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Öğe Coerced anal sex against spouses in Turkey(2014) Karanfil, Ramazan; Keten, Alper; Zeren, Cem; Karaarslan, BekirAmaç: Bu çalışmada; eşe karşı anal yoldan cinsel saldırı eylemlerinin medikolegal yönüyle incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı'na Ocak 2007 ile Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasında anal yoldan cinsel saldırı iddiası ile getirilen 34 vaka çalışma kapsamına alındı. Olguların muayene bulguları değerlendirilerek, yüz yüze görüşülerek sosyodemografik özelliklerini içeren anket uygulandı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 34 anal saldırı eylemi olan mağdurların 34'ü de (%100) kadın eşe karşı yapılmıştı. Mağdurların yaş ortalaması 23,2 ± 5,2 olarak bulundu. Saldırıya uğrayan eşlerden 24' ü (%70,6) daha önce fiziksel şiddet gördüğünü ifade etmişken, 10' u (%29,4) herhangi bir fiziksel şiddete uğramadığını beyan etmiştir. Olgulardan sadece 4' ü anal saldırı nedeniyle başvurduğu, diğer olguların farklı nedenlerle başvurup muayene sırasında anal saldırı tespit edildiği bilgisine ulaşıldı. Çalışmamızda eşe karşı anal saldırı mağdurlarının genellikle genç yaş, kadın, ev hanımı gurubunda olduğu ve anal saldırı eyleminin süreğenlik içerdiği bulgusuna ulaştık. Sonuç: Dünyada olduğu gibi bölgemizde de eşe karşı anal saldırılar önemli bir sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Evli kadınlar üzerinde tarama çalışmaları yaparak bu sorunun sıklığa hakkında tespit yapılmalı, soruna yönelik çözüm önerileri oluşturulmalıdır.Öğe Demonstration of ethyl glucuronide in dental tissue samples by liquid chromatography/electro-spray tandem mass spectrometry(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013) Zeren, Cem; Keten, Alper; Celik, Salih; Damlar, Ibrahim; Daglioglu, Nebile; Celiker, Adnan; Karaarslan, BekirIntroduction: Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) has been studied in various tissues and body fluid for determination of alcohol intake. However, no study, dealing with EtG analysis in dental tissue, was performed so far. In this study, we aimed to demonstrate EtG levels in dental tissue. Materials and methods: Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) was performed to 29 participants. Following the test, cases were divided into three groups as non-hazardous alcohol users, alcohol abusers and 6 controls who verbally declared that they were abstainers. A total of 29 tooth specimens, obtained from participants, Was included in the study. These specimens were analyzed using LC/MS/MS. Results: All of the participants included in the study were male. According to the MAST outcomes 14 of the participants were non-hazardous alcohol users, and 9 were alcohol abusers, while 6 patients verbally declared that they were abstainers. Dental tissue analyses revealed EtG levels ranging between EtG < LOD and 23.39 pg/mg. EtG levels were observed to beÖğe EVALUATION OF THE DEATH CASES OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF INJURY DURING WAR(Carbone Editore, 2014) Karaarslan, Bekir; Uysal, Cem; Celikel, Adnan; Atan, Yusuf; Asildag, Mustafa Kenan; Tataroglu, Zekeriya; Dulger, Hikmet ErginAim: Injuries appeared on civilian deaths vary according to the weapon characteristics used. This study we aimed to describe and analyze demographic characteristics of the deceased cases, quantity and qualifications of the injuries, assessment of the autopsy findings in the light of the latest literature findings. Material and method: Examination and autopsy records of 352 judicial death cases who have been injured and died during the civil war in Syria between July 2012 and March 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Result: The most injured body parts were determined as head & neck (29%, n:239), abdomen (17%, n:1489, chest (16%, n:140), respectively. It was detected that 41.1% (n:90) of the cases have died within the first 24 hours following the injury and the most common cause of death was brain tissue damage and cranial hemorrhage (38.6%, n:136). Abbreviated Injury Scale (MS) score was determined as >3 in 96% of the deceased and Injury Severity Scores (ISS) median was 39.62 +/- 23.48 (interval 4-75). Conclusion: In our study it was observed that quantity and qualification of the people injured in the war environment has a high prevalence. It was detected that death occurred earlier in the injuries by bullet.Öğe Forensic epidemiology of childhood deaths-Gaziantep (2005-2012)(2016) Karaarslan, Bekir; Bilen, Ayşegül; Çelikel, Adnan; Uysal, Cem; Özkan, Ömer Lütfi; Akbaba, Murat; Eyisoy, OnurIn the present study, judicial death cases during childhood were assessed retrospectively for description and discussion of the data obtained in company with the literature were aimed. For the purposes of this study, the postmortem examination and post-mortem records of the cases between the ages of 0-18, who had died between January 2005 and December 2012. The sociodemographic characteristics and origin of the 1113 cases, the type of the incident, the distribution of the causes of death post-mortems were evaluated. The mean age of the 1113 cases was 6.77±0.17 (mean ± SE), and 66.8% cases were male, while 33.1% were female, (Male/Female: 2/1). The greatest part of all the deaths comprised fatal accidents with cases 61.4%, followed by (26.1%) suspicious deaths, 4.3% homicides, and 4.1% suicides the most common cause for death was detected as traffic accident by 33.5% cases among the 48 cases who were homicided, 58.3% were in the 15-18 age group. Consequently, it was observed that child death cases occurred in our territory were frequently accidental and traffic accidents were more commonÖğe Gaziantep bölgesinde 2005-2011 yılları arasında meydana gelen intihar olgularının retrospektif incelenmesi(2014) Karaarslan, Bekir; Baransel Isır, Aysun; Bilen, Ayşe Gül; Çelikel, Adnan; Karanfil, Ramazan; Eyisoy, Onur; Uysal, CemAMAÇ: İntihar davranışı tüm dünyada artış gösteren bir sağlık problemi olmaktadır. Dünya sağlık örgütü verilerine göre intihara bağlı ölümler tüm ölümler içerisinde ilk on ölüm nedeni arasında görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Gaziantep bölgesinde intihar orjinli ölüm olgularının sosyodemografik özelliklerinin ortaya konması, toplumda intihar nedeniyle ölümlerin önlenmesine yönelik yapılacak çalışmalar açısından bilgi kaynağı edinilmesi ve adli süreçte yaşanan aksaklıkların değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. YÖNTEMLER: Gaziantep ilinde Ocak 2005 ile Aralık 2011 yılları arasında meydana gelen adli nitelikli ölüm olgularının ölü muayene ve otopsi tutanakları incelenmiştir. BULGULAR: İntihar sonucu ölen 334 olgu değerlendirilmiştir. Olguların 235’i (%70,4) erkek, 99’u (%29,6) kadındır. İntiharların her iki cinsiyette en fazla 21-30 yaş grubunda meydana geldiği (%32,0) tespit edilmiştir. İntihar yöntemi olarak en fazla ası yönteminin 169 (%50,6) kullanıldığı, en fazla intihar vakasının 2005 yılı içerisinde (%17,4) olduğu saptanmıştır. SONUÇ: Adli olgu olarak değerlendirilen tüm ölümlerde ölüm nedeni ve olayın orijinine bakılmaksızın eksiksiz ve usulüne uygun bir şekilde ilgili uzman tarafından otopsi yapılması gereklidirÖğe A series of civilian fatalities during the war in Syria(2014) Çelikel, Adnan; Karaarslan, Bekir; Demirkıran, Dua Sümeyra; Zeren, Cem; Arslan, Muhammet MustafaBACKGROUND: A considerable number of deaths due to firearm injuries have occurred during wars all over the world. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate demographic characteristics and injury properties of cases died during civil war in Syria.METHODS: The postmortem examination and autopsy reports of 321 forensic deaths occurred between January and December 2012 were analyzed, retrospectively. Of the 321 forensic deaths,186 cases were injured and died in the civil war in Syria and, therefore, included in the scope of the study. Four cases died by natural causes or traffic accidents were excluded.RESULTS: Cases were most commonly (n=73, 39.2%) aged between 21 and 30 years, and 21.5% (n=40) of cases aged under 20 years. Of females, 68.8% (n=11) were children and young adults under 20 years of age. An overwhelming majority of deaths (n=125, 67.2%) were caused by explosive and shrapnel injuries, followed by (n=49, 26.3%) gunshot injuries related deaths. CONCLUSION: This study indicated that a significant proportion of those who died after being injured in the Syrian war were children, women and elderly people. The nature and localization of the observed injuries indicated open attacks by military forces regardless of targets being civilians and human rights violations