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Öğe Biber bitkisinde doğrusal ölçümlerle yaprak alan modelinin oluşturulması(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2019) Bozkurt, Sefer; Sayılıkan Mansuroğlu, GülsümAmaç: Bitkilerin yaprak alanının belirlenmesinde kullanılan basit, doğru ve bitkiye zarar vermeyen yöntemler, birçok deneysel karşılaştırmada önemli yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada serada yetiştirilen biber bitkisinin farklı sulama suyu miktarları (I20, I40, I60, I80, I100 ve I120) altında yaprak alan modellerinin geliştirilmesi ve bu modelden faydalanılarak bitkiye zarar vermeden yaprak alanlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yöntem ve Bulgular: Her konuda 300’er adet (toplam 1800 adet) yaprak üzerinde çalışılmış ve en (W), boy (L) ve alanları (LA) belirlenmiştir. En ve boy ölçümleri dijital kompasla yapılırken, alan ölçümleri dijital planimetre ile yapılmıştır. Yaprak eni, yaprak boyu ve yaprak alanı değerleri arasındaki ilişki MS-Excel 2010 yazılımı ile grafiksel olarak incelenmiştir. Yaprak eni, yaprak boyu ve yaprak alanı değerleri arasındaki matematiksel tahmin modelleri ise; Unscrambler yazılımında MLR yöntemine göre oluşturulmuştur. Modellerin karşılaştırılması amacıyla her bir model için Unscrambler yazılımından elde edilen RMSEP ve R2 değerleri kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre kısıtlı su uygulamalarının ortalama yaprak alanını azalttığı belirlenmiş ve bu bağlamda I20 (22 cm2 ), I40 (23 cm2 ) ve I60 (23.1 cm2 ) kısıtlı su uygulama konuları diğer konulara göre daha düşük ortalama yaprak alanı değerleriyle sonuçlanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen en başarılı modelin; Biber Yaprak Alanı (cm2 ) = 0.2462 * (W2+L2 ) - 0.4357 (RMSEP=2.47 ve R 2=0.98) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Genel Yorum: Elde edilen veriler ışığında geliştirilen model yardımıyla biber üzerinde yapılacak fizyolojik, morfolojik ve diğer çalışmalarda kullanılan yaprak alanlarının belirlenmesi mümkündür. Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Yapraklara zarar vermeden yaprak alanı ölçümleri, araştırmacılara sürekli aynı bitki ve yaprakta çalışma fırsatı sağlaması ve dolayısıyla denemelerde ortaya çıkabilen yüksek varyasyon katsayılarını azaltma potansiyeli nedeniyle önemlidir. Ayrıca, basit doğrusal ölçümlerle yaprak alanlarının belirlenebilmesi çok pahalı ve karmaşık yaprak alan ölçüm cihazlarına gereksinimi ortadan kaldıracaktır.Öğe DIFFERENT IRRIGATION INTERVALS AND WATER AMOUNT STUDIES IN YOUNG APRICOT TREES (CV. NINFA)(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Durgac, Coskun; Bozkurt, Sefer; Odemis, BerkantWater shortage studies aiming to provide enough fruit yield and quality by using less water in fruit culture is getting important day by day because of global water scarcity and its negative environmental effects. Hence, this experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different irrigation intervals and amount treatments on yield and fruit quality of young apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca L. cv Ninfa) during the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons under Mediterranean conditions. Seven, fourteen and twenty-one days irrigation intervals and five irrigation water amounts based on reduction coefficients (Kcp) of class A pan evaporation (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00) were examined. Pomological variables, such as fruit and seed weights, fruit dimension, flesh firmness, flesh/seed ratio, total soluble solids (TSS), pH and acidity (%), were studied. The interaction between irrigation intervals and the irrigation water amount treatments had significant effects on cumulative yield of the trees. While irrigation water amount had significant effects on all pomological characteristics of fruits, irrigation intervals affected only few fruit quality properties such as fruit weight, flesh firmness, flesh/seed ratio, pH and acidity.Öğe Domates ve biber rizosfer topraklarında kalsiyum (Ca) uygulamalarının R/S değerlerine etkisi(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2019) Doğan, Kemal; Bozkurt, Sefer; Ağca, NecatAmaç: Bu araştırma, farklı kalsiyum (Ca+2) dozu uygulamaları altında yetiştirilen domates ve biber bitkilerinin kök bölgesi topraklarının bazı mikrobiyal aktivitelerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Biber ve Domates bitkileri, Hatay tarımında özellikle örtüaltı yetiştiriciliğinde önemli bir yere sahip olup, kuraklık ve susuzluk streslerinden olumsuz yönde etkilenebilmektedir. Yöntemler ve Bulgular: Sera koşullarında yürütülen bu araştırma için rizosfer (R) ve rizosfer dışından alınan topraklarda (S), Ca uygulamalarının mikrobiyal aktivitelere etkilerini belirlemek için, toprak solunumu (CO2), dehidrogenaz enzim aktivitesi (DHA) ve mikrobiyal biyomas karbon (MBC) içeriği analizleri ile birlikte kök biyomas ağırlıkları (g/bitki), pH (1:5) ve EC (S/cm) analizleri de yapılmış ve her iki bitki için Rizosfer etkisi (R/S) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. CO2, DHA ve MBC analizleri yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, biber ve domates için rizosfer topraklarında (R) tespit edilen CO2, DHA ve MBC ortalama sonuçları sırasıyla, 71.98-68.74 g CO2-C.gkt-1, 12.84-12.48 g TPF.10 gkt-1 , 53.00-39.24 g.gkt-1 olarak belirlenirken aynı toprakların ortalama S değerleri sırasıyla 58.64-59.54 g CO2-C.gkt-1 , 1.55-1.57 g TPF.10 gkt-1 , 25.43-25.94 g.gkt-1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre oluşturulan R/S değerleri ise biber ve domates için sırasıyla, 1.23-1.17 CO2, 8.19-8.06 DHA ve 2.09-1.52 MBC olarak belirlenmiştir. Genel Yorum: Biber rizosfer mikrobiel aktivitesinin domatese göre azda olsa daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ca uygulamalarının artan dozları biber ve domates rizosfer CO2 ve DHA değerlerinin düşmesine neden olurken MBC değerlerinde artışlara neden olmuştur. Kök ağırlığı değerleri her iki bitki için, artan Ca dozları ile artışlar göstermiştir. pH değerleri Ca uygulamalarından önemli derecede etkilenmezken, EC değerleri biber ve domates bitkisi için önemli düzeyde farklılıklar göstermiştir. Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Antakya sera koşullarında önemli bir yeri olan domates ve biberde görülen bazı fizyolojik hastalıkların neden olduğu verim ve kalite sorunlarını çözmek için Ca uygulamaları çözüm olabilir. Meyvedeki çiçek burnu çürüklüğünün ana nedeni, toprakta kalsiyum eksikliği veya mevcut kalsiyumun birçok etmenin etkisiyle topraktan alınamamasıdır. Meyveye kalsiyumun (Ca) alınamaması sonucunda meyvenin çiçek burnundaki hücre ve dokular ölmekte, çökük ve batık bir alan oluşmakta ve daha sonra bu alan genişlemektedir. Yapılan bu araştırma ile sera koşullarında, domates ve biber bitkisinde, çiçek burnu çürüklüğüne karşı uygulanan Ca’un, rizosfer bölgesi topraklarında mikrobiyal aktivitelere etkileri belirlenmiştir.Öğe Effect of Deficit Irrigation on the Estimation of Cucumber Leaf Area under Greenhouse Conditions(Friends Science Publ, 2018) Bozkurt, Sefer; Keskin, MuharremSimple, accurate, and nondestructive methods of quantifying leaf area are important for many experimental comparisons. The aims of this study were to establish models to estimate the leaf area of cucumber plants grown under greenhouse conditions and evaluate the effects of different irrigation water levels on this estimation. Six irrigation levels based on evaporation from a Class A Pan (I-20:20%, I-40:40%, I-60:60%, I-80:80%, I-100:100% and I-120:120% of) were utilized A total of about 690 leaves from different irrigation levels were collected and relationships among leaf width (W), length (L) and leaf area (LA) were investigated. Estimation models were derived using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) method and Full Cross Validation was used to validate the models. The Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP) and R-2 values were used to compare the models. It was found that mean leaf area values were affected by different irrigation amounts. Mean leaf areas in I-20 and I-40 were significantly lower than the other irrigation treatments. A strong non-linear relationship was found between cucumber W, L and LA (R-2 >= 0.94). Three LA prediction models with W (Model 1), L (Model 2) and W and L (Model 3) were developed for each irrigation levels and for the combined data. RMSEP and R-2 values were 16.3 cm(2) and 0.99 for the model of combined data for all leaves from all different irrigation treatments. In conclusion, for various physiological and morphological studies, model developed in this study can be used as non-destructive technique to estimate cucumber leaf area from leaf size for each irrigation levels and for the combined data in a shorter time with less labor and budget. (C) 2018 Friends Science PublishersÖğe Effects of different drip irrigation levels on yield and some agronomic characteristics of raised bed planted corn(Academic Journals, 2011) Bozkurt, Sefer; Yazar, Attila; Mansuroglu, Gulsum SayilikanThis study was carried out to determine the effects of different irrigation levels on water use, yield and some agronomic parameters of drip-irrigated corn under the Eastern Mediterranean climatic conditions in Turkey. In the trials, irrigation water was applied as I-20: 20%, I-40: 40%, I-60: 60%, I-80: 80%, I-100: 100% and I-120: 120% of evaporation from a Class A Pan. The seasonal total irrigation water ranged from 55 to 381 mm and seasonal crop water use varied from 365 to 584 mm in different treatments. Irrigation levels significantly affected yield and yield contributing parameters at P<0.01 level. The average corn grain yields varied from 1.93 to 10.4 t ha(-1). The highest grain yield and yield components were found in I-120 while the lowest were found in I-20 treatment. Irrigation levels had statistically significant effect on fresh and dry above ground biomass production of corn at P<0.01 level. The highest water use efficiency (1.77 kg m(-3)) value was found in I-120 treatment. Seasonal yield response factor (ky) was 1.98 in the experiment.Öğe The effects of drip line depths and irrigation levels on yield, quality and water use characteristics of lettuce under greenhouse condition(Academic Journals, 2011) Bozkurt, Sefer; Mansuroglu, Gulsum SayilikanThis study was conducted to investigate the effects of different drip irrigation methods and different irrigation levels on yield, quality and water use characteristics of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia cv. Lital) cultivated in a solar greenhouse from 07 October 2009 to 03 December 2009 in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. The irrigation methods were consisted of traditional surface drip irrigation (TDI), subsurface drip irrigation at 10 cm drip line depth (SDI10) and subsurface drip irrigation at 20 cm drip line depth (SDI20). At the treatment of irrigation levels, five irrigation treatments (I) were based on adjustment coefficients (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25) of Class A pan evaporation. For the yield and quality parameters of plant; marketable head weight (yield), number of marketable leaves, leaf area, plant height and diameters, plant dry weight, core diameters and firmness of head, leaf chlorophyll content, total soluble solids (TSS as degrees Brix), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity of leaves' juice were determined. The yield and yield components were not affected by the irrigation methods except for core and plant diameters. Irrigation levels had significantly (p < 0.01) different effects on yield and yield components except for plant dry weight, plant height and head firmness. The results showed that the highest yield was obtained from SDI(10)xI(100) treatment. The water use efficiency (WUE) and the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) increased as the irrigation was reduced.Öğe The effects of fertigation management in the different type of in-line emitters on trickle irrigation system performance(2006) Bozkurt, Sefer; Özekici, BülentThis study was carried out to determine the effects of different fertigation practices on irrigation system performance in in-line emitters using Samanda? region well water. The experiment was conducted at the research field of the Samanda? Vocational College, University of Mustafa Kemal, Hatay, from 2001 to 2002. In the experiment, three different emitters (1.7, 2.75 and 4.0 L h-1), three different fertilizer treatments (no-fertilizer, hju MKP+Ca(NO3)2+KNO3+ KSO4+NH4NO3 and NH4NO3+KSO4+MKP) combinations with flushing and no flushing management groups were tested in three replications. Emitter discharge rates were tested at the beginning and end of every season to determine emitter flow variations. The effect of the different fertilizer treatments on system performances was found to be statistically significant. Fertilizers which included both calcium and sulfates resulted in lower system performance than the others. Emitters that have the lowest flow rates had the lowest performance. The acid treatment and flushing management increased the system performance slightly, but it was found not to be statistically significant. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.Öğe The effects of fertigation managements on clogging of in-line emitters(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2006) Bozkurt, Sefer; Özekici, BülentThis study was carried out to determine the effects of different fertigation practices on clogging in in-line emitters using Samanda? region well water. The experiment was conducted at the research field of the Samanda? Vocational College, University of Mustafa Kemal, Hatay, Turkey, from 2001 to 2002. Three different emitters (1.7, 2.75 and 4.0 L h-1) and three different fertigation treatments (no-fertilizer, MKP+Ca(NO3) 2+KNO3+K2SO4+ NH4NO3 and NH4NO3+ K2SO4+MKP) with flushing and no flushing management groups were evaluated in three replications. Emitter discharge rates were tested at the beginning and at the end of every season to determine emitter flow variations which depend on degree of emitter clogging. The effect of the different fertilizer treatments on emitter clogging was found to be statistically significant. Fertilizers which included both calcium and sulfates resulted in higher clogging effects than the others. Emitters that have the lowest flow rates clogged more than the others. The acid treatment and flushing management decreased emitter clogging but it was not found to be statistically significant. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.Öğe Effects of indolebutyric acid on adventitious root formation from semi-hardwood cuttings of 'Sarierik' plum(2009) Canli, Fatih Ali; Bozkurt, SeferThe aim of the study was to assess the rooting ability of semi-hardwood cuttings of 'Sarierik' plum in order to develop an alternative propagation method for this important plum clone grown in the Nevsehir region of Turkey. The cuttings were treated with different levels (0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg l-1) of indole butyric acid (IBA) to test the hypothesis that differences in auxin concentrations could affect rooting ability of semi-hardwood cuttings of the 'Sarierik'. IBA application promoted a significant increase in rooting percentage over control cuttings. The best rooting percentage (87.5%) was achieved by 1500 mg l-1 of IBA application, whereas the rooting percentage of the untreated control cuttings was only 10.8%. Root formation was not dependent on callus formation. The propagation method developed here for 'Sarierik' is a very reliable, economical and convenient way of propagation as compared to its alternatives such as propagation by grafting, root suckers or in vitro multiplication.Öğe Effects of indolebutyric acid on adventitious root formation from semi-hardwood cuttings of 'Sarierik'plum(2009) Canlı, Fatih Ali; Bozkurt, SeferThe aim of the study was to assess the rooting ability of semi-hardwood cuttings of ‘Sarierik’ plum in order to develop an alternative propagation method for this important plum clone grown in the Nevsehir region of Turkey. The cuttings were treated with different levels (0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg l-1) of indole butyric acid (IBA) to test the hypothesis that differences in auxin concentrations could affect rooting ability of semi-hardwood cuttings of the ‘Sarierik’. IBA application promoted a significant increase in rooting percentage over control cuttings. The best rooting percentage (87.5%) was achieved by 1500 mg l-1 of IBA application, whereas the rooting percentage of the untreated control cuttings was only 10.8%. Root formation was not dependent on callus formation. The propagation method developed here for ‘Sarierik’ is a very reliable, economical and convenient way of propagation as compared to its alternatives such as propagation by grafting, root suckers or in vitro multiplication.Öğe Effects of water stress and mulch on grean bean yield and yield components in greenhouse condition(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2006) Onder, Sermet; Bozkurt, Sefer; Sayilikan, Gülsüm; Onder, Derya; Kara, MelisaIn this research, effects of water stress levels (I100, I 66, I33 and I0) and mulch types (gray-Mg; black-Mb- and mulchless-Mo) on green bean yield and yield components in greenhouse condition were studied. The irrigation levels applied in this study significantly affected the yield and almost all yield parameters. The irrigation at I100 level gave the highest green bean yield. Un-irrigated treatment (I0) gave the lowest values for yield and yield parameters. The irrigation level x mulch treatment interactions were significant on pod width, length of pod and branch number per plant. The yield and almost all of yield components were not affected by mulch types. However, the yields for the mulch treatments of Mg and Mb were higher than the mulchless treatment (Mo) under the water stress condition. The yield was not significantly affected by the mulch types, but gray mulch type (Mg) has the highest yield. The highest WUE was obtained in I0xMg conditions. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.Öğe Influence of different nitrogen sources and leaching practices on soil chemical properties under tomato vegetation in a greenhouse(2008) Bozkurt, Sefer; Agca, N.; Odemis, B.A greenhouse study was carried out to determine the effects of different nitrogen sources and leaching practices on soil chemical properties. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) was used as a test plant. All plots were fertilized equally for nitrogen, phosphor and potassium whereas nitrogen was applied at five different NH4+N/NO3-N ratios (N1 = 100/0; N2 = 75/25; N3 = 50/50; N 4 = 25/75; N5 = 0/100). No nitrogen applied plots (N 0) were also added to experiment. The changes and their relationships of soil soluble ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K +, CO32-, HCO3-, Cl -, SO42-), EC and pH were determined in soil samples taken from three soil layers (0-5, 5-15 and 15-45 cm) at the beginning and the end of the study. Soil samples were also taken before and after the soil leaching to determine the effects of leaching on the parameters mentioned above. Soil pH had different correlations with N treatments among soil layers and showed rising trends with soil depths which had statistically significant differences at p<0.05 level in all treatments. Soil leaching caused statistically significant differences on soil pH at p<0.05 level. There were increases in EC values in all N treatments over the study period. However, soil leaching decreased soil EC values in all plots. All cations were affected by all treatments and their interactions. The study showed that the chemical properties of soil especially soil pH was affected by the forms of N fertilizers. © 2008 Asian Network for Scientific Information.Öğe Kavun türünde yaprak alanının matematiksel modeller ile tahminlenmesi(2020) Mavi, Kazım; Bozkurt, Sefer; Uzunoğlu, FulyaAmaç: Bitkilerin yaprak alanının belirlenmesindekullanılan basit, doğru ve bitkiye zarar vermeyenyöntemler, birçok deneysel karşılaştırmada önemli yertutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada serada yetiştirilen kavunbitkisinin farklı kalsiyum düzeyleri (0, 5, 10, 20 ve 30kg/da) ve farklı sulama suyu miktarları (I50, I75, ve I100)altında yaprak alan modellerinin geliştirilmesi ve bumodelden faydalanılarak bitkilere zarar vermedenyaprak alanlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem ve Bulgular: Bu amaçla her uygulamadan 30’ar adet yaprak toplanmış (toplam 1350 adet) ve buyaprakların en (W) ve boy (L) ölçümleri dijital kumpaslayapılırken, yaprak alanı (LA) ölçümleri dijital planimetreile yapılmıştır. Yaprak eni, yaprak boyu ve yaprak alanıdeğerleri arasındaki ilişkiler MS-Excel 2010 (MicrosoftInc.) yazılımı ile grafiksel olarak incelenmiştir. Yaprak eni,yaprak boyu ve yaprak alanı değerleri arasındakimatematiksel tahmin modelleri ise; Unscrambleryazılımında (Versiyon 9.7, Camo Software, Norway) MLR(Multiple Linear Regression) yöntemine göreoluşturulmuştur. Tahmin modelinin doğrulanması içinTam Çapraz Geçerlilik (Full Cross Validation) yöntemiuygulanmıştır. Modellerin karşılaştırılması amacıyla herbir model için Unscrambler yazılımından elde edilenRMSEP (Root Mean Square Error of Prediction) ve R2değerleri kullanılmıştır. Kısıtlı su uygulamalarınınortalama yaprak alanını azalttığı belirlenmiş ve bubağlamda en başarılı modelin; Yaprak Alanı (cm2) =0.3375 * (W2 + L2) - 0.3539 (RMSEP = 15.76 ve R2 = 0.97)olduğu belirlenmiştir.Genel Yorum: Oluşturulan matematiksel modelyardımıyla özellikle bitki gelişimi ile ilgili tüm tarımsalaraştırmalarda çok pahalı cihazlarla ve/veya bitkisökümü yapılarak gerçekleştirilebilen bitki yaprakalanları ve Yaprak Alan İndeksi (LAI) değerleri basitdoğrudan ölçümlerle belirlenebilecektir. Aynı zamandayetiştirme sezonu boyunca aynı yaprak üzerindeölçümlerin alınması da mümkün olabilecektir.Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Bu çalışma ile bilgisayarayükleyebildiğimiz basit bir yazılım sayesinde kavundayaprak alan ölçümlerinin daha kısa sürede ve daha azhata ile sonuçlandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Elde edilenverilerle geliştirilen model yardımıyla kavun üzerindeyapılacak fizyolojik, morfolojik ve diğer çalışmalardakullanılan toplam yaprak alanının hesaplanmasındaözellikle araştırma yapan bilim insanlarına faydalıolacaktır. Bu çalışmadan yararlanılarak ve benzeryöntemlerle diğer bitkiler içinde model oluşturmakmümkün olacaktır.Öğe Mini sprinkler yağmurlama sulama sisteminde, sulama düzeyleri ve amonyum sülfat gübresi uygulamalarının maydanozda nitrat, nitrit ve klorofil İçeriklerine etkileri(2015) Mansuroğlu Sayılkan, Gülsüm; Bozkurt, SeferÖzet Araştırma Hatay-Samandağ ilçesinde 2009-2010 yıllarında tarla şartlarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada amonyum sülfat gübresinin 4 farklı dozu (D0:0, D10:10, D20:20 ve D30:30 kg da-1 ) ve 5 farklı sulama düzeyinin (S100: tam sulama olup bundan daha düşük düzeydeki sulamalar S25, S50 ve S75 ile daha fazla sulama S125) maydanoz bitkilerinde nitrat, nitrit ve klorofil birikimine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Soğuk döneme denk gelen ilk hasatta (25-26 Ocak 2010) yüksek nitrat ve nitrit birikimi belirlenmiş ve gübreli uygulamalar, gübresiz uygulamaya oranla, bitki nitrat birikiminde artışa ve nitrit birikiminde azalmaya neden olmuştur. Sıcak dönemdeki (31 Mart-1 Nisan 2010) ikinci hasat, birinci hasattan oldukça düşük nitrat ve daha yüksek nitrit değerleriyle sonuçlanmıştır. Gübre dozunun artışı ile nitrat ve nitrit değerleri artmıştır. Düşük düzeydeki sulamalar her iki hasatta diğer sulama düzeylerinden daha düşük nitrat birikimine neden olmuştur. Aşırı sulama olan S125 ikinci kesimde S100’e göre nitrat ve nitrit birikimini azaltmıştır. Genellikle, klorofil değerleri her iki kesimde S25’de fazla olup, sulama düzeyindeki artış klorofilde azalma ile sonuçlanmıştır.Öğe Quality of shallow groundwater and drainage water in irrigated agricultural lands in a Mediterranean coastal region of Turkey(Springer, 2006) Odemis, Berkant; Bozkurt, Sefer; Agga, Necat; Yalcin, MehmetSpatial and seasonal differences in water quality of drainage water and unconfined shallow groundwater were related to irrigation in Samanda. g, a Mediterranean coastal region. Eighteen wells, seven drainage points and Orontes River were monitored bimonthly for one year for analyses of electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), cations (Na, K, Ca + Mg) and anions (CO3, HCO3, Cl and SO4). Agricultural irrigation using saline groundwater decreased water quality of Orontes River during the irrigation season ( May to September) more than during the non-irrigation season ( October to April). Seasonal fluctuations in water quality of shallow groundwater were greater during the irrigation season than the non-irrigation season in the study area. Excessive use of groundwater resulted in a decline in the water table levels in the irrigation season. Water table level rose up to the soil surface in areas where there was a lack of drainage or poor drainage, due to the impact of precipitation in the winter. SAR and pH values of drainage water increased in the irrigation season, while the other properties of drainage water decreased. Irrigation water quality of Orontes River was classified as C3S1 in both seasons. Irrigation water quality of shallow groundwater and drainage water varied from C2S1 to C4S2 in one year. Drainage and well waters were found to be different on yearly basis in terms of Na, SAR (p < 0.01) and Ca + Mg concentrations (p < 0.001). Ca + Mg concentrations for both sources were different for all sampling dates (p < 0.001).Öğe Responses of unheated greenhouse grown green bean to buried drip tape placement depth and watering levels(Elsevier Science Bv, 2018) Bozkurt, Sefer; Mansuroglu, Gulsum SayilikanSubsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) is a professional water distribution system for improved crop water use and conserving water. Selecting drip tape installation depths for different crops is the most critical decision with these systems. Hence, the aim of this research was to examine the effects of different SDI depths and water amounts on the yield components and water use characteristics of green bean crop under unheated greenhouse conditions during two crop-growing cycles. Three irrigation methods [Traditional Drip Irrigation (DI), SDI at 10 cm soil depth (SDI10) and SDI at 20 cm soil depth (SDI20)] and six irrigation water levels (I) based on crop-pan coefficients (I-20:K-cp=0.20, I-40:K-cp=0.40, I-60:K-cp = 0.60, I-80:K-cp = 0.80, I-100:K-cp = 1.00 and I-120:K-cp = 1.20) were evaluated. In each growing cycle, adequately watered crops (I-100) were accepted as control. The seasonal evapotranspiration changed from 235 to 374mm in autumn and from 270 to 566 mm in spring season. Different placement depths of drip tape had significant effects on green bean yields in spring growing cycle. Maximum yield (5.97 kgm(-2)) was obtained in SDI10 irrigation method. Irrigation water levels also significantly (p< 0.001) affected green bean yield in both growing cycles. The highest yield (1.66 kg m(-2) in autumn and 6.81 kg m(-2) in spring) was obtained in I-100 treatment. SDI techniques improved Water Use Efficiency (WUE) and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency (IWUE). The values of WUE and IWUE increased as the watering level was reduced. Maximum yield response factor in DI method in autumn and spring seasons (Ky) was found as 0.96 and 1.66, respectively. General evaluation of the water management, crop yield components and growth variables showed that the SDI10I100 treatment appears to be the most favorable irrigation practice for the green bean grown under greenhouse conditions. Water savings of up to 13% of seasonal irrigation water could be achieved using SDI method. (c) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Yetiştirme Döneminde Uygulanan Farklı Azot Dozlarının Roka (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa Mill.)’nın Soğukta Muhafaza ve Raf Ömrüne Etkisi(2021) Özdemir, Ahmet Erhan; Mansuroğlu, Gülsüm Sayılıkan; Sermenli, Tamer; Baltaer, Özay; Bozkurt, Sefer; Uygur, VeliBu çalışmada farklı azot gübrelemesi uygulanarak yetiştirilen roka (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa Mill.) yeşil yapraklı sebzesinin soğukta muhafaza ve raf ömrü performansı araştırılmıştır. Azot (N) dozları 0, 10, 20, 30 ve 40 kg/dekar (kg/da) uygulanmış, azotun amonyum sülfat ve/veya amonyum nitrat formları iki farklı dönemde roka bitkilerine verilmiştir. Denemede yetiştirilen rokalar soğukta muhafaza için 4 °C sıcaklık ve %90 oransal nemde 0, 3, 6 ve 10 gün depolanmış ve raf ömrü için 20 °C sıcaklık ve %70 oransal nemde 0, 3 ve 6 gün bekletilmiştir. Ağırlık kayıpları, görünüş (1?5 skalası), yaprak rengi (L* ve h° değerleri), mantarsal bozulma, klorofil a, klorofil b ve toplam klorofil içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, muhafaza ve raf ömrü sırasında ağırlık kayıpları artmıştır. Rokaların 4 ?C’de soğukta muhafazası 20 ?C’de raf ömrü için bekletilenlerden daha başarılı olduğu saptanmıştır. Raf ömrü sırasında tüm uygulamalarda 6 gün bekletilen rokaların hepsi çürümüştür. Soğukta muhafazanın 10. gününde 10 kg/da N (%100 amonyum nitrat), 20 kg/da N (%25 amonyum nitrat + %75 amonyum sülfat) ve 30 kg/da N (%75 amonyum nitrat + %25 amonyum sülfat) uygulamaları dışındakilerin görünüş puanı kabul edilebilir seviyenin üstünde olmuş, rokaların 10 gün başarı ile muhafaza edilebileceği ve raf ömrü koşullarında en fazla 3 gün bekletilebileceği saptanmıştır. Muhafaza sırasında klorofil içeriklerinde de azalmalar olmuştur.