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Öğe THE ACHIEVEMENTS LEVELS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM ON THE SUBSTANCE AND ITS NATURE: AN ANALYSIS THROUGH THE REVISED BLOOM'S TAXONOMY(2023) Özkaya, Abdulkadir; Sarıgöz, Okan; Demir, Abdulkadir; Bozak, AhmetThe current study aims to determine knowledge areas and cognitive process dimensions of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy of elementary school student achievements in the curriculum course unit of \"The Substance and its Nature\", as well as how the learning achievements are distributed across grade levels. The document review method, regarded to be one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Accordingly, 52 achievements in the course unit of \"The Substance and its Nature\" were examined by the researchers. The reliability coefficient of the research data was determined as 0.73 which was considered to be enough for research reliability. The results of the study revealed that the most (35 learning achievements) achievements were emphasized in the conceptual knowledge dimension while the least achievements (1 item) was emphasized in the metacognitive knowledge dimension; the study also revealed that the most achievements (14 learning achievements) were emphasized in the application dimension while the least achievements (3 achievements) were emphasized in the analzing dimension.Öğe An Analysis of the New Regulations Introduced with Higher Education Personnel Law No. 7100 from the Perspective of Faculty Members(Tuba-Turkish Acad Sciences, 2020) Korkmaz, Celalettin; Bozak, Ahmet; Bas, MuhammetThis study aims to find out the faculty member opinions regarding the new regulations introduced with the Higher Education Law No. 7100. It employs the phenomenological design, which is a qualitative research design. The study group consists of 44 faculty members who voluntarily participated in the research. The faculty members' opinions were collected using a form that included standardized open-ended interview questions, which were then interpreted through content analysis. The results show that although academics have positive opinions about the new academic promotion system, they find the new regulations relatively inadequate. The participants making positive comments on the new regulations think that the new academic titles have international equivalence, differences between the titles are considered, and what these titles entail is made clearer thanks to these regulations. The participants who assert negative opinions about the regulations, on the other hand, think that these changes fail to bring a satisfactory improvement since they have simply changed instructors' titles, and even caused a loss of status for them. Therefore, they argue that such a change was not necessary. While the participants consider the granting of associate professorship title by the Interuniversity Board (UAK) without performing an oral exam as a positive development, they are mostly negative about the university tenure granting policies for the holders of this title.Öğe The efficiency of administrative CPD courses towards school managers(Sciedu Press, 2018) Bozak, Ahmet; Karadağ, Mümtaz; Bolat, YavuzThe aim of this study is to define the points of view of the schools directors on administratorship CPD training course organized by local educational directorates. A mixed model was used in this study and related data was evaluated both at quantitative and qualitative dimensions. The sample group was formed by 174 participants among 567 school directors who participated to the administratorship CPD training course organized by Şanlıurfa Local Educational Directorate in Bozova, Haliliye, Siverek and Viranşehir districts in educational year of 2015 and 2016, and study group was formed by 149 school directors who participated the CPD training course in the same educational districts. Data was collected via a survey in quantitative dimension and by phenomenological interviewing technic in qualitative dimension. In the study, it was concluded that CPD course led the participants acquire new knowledge and skills, and have new perspective and understanding related to school management, the content of training course and qualification of the instructors were efficient enough according to the participant school managers, the CPD course was sufficient in terms of educational tools and equipment, school managers pay more attention to self-learning and find the CPD course sufficient enough in terms of self-learning opportunities, participants are concerned about the teaching methodology of the training course and they demand to have teaching methods which will depend on practical and operative activities rather than theoretical and academic information, the participants were not satisfied with the facilities supplied by the CPD organization, the timing of the CPD course was not welcomed and many participants stated their negative concern about the timing of the CPD course as it was held within educational year and as they had to manage their school simultaneously. © 2018, Sciedu Press. All rights reserved.Öğe INSTRUCTIONAL REVERSE MENTORING: A PRACTICE PROPOSAL FOR TEACHERS’UNDERSTANDING THE \"Z\" AND \"ALPHA\" GENERATIONS’ LEARNING PERSPECTIVES(2021) Bozak, AhmetThe reverse mentoring refers to a new mentoring model in which traditional mentoring roles arecompletely changed, accordingly in this new model, less experienced teachers and the studentswho used to be “apprentice” in traditional mentoring are positioned as \"master\". However, it hasbeen observed that there are no systematic reverse mentoring practices in the Turkish EducationSystem through which the teachers can receive direct feedback from Z and alpha generationstudents about their classroom management skills, and also can improve their critical reflectivethinking. This study was designed according to the conceptual research approach. Afterholistically evaluating the important literature studies and theoretical information on theconcepts of intergenerational learning and reverse mentoring, the application of \"InstructionalReverse Mentoring\" as a new practice was discussed and evaluated based on the student-teacherrelationships, with its application stages, challenging, strengths and possible risks. In addition, analternative reverse mentoring practice proposal specific to education field regarding theintergenerational learning approach was introduced with sample implementation stages. Theresearch revealed that the researches in education mostly consist of studies focusing onproviding teachers with technological skills; that the studies which are specific to improve thequality of teaching regarding the expectations of new generations through critical reflectiveevaluations are rather limited; that there is a crucial conceptual gap in this field; and also that theinstructional reverse mentoring practice proposal set forth in the study can contribute to thespread of reverse mentoring practices in educational field and to professional development ofteachers.Öğe Maarif müfettişlerinin denetim sistemi hakkında yapılan akademik çalışmalara ilişkin görüşleri(2017) Çakır, Erdal; Seraslan, Durmuş; Bozak, AhmetBu çalışmanın temel amacı, denetim sistemi ve müfettişler hakkında yapılmış olan akademik çalışmaların denetim alanına katkı sağlayıp sağlamadığı hususunun maarif müfettişlerinin görüşlerine dayalı olarak ortaya konulmasıdır. Çalışmada, nitel bir araştırma yöntemi izlenmiş olup, veri toplama sürecinde standartlaştırılmış açık uçlu görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, İstanbul, Tokat, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Afyon, Antalya, Hatay, Yozgat, Adana İllerinde görev yapan 46 maarif müfettişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda maarif müfettişlerinin müfettişler ve denetime ilişkin yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların çoğunlukla etkili olmadığı; çalışmaların teorik olduğu, alan uygulamalarını tam olarak yansıtmadığı; benzer konularda sıkça yapılan çalışmaların müfettişleri sıktığı ve ilgilerini çekmediği ve veri toplama araçlarının dikkatli bir şekilde doldurulmadığı; akademisyenlerin olumsuz müfettiş davranışlarına fazlaca odaklandıkları; alan tecrübesi olmayan akademisyenler tarafından yapılan çalışmaların sorunların çözümüne katkı sağlayamadığı yönünde görüş belirttikleri belirlenmiştir. Katılımcılar yapılacak olan bilimsel çalışmaların denetim alanına katkı sağlayabilmesi için müfettiş ve akademisyenlerce müşterek yapılacak araştırmaların ve karşılıklı işbirliğinin yaygınlaştırılması; görüşme ve katılımcı gözlemlere dayalı çalışmalara daha fazla yer verilmesi; Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, müfettişler ve akademisyenler tarafından işbirliği içerisinde geniş kapsamlı çalışmalar yapılarak, çalışmaların uygulayıcılar tarafından eğitim politikası haline getirilmesi; çalışma sonuçlarının müfettişlerle paylaşılması ve geri bildirimde bulunulması; anket ve görüşme formlarının daha nitelikli hazırlanması, yapılan anketlerdeki soruların kısa sorulardan oluşturulması ve soru sayısının fazla olmaması; alandaki gerçek sorunları yansıtan, kuramsal çalışmalardan çok uygulamaya yönelik çalışmalara yer verilmesi gerektiği yönünde önerilerde bulunmuşlardır.Öğe Mesleğe yeni başlayan öğretmenlerin eğitim fakültelerinde almış oldukları öğretmenlik eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri(2016) Bozak, Ahmet; Özdemir, Talip; Seraslan, DurmuşBu çalışmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının üniversitelerde almış oldukları öğretmenlik eğitimine ilişkin görüşlerinin neler olduğunu; üniversitelerde ne tür bir öğretmenlik eğitimi almak istediklerini belirlemek ve öğretmen adaylarının bu eğitiminin daha başarılı olabilmesi için önerilerinin neler olduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada nitel bir araştırma yöntemi izlenmiş olup, veri toplama sürecinde standartlaştırılmış açık uçlu görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Şanlıurfa İli'nde 2012 yılında göreve başlamış 60 aday öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçları göre; eğitim fakültelerinin öğretmen adaylarını, mesleğe hazırlama konusunda yetersiz olduğu yönünde bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Mesleğe yeni başlamış aday öğretmenler; öğrencilerle daha çok vakit geçirebilecekleri uygulamaya dönük bir eğitim almak istedikleri, eğitim fakültelerinde ders veren öğretim elemanlarının öğretmenliği bilen, tanıyan ve kendini iyi yetiştirmiş kişilerden olması gerektiği, öğretmenlik uygulamasına yönelik ders süresinin uzatılması gerektiği ve Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavının (KPSS) kaldırılması gerektiği yönünde önerilerde bulunmuşlardır.Öğe The opinions of the educational supervisors on researches about supervision system(Ankara University, 2017) Bozak, Ahmet; Seraslan, Durmuş; Çakir, ErdalThe aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the scientific researches about supervision system, based on the views of the educational supervisors. In this study, a phenomenological interviewing method within the framework of qualitative research was used. The relevant data was gathered via standardized open-ended interviews, the sampling study group consists of 46 educational supervisors. The results of the study reveal that participants think that the scientific researches do not make effective and enough contribution to supervision system in general. This is because of academic researchers’ having not enough information about educational supervision system; subjects of the researches were rather theoretical and didn’t reflect the realities of practical supervision activities; similar and repeated subjects didn’t take the attention of supervisors, therefore the data collecting instruments were not carefully filled by the participants. For scientific researches being effective and making enough contribution, researches should be carried out with the collaboration of educational supervisors; there should be more emphasis on interviews and participant observation rather than the quantitative researches; feedback should be given about the studies after the studies’ being published; data collecting instruments should have less number of questions and be rather short; subjects reflecting the real problems in supervision system should be recognized and studied. © 2017, Ankara University. All rights reserved.