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Öğe Diurnal photosynthesis, water use efficiency and light use efficiency of wheat under Mediterranean field conditions(Triveni Enterprises, 2008) Evrendilek, Fatih; Asher, Jiftah Ben; Aydin, MehmetPhotosynthesis and transpiration rates of wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum L.) were measured at 30 min intervals under Mediterranean field conditions, using Photosynthesis Monitor system (PM-48M). The dynamics of net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (ET), water use efficiency (WUE), light use efficiency (LUE), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and atmospheric CO2 concentration (Catm) were quantified at five rainfed wheat sites with the same stages of development (midflowering) along south-to-north and east-to-west transects for eight days in April. Diurnal PN (3.6 to 6.6 ?mol m-2 s -1), PAR (392 to 564 ?mol m-2 sec-1), LUE (0.006 to 0.015) and WUE (0.0001 to 0.011) did not vary significantly across all five wheat sites (p>0.05). PN and ET were strongly coupled and highly correlated with PAR (p<0.001). Best multiple linear regression (MLR) models accounted for 92% of variations in PN as a function of PAR and ET, and 90% in ET as a function of PAR and RH (p<0.001). PN exhibited a peak at mid-morning, and a photosynthetic midday depression under the limiting effects of high evaporative demand. Diurnal variations in WUE and LUE showed a bimodal behavior with the maximum values in early morning and late afternoon. As the impacts of global climate change become increasingly felt, continuous measurements of climate-crop-soil-management interactions under natural conditions play a pivotal role not only in exploring changes in ecophysiological properties of strategic crops for food security such as wheat but also in devising preventive and mitigative management practices to ensure sustained agricultural productivity. © Triveni Enterprises.Öğe Doğu Akdeniz koşullarında yetiştirilen kuraklığa dayanıklı ve hassas pamuk çeşitlerinin fotosentetik özelliklerin belirlenmesi(2020) Ödemiş, Berkant; Kılıç, Şeref; Evrendilek, FatihAmaç: Bu araştırma 14 farklı pamuk çeşidinde, kuraklığadayanıklı ve hassas çeşitler esas alınarak, farklı sulamasuyu düzeylerinin, bitki su tüketimi, su kullanım etkinliği,stoma iletkenliği, fotosentez hızları ve verim değerleriüzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır.Yöntem ve Bulgular: Araştırma, ST 506, ST468, BA525,BA119, FLASH, SIOKRA L-22, TAM SPHINX, TAM 94L-25,PIMA S-7, TAMCOT-22, TAMCOT SP 21 S, TAMCOT SP 23,TAMCOT CAMD-ES ve AKSEL çeşitlerinde yürütülmüştür.Aksel çeşidi kuraklığa hassas diğer çeşitler kuraklığadayanıklı çeşitlerdir.. Deneme tesadüf bloklarındadeneme desenine göre yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada sözkonusu çeşitlerin bitki su tüketimi, su kullanım etkinliği,stoma iletkenliği, fotosentez hızları ve verim değerleribelirlenmiştir. Fotosentez hızı, transpirasyon hızı vestoma iletkenliği sadece tam sulama (I100) ve elverişlikapasitenin %25’i düzeyinde (I25) ölçülmüştür.Araştırmada çeşitler arasında su stresinin etkisininönemli olmadığı belirlenmiştir.Genel Yorum: Sonuç olarak, ilk yıl 4, ikinci yıl toplam 6sulama yapılmıştır. Uygulanan sulama suyu miktarı ilk yıl270-480 mm, ikinci yıl 298-520 mm arasında değişmiştir.Verim ve bitki su tüketimi uygulanan sulama suyu miktarına bağlı olarak artmıştır. En yüksek ve en düşükverim sırasıyla BA525 çeşidinde (555 kg da-1) Akselçeşidinde 358 kg da-1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ortalamaolarak fotosentez hızı I100 konusunda 12.616 µmol m-2s-1,I25 konusunda 7.549 µmol m-2s-1 olarak ölçülmüştür.Stoma iletkenliği arttıkça verim değerleri de artmıştır (I25konusunda 0.093 mol m-2s-1I100 konusunda 0.182 mol m2s-1). Transpirasyon hızı I25 konusunda 2.947 mmol m-2s-1I100 konusunda 3.919 mmol m-2s-1 olarak belirlenmiştir.Bununla birlikte anılan parametrelerin verim ile ilişkileriincelendiğinde stoma iletkenliğinin verim ile ilişkisitranspirasyon hızı ve fotosentez hızından daha düşüksaptanmıştır.Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Araştırma Doğu AkdenizBölgesinde yaygın olarak yetiştirilen 14 pamuk çeşidindesu kullanım etkinliği, bitki su tüketimi ve fizyolojiközelliklerini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca belirtilen fizyolojiközellikler ile verim arasındaki ilişkiler irdelendiğindeverim ve stoma iletkenliği arasındaki ilişkinin,transpirasyon ve fotosentez hızının ile verim arasındakiilişkisinden daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır.Öğe Falling Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 as a Function of Respiratory Droplet Size and Human Height(Springer Heidelberg, 2020) Aydin, Mehmet; Evrendilek, Fatih; Savas, Seckin Aydin; Aydin, Ismail Erkan; Evrendilek, Deniz ErenPurpose The purpose of this study is to quantify the motion dynamics of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Methods Three physical models of Newton's and Stokes's laws with(out) air resistance in the calm air are used to determine the falling time and velocity regimes of SARS-CoV-2 with(out) a respiratory water droplet of 1 to 2000 micrometers (mu m) in diameter of an infected person of 0.5 to 2.6 m in height. Results The horizontal distance travelled by SARS-CoV-2 in free fall from 1.7 m was 0.88 m due to breathing or talking and 2.94 m due to sneezing or coughing. According to Newton's laws of motion with air resistance, its falling velocity and time from 1.7 m were estimated at 3.95 x 10(-2)m s(-1)and 43 s, respectively. Large droplets > 100 mu m reached the ground from 1.7 m in less than 1.6 s, while the droplets >= 30 mu m fell within 4.42 s regardless of the human height. Based on Stokes's law, the falling time of the droplets encapsulating SARS-CoV-2 ranged from 4.26 x 10(-3)to 8.83 x 10(4) s as a function of the droplet size and height. Conclusion The spread dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic is closely coupled to the falling dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 for which Newton's and Stokes's laws appeared to be applicable mostly to the respiratory droplet size >= 237.5 mu m and <= 237.5 mu m, respectively. An approach still remains to be desired so as to better quantify the motion of the nano-scale objects.Öğe Identification of ecologically significant habitats for urban nature conservation: A case study in Turkey(Triveni Enterprises, 2003) Evrendilek, FatihGiven the rapid urbanization of Turkey, sustained productivity of natural resources should be an integral part of any urban development policy. The biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem services link urban and rural ecosystems. It is, therefore, essential that ecologically significant habitats along urban-rural continuum be protected to secure public and environmental health. This necessitates their identification and the establishment of administrative and legal foundations for urban nature conservation in the management of urban habitats. should be established. Ecological analysis of urban habitats of Karşiyaka led to the identification of 19 ecologically significant habitats. Nature conservation priority was rated, using rarity, species richness, stratification, site age, and area of the habitats. Ecologically significant habitats made up about 54 ha of the total urban green space of 289 ha in Karşilyaka. The total number of plant species was estimated to be 273.Öğe Implications of climate change for evaporation from bare soils in a Mediterranean environment(Springer, 2008) Aydin, Mehmet; Yano, Tomohisa; Evrendilek, Fatih; Uygur, VeliThe purpose of this study was to predict quantitative changes in evaporation from bare soils in the Mediterranean climate region of Turkey in response to the projections of a regional climate model developed in Japan (hereafter RCM). Daily RCM data for the estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETr) and soil evaporation were obtained for the periods of 1994-2003 and 2070-2079. Potential evaporation (E-p) from bare soils was calculated using the Penman-Monteith equation with a surface resistance of zero. Simulation of actual soil evaporation (E-a) was carried out using Aydin model (Aydin et al., Ecological Modelling 182:91-105, 2005) combined with Aydin and Uygur (2006, A model for estimating soil water potential of bare fields. In Proceedings of the 18th International Soil Meeting (ISM) on Soils Sustaining Life on Earth, Managing Soil and Technology, Sanliurfa, 477-480pp.) model of predicting soil water potential at the top surface layer of a bare soil, after performances of Aydin model (R-2 = 94.0%) and Aydin and Uygur model (R-2 = 97.6) were tested. The latter model is based on the relations among potential soil evaporation, hydraulic diffusivity, and soil wetness, with some simplified assumptions. Input parameters of the model are simple and easily obtainable such as climatic parameters used to compute the potential soil evaporation, average diffusivity for the drying soil, and volumetric water content at field capacity. The combination of Aydin and Aydin and Uygur models appeared to be useful in estimating water potential of soils and E-a from bare soils, with only a few parameters. Unlike ETr and E-p projected to increase by 92 and 69 mm (equivalent to 8.0 and 7.3% increases) due to the elevated evaporative demand of the atmosphere, respectively, E-a from bare soils is projected to reduce by 50 mm (equivalent to a 16.5% decrease) in response to a decrease in rainfall by 46% in the Mediterranean region of Turkey by the 2070s predicted by RCM, and consequently, to decreased soil wetness in the future.Öğe A model for indoor motion dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 as a function of respiratory droplet size and evaporation(Springer, 2021) Aydin, Mehmet; Savas, Seckin Aydin; Evrendilek, Fatih; Aydin, Ismail Erkan; Evrendilek, Deniz ErenA simplified model has been devised to estimate the falling dynamics of severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-laden droplets in an indoor environment. Our estimations were compared to existing literature data. The spread of SARS-CoV-2 is closely coupled to its falling dynamics as a function of respiratory droplet diameter (1 to 2000 mu m) of an infected person and droplet evaporation. The falling time of SARS-CoV-2 with a respiratory droplet diameter of about 300 mu m from a height of 1.7 m remained almost the same among the Newtonian lift equation, Stokes's law, and our simplified model derived from them so as to account for its evaporation. The evaporative demand peaked at midday which was ten times that at midnight. The evaporating droplets <= 6 mu m lost their water content rapidly, making their lifetimes in the air shorter than their falling times. The droplets <= 6 mu m were able to evaporate completely and remained in the air for about 5 min as droplet nuclei with SARS-CoV-2.Öğe Modelling stochastic variability and uncertainty in aroma active compounds of PEF-treated peach nectar as a function of physical and sensory properties, and treatment time(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2016) Evrendilek, Gulsun Akdemir; Avsar, Yahya Kemal; Evrendilek, FatihEffects of pulsed electric field (PEF) processing on 28 aroma active compounds, and four physical and eight sensory properties of peach nectar were explored using the best-fit multiple linear regression (MLR) models and Monte Carlo simulations as a function of the treatment times of 0, 66, 131, and 210 mu s. The PEF treatment time of 131 mu s on average led consistently to the least loss of most compounds. Significantly enhanced or no significant changes in the sensory properties were found as a function of the PEF treatment times. The most influential sensory predictor of the 28 MLR models was flavour, while the aroma compound most influential on the sensory properties of aftertaste, flavour, sweetness, and overall acceptance was octadecanoic acid. Monte Carlo simulations were used for the probabilistic assessments of stochastic variability and uncertainty associated with aroma active compounds of PEF-treated peach nectar. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Monitoring water quality and quantity of national watersheds in Turkey(Springer, 2007) Odemis, Berkant; Evrendilek, FatihNational data from the hydrological network for 38 rivers out of 25 watersheds were used to detect spatial and temporal trends in water quality and quantity characteristics between 1995 and 2002. Assessment of water quality and quantity included flow rate, water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption rate, Na, K, Ca+Mg, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4, and boron. Among the major ions assessed on a watershed basis, Turkish river waters are relatively high in Ca+Mg, Na and HCO3, and low in K and CO3. The watersheds in Turkey experienced a general trend of 16% decrease in flow rates between 1995 and 2002 at a mean annual rate of about 4 m(3) s(-1), with a considerable spatial variation. Similarly, there appeared to be an increasing trend in river water temperature, at a mean annual rate of about 0.2 degrees C. A substantial proportion of watersheds experienced an increase in pH, in particular, after 1997, with a maximum increase from 8.1 to 8.4 observed in Euphrates (P < 0.01). Kendall's tau test revealed increasing trends of EC and SAR concentrations that exceeded existing standards, particularly, in the Meric, kizilirmak and Big Menderes watersheds where intensive agricultural activities take place. Such continued levels may threaten biotic integrity and both drinking and irrigation water quality of rivers. Best multiple linear regression (MLR) models constructed both annually and monthly differed in R-2 values in accounting for variations of pH and water temperature only. The findings of the study can provide a useful assessment of controls over water quality and quantity and assist in devising integrated and sustainable management practices for watersheds at the regional scale in Turkey.Öğe Multivariate analysis of watershed health and sustainability in Turkey(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2008) Odemis, Berkant; Evrendilek, FatihNational hydrological network data between 1970 and 2002 for 96 stations across 25 watersheds were used to monitor annual trends in 13 variables: streamflow rates, water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sediment concentration and eight nutrient levels (Na, K, Ca+Mg, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4 and boron). The dataset was analysed with multiple linear regression (MLR) models, principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA). The Turkish watersheds have experienced a significant increase in pH, K, CO3 and a significant decrease in streamflow rate and sediment concentration between 1970 and 2002, with considerable spatial variations. There was also an increasing trend in streamwater temperature, at a rate of 0.05 degrees C yr(-1) (p > 0.05). The MLR models had high r(2) values of 69.6% to 99.9% at p <= 0.001 for 12 out of the 13 variables, with r(2) of 42% for boron (p < 0.05). PCA reduced the dimensionality of the dataset to four principal components that explain most (81.7%) of the variance. CA was able to distinguish six geographically associated groupings of watersheds with similar attributes in concordance with the climate zones of Turkey, despite the use of different clustering methods (complete, McQuitty, average, centroid and single linkage methods). Multivariate analyses of dynamic watershed characteristics provide the basis on which preventive and mitigative measures can be tailored to secure and enhance watershed health and sustainability.Öğe Quantifying carbon budgets of conifer Mediterranean forest ecosystems, Turkey(Springer, 2006) Evrendilek, Fatih; Berberoglu, Suha; Taskinsu-Meydan, Sibel; Yilmaz, ErhanAboveground biomass, aboveground litterfall, and leaf litter decomposition of five indigenous tree stands (pure stands of Pinus brutia, Pinus nigra, Cedrus libani, Juniperus excelsa, and a mixed stand of Abies cilicica, P. nigra, and C. libani) were measured in an eastern Mediterranean evergreen needleleaf forest of Turkey. Measurements were converted to regional scale estimates of carbon (C) stocks and fluxes of forest ecosystems, based on general non-site-specific allometric relationships. Mean C stock of the conifer forests was estimated as 97.8 +/- 79 Mg C ha(-1) consisting of 83.0 +/- 67 Mg C ha(-1) in the aboveground and 14.8 +/- 12 Mg C ha(-1) in the belowground biomass. The forest stands had mean soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) stocks of 172.0 +/- 25.7 Mg C ha(-1) and 9.2 +/- 1.2 Mg N ha(-1), respectively. Mean total monthly litterfall was 376.2 +/- 191.3 kg C ha(-1), ranging from 641 +/- 385 kg C ha(-1) for Pinus brutia to 286 +/- 82 kg C ha(-1) for Cedrus libani. Decomposition rate constants (k) for pine needles were 0.0016 for Cedrus libani, 0.0009 for Pinus nigra, 0.0006 for the mixed stand, and 0.0005 day(-1) for Pinus brutia and Juniperus excelsa. Estimation of components of the C budgets revealed that the forest ecosystems were net C sinks, with a mean sequestration rate of 2.0 +/- 1.1 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) ranging from 3.2 +/- 2 Mg C ha(-1) for Pinus brutia to 1.6 +/- 0.6 Mg C ha(-1) for Cedrus libani. Mean net ecosystem productivity (NEP) resulted in sequestration of 98.4 +/- 54.1 Gg CO2 yr(-1) from the atmosphere when extrapolated for the entire study area of 134.2 km(2) (Gg = 10(9) g). The quantitative C data from the study revealed the significance of the conifer Mediterranean forests as C sinks.Öğe Quantifying coastal inundation vulnerability of Turkey to sea-level rise(Springer, 2008) Demirkesen, Ali C.; Evrendilek, Fatih; Berberoglu, SuhaThe vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas in Turkey to inundation was quantified based on the sea-level rise scenarios of 1, 2, and 3 m by 2205. Through digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM), the extent and distribution of the high to low-risk coastal plains were identified. The spatio-temporal analysis revealed the inundated coastal areas of 545, 1,286, and 2,125 km(2) at average rates of 5, 10, and 15 mm yr(-1) for 200 years, respectively. This is equivalent to minimum and maximum land losses by 2205 of 0.1-0.3% of the total area and of 1.3-5.2% of the coastal areas with elevations of less than 100 m in the country, respectively. This study provides an initial assessment of vulnerability to sea-level rise to help decision-makers, and other concerned stakeholders to develop appropriate public policies and land-use planning measures.Öğe Quantifying long-term changes in water quality and quantity of Euphrates and Tigris rivers, Turkey(Springer, 2010) Odemis, Berkant; Sangun, Mustafa Kemal; Evrendilek, FatihThe Euphrates and Tigris watersheds originating from Turkey and passing through Syria and Iraq are one of the most important transboundary watersheds in the Middle East. Long-term data (1971 to 2002) from 14 stations over the Euphrates river and seven stations over the Tigris river were analyzed and compared using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Kendall trend tests, and box-and-whisker plots. The upper Euphrates river had significantly lower values of flow rate (FR), water temperature (WT), electrical conductivity (EC), Cl, and SO4 than did the lower Euphrates river. The middle Euphrates river had significantly higher Na, K, HCO3, Cl, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), and boron (B) and lower EC and SO4 than the lower Euphrates river. The upper west Tigris river had higher EC, Ca + Mg, and SO4 and lower FR, Na, and SAR than the lower Tigris river. The upper east Tigris river had higher HCO3 and B and lower FR and WT than the lower Tigris river.Öğe Quantifying photosynthetic properties of drought-resistant and sensitive cotton varieties grown in Eastern Mediterranean conditions(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2020) Ödemirş, Berkant; Kılıç, Şeref; Evrendilek, FatihAims: This study aimed to investigate the effects of different irrigation water levels on evapotranspiration, water use efficiency, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis rates and yields in 14 drought-sensitive and resistant cotton varieties. Methods and Results: The trial was carried out according to the random blocks experimental design pattern. The experimental study was conducted on ST 506, ST468, BA525, BA119, FLASH, SIOKRA L-22, TAM SPHINX, TAM 94L-25, PIMA S-7, TAMCOT-22, TAMCOT SP 21 S, TAMCOT SP 23, TAMCOT CAMD-ES and AKSEL cultivars. Evapotranspiration, water use efficiency, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis rates and yields of the mentioned cultivars were determined. Photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance were measured only at the levels of full irrigation (I100) and 25% of the full irrigation (I25). Conclusions: The total numbers of irrigation done in the first and second years were four and six, respectively. The amount of irrigation water applied varied between 270 and 480 mm in the first year, and 298 and 520 mm in the second year. Yield and evapotranspiration increased depending on the amount of irrigation water applied. The highest and lowest yields were determined as 358 kg da-1 in Aksel cultivar and 555 kg da-1 in BA525 variety, respectively. On average, the photosynthesis rate was measured as 12,616 µmol m-2 s -1 for I100, and 7.549 µmol m-2 s -1 for I25. As the stomatal conductance increased, the yield also increased (0.093 mol m-2 s -1 for I25 and 0.182 mol m-2 s -1 for I100). Transpiration rate was determined as 2.947 mmol m-2 s -1 for I25 and 3.919 mmol m-2 s -1 for I100. The varieties did not significantly differ in terms of water stress. Aksel cultivar is droughtsensitive, whereas the others are drought-resistant varieties. Significance and Impact of the Study: The research revealed the physiological characteristics, plant water consumption and water use efficiency of 14 different cotton varieties widely grown in eastern Mediterranean conditions. And also, when the relationship of the mentioned parameters with yield was examined, the relationship between stomatal conductance and yield was found lower than the one between transpiration and photosynthesis rates.Öğe Regional modeling of global solar radiation dynamics as a function of geographical and meteorological data over Turkey(Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2007) Ertekin, Can; Evrendilek, FatihA total of 96 empirical models in linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, exponential and hybrid forms using geographical and meteorological data were compared to estimate monthly average daily global solar radiation on a horizontal surface for 159 weather stations in Turkey. As a function of sunshine duration only, Jin et al. (2005) model provided most robust performance based on the error statistics of the coefficient of determination (R2), the mean percentage error (MPE), the mean bias error (MBE), and the root mean square error (RMSE). As a function of mean air temperature, precipitation, and sunshine duration, Chen et al. (2006) model gave best results. A comparison of observed and predicted monthly average daily global solar radiation for 35 sites typical of the major climate zones of Turkey had high R2 values. Spatial variability in mean annual global solar radiation observed was mapped using universal (co-)kriging with the spherical semi-variogram model. Crossvalidation statistics indicated that universal (co-)kriging was sufficiently reliable in prediction of spatial variability in global solar radiation across the country, particularly, in areas with a lack of incident solar radiation data.Öğe Responses to Drought Stress Levels of StrawberryGrown in Greenhouse Conditions(2020) Ödemiş, Berkant; Candemir, Derya Kazgöz; Evrendilek, FatihThis experimental study was carried out using the 'Camarosa' cultivar strawberry plants grown in pots in greenhouse conditions. One control andtwo drought levels were created by bringing the existing soil water content ofthe pot to the field capacity ($I_100$-control) and using its 66% ($I_66$-mild droughtstress) and 33% ($I_33$-severe drought stress) in irrigation. The experimentaldesign of the randomized complete blocks design was applied in fourreplicates with 10 pots per replicate amounting to a total of 120 pots. In orderto determine the plant response to the generated stress levels, stomatalconductivity (Sc, mmol $m^2$ $s^{-1}$ ), total chlorophyll content (SPAD, ?mol $m^{-2}$ $s^{-1}$ ),chlorophyll concentration (CC, mg $g^{-1}$ ), leaf surface temperature (LST, °C),photosynthetic quantum yield (Qy, %), photosynthetically active radiation(PAR, W $m^{-2}$ ), leaf water content (LWC, %), yield (g $pot^{-1}$ ), leaf area (LA, $cm^2$ ),leaf number (LN), and crop water use (ET) were measured in three plants pereach replicate. 1.89, 3.62, and 5.82 L $pot^{-1}$ were applied to $I_33$, $I_66$, and $I_100$ asirrigation water, while 2.59, 3.92, and 5.59 L $pot^{-1}$ were crop water used fromthem, respectively. Average strawberry yield varied between 80 and400 g $pot^{-1}$ . The increased drought stress decreased Sc, SPAD, CC, Qy, PAR,LWC, LA, and LN but increased LST. All the measured variables hadsignificant relationships with irrigation water and crop water use. Yield had alinear relationship with LST and LN and a polynomial relationship with Sc,SPAD, CC, Qy, PAR, LWC, and LA. Water and light use efficiencies werequantified and predicted through the best-fit (non-) linear models.Öğe Spatio-temporal modeling of global solar radiation dynamics as a function of sunshine duration for Turkey(Elsevier, 2007) Ertekin, Can; Evrendilek, FatihA total of 18 empirical models in linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, exponential and hybrid forms using only sunshine hours, latitude, and altitude were compared to estimate monthly average daily global solar radiation on a horizontal surface for 159 weather stations in Turkey. Gopinathan [Gopinathan, K.K., 1988a. A simple method for predicting global solar radiation on a horizontal surface. Sol. Wind Technol. 5, 581-583] and Jin [Jin, Z., Yezheng, W, Gang, Y., 2005. General formula for estimation of monthly average daily global solar radiation in China. Energ. Convers. Manage. 46, 257-268] models provided the most robust performance based on the error statistics of the coefficient of determination (R-adj(2)), the mean percentage error (MPE), the mean bias error (MBE), and the root mean square error (RMSE). A comparison of observed and predicted monthly average daily global solar radiation for a total of 35 sites equally distributed across the seven major climate zones of Turkey resulted in the highest R 2 values of 95.1-94.9%, based on Gopinathan [Gopinathan, K.K., 1988a. A simple method for predicting global solar radiation on a horizontal surface. Sol. Wind Technol. 5, 581-583] and Jin et al. [Jin, Z., Yezheng, W., Gang, Y, 2005. General formula for estimation of monthly average daily global solar radiation in China. Energ. Convers. Manage. 46, 257-268] models, respectively. Spatial variability in mean annual global solar radiation observed was mapped on a 500 m x 500 m grid using universal kriging with the first order trend removal. Cross-validation statistics indicated that universal kriging was sufficiently reliable in prediction of spatial variability in global radiation across the country, particularly, in areas with a lack of global solar radiation data. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Transport dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 under outdoor conditions(Springer, 2022) Aydin, Mehmet; Evrendilek, Fatih; Aydin, Ismail Erkan; Savas, Seckin Aydin; Evrendilek, Deniz ErenThis study aimed at estimating the transport dynamics of a single severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-laden droplet of 1 to 500 mu m in diameter at a wind speed from 1 to 4 m/s. Motion dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-laden respiratory droplets under calm or turbulent air conditions were quantified using a combined model. Dalton's law was implemented to estimate their evaporation. One-factor-at-a-time procedure was applied for the sensitivity analysis of model of deposition velocity. The transport distance of the single virus ranged from 167 to 1120 m as a function of the droplet size, wind speed, and falling time. The evaporation times of the droplets <= 3 and <= 14 mu m in diameter were shorter than their settling times from 1.7 m in height at midnight and midday, respectively. Such droplets remained in the air for about 5 min as the droplet nuclei with SARS-CoV-2. The minimum transport distance of the respiratory droplets of 1-15 mu m varied between 8.99 and 142 m at a wind speed range of 1-4 m/s, based on their deposition velocity. With their short transport distance, the larger droplet (30 to 500 mu m) was not suspended in the air even under the windy conditions. The deposition velocity was found most sensitive to the droplet diameter. The droplets < 15 mu m in diameter completely evaporated at midday and the droplet nuclei with the single virus can travel a minimum distance of 500 m under a horizontal wind speed of 3 m/s.