL: t(28): -12.416, p <.001). In qualitative interviews, nurses indicated that their play skills with children had been enhanced by this intervention. Family attendants reported that the intervention improved the nurse-child relationship and their satisfaction with care. Practice Implications: The results have shown that creative play intervention are a feasible nursing intervention which has a strong potential to be effective on child patients' and their attendants' satisfaction with care services.Öğe The Impact of a Nursing Coping Kit and a Nursing Coping Bouncy Castle on the Medical Fear Levels of Uzbek Refugee Children(Elsevier Science Inc, 2018) Teksoz, Emel; Duzguner, Vesile; Bilgin, Ibrahim; Ocakci, Ayse FerdaPurpose: This study determines the effect of a nursing coping kit and a nursing coping bouncy castle on the self-reported medical fear levels of Uzbek refugee children. Design and Methods: The study was conducted with Uzbek refugee children (n = 70) aged 6 to 18 years from Hatay province of Turkey. The children were randomly assigned into 2 groups; an experimental group (n = 35) and a control group (n = 35). Two coping interventionswere tested; a nursing coping kit and a nursing coping bouncy castle. These were designed to present medical implements, depictions of healthcare staff, and medical procedures to the children in a fun and playful way. A socio-demographic questionnaire was completed by all participants prior to the experiment. Also, a Fear for Medical Procedures Scale (FMPS) questionnaire was completed by each participant both prior to and after the intervention sessions with both the coping interventions. Results: The FMPS post-test scores decreased significantly in the experimental group after exposure to the two interventions when compared with the control group (11.77 and 22.14, respectively). Thus, the results support the notion that two coping interventions appear to reduce children'smedical fear level and make healthcare procedures easier to deal with. Conclusion: The participation of children in creative activities such as making toys or playingwith items fromthe nursing coping kit, and the opportunity for having fun represented by the nursing coping bouncy castle have potential benefits for them in terms of developing strategies to cope with their medical fears. Practical Implications: Using interventions to cope with medical fears of children might be recommended when the normal development process is considered significantly. Nursing researches should attach more importance and perform further studies about the subject. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.