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Öğe Anadolu geleneksel tıbbında güneş çarpması ve güneş yanığı tedavisinde kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler(2017) Altay, Volkan; Karahan, FarukUltraviyole radyasyon (200-400 nm), güneşten yaklaşık % 5 radyasyonu oluşturur. Ultraviyole radyasyon içeriği, mevsim, tropik, gün uzunluğu, rakım ve belirli atmosferik koşullar gibi bazı faktörlere bağlıdır. Uzun süreli güneş ışığına (UV ışınlarına) maruz kalmanın, güneş çarpması, güneş yanığı ve cilt kanseri gelişimi ile ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. UV ışınlarının emilmesi, yansıması ve dağılımı için yaygın olarak kullanılan birçok sentetik ürün vardır, ancak kimyasal ilaçlar insan vücudunda irritan kontakt dermatit, fototoksisite ve fotoalerji gibi bazı yan etkilere neden olur. Bitkisel ilaçlar, birçok halk sağlığının tedavisinde veya önlenmesinde popülerlik kazanmıştır. Bu çalışma, zararlı UV ışınlarından kaynaklanan güneş çarpması ve güneş yanığı hastalıklarının tedavisinde ve önlenmesinde önemli çeşitli tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilere genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Bu bitkilerin bilimsel isimleri ve kullanılan kısımları detaylı olarak listelenmiş ve 29 farklı bitki taksonu belirlenmiştir. En sık olarak kullanılan bitkiler şu şekildedir: Juglans regia, Teucrium polium, Arctium minus ve Cornus mas'dır. Son olarak, elde edilen bulgular, geleneksel tıbba ilişkin daha sonraki çalışmalara ve Türkiye'deki allopatik tıbba katkısı için bir temel olarak kullanılabilir.Öğe Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza glabra var. glandulifera from different habitats(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016) Karahan, Faruk; Avsar, Cumhur; Ozyigit, Ibrahim Ilker; Berber, IsmetIn this study, the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of root methanolic extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra var. glandulifera (Waldst. & Kit.) Boiss. (Fabaceae) were investigated. Plant samples were collected from different habitats in the East Mediterranean part of Turkey. The plant extracts were evaluated for antimicrobial activities against nine bacterial and two yeast strains using disc-diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration methods. The antioxidant activity was determined by using the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method. The antimicrobial assays indicated that the plant root extracts were more effective against Gram-positive bacteria than against Gram-negative ones. In addition, the extracts had higher antimicrobial effect against Candida species than against bacteria. The extracts showed good antioxidant activity, with a median inhibitory concentration (IC50) in the range of 588 +/- 0.86 mu g/mL to 2190 +/- 1.73 mu g/mL. Results indicated that different environmental conditions in each habitat might affect the contents of chemical compounds and biological activity in the natural licorice populations of. This study also supported the traditional use of licorice and as well as suggested that it may also be its beneficial role in the treatment of other infections. The obtained results indicated that different environmental conditions in each habitat might affect the contents of chemical compounds and the biological activity in the natural licorice populations.Öğe Bazı Muscari Mill. (Asparagaceae) Türleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Morfolojik, Anatomik ve Palinolojik Çalışmalar(2020) İlçim, Ahmet; Karahan, Faruk; Karataş, HalilBu çalışmada, Hatay’da doğal yayılış gösteren Muscari inconstrictum Rech. fil., M. comosum L., M. babachii Eken & Koyuncu ve M. neglectum Guss. türlerinin morfolojik, anatomik ve palinolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Morfolojik çalışmalarda soğan, yaprak, çiçek, meyve ve tohum gibi yapıların özellikleri incelenmiştir. Tohum özellikleri incelendiğinde tohum büyüklüklerinin farklı, tohum şekillerinin M. inconstrictum’da ovat-eliptik diğer türlerde sferoidal olarak ve yüzey şekilleri entire, rugose ve ribbed olarak belirlenmiştir. Palinolojik analiz sonuçları polenlerin apartürleri sulkat, polen tipi subprolate ve oblate (basık) şekilde ve retikulat-subraretikulat ornamentasyona sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Anatomik çalışmalarda, türlerin kök, gövde ve yapraklarından parafin yöntemiyle enine kesitler alınmıştır. Hazırlanan preparatlar ışık mikroskobu altında fotoğraflanarak anatomik özellikleri belirlenmiştir.Öğe Comparative Study on Phytochemical Profiles, Antiproliferative, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Adonis Species from Turkey(Springer, 2022) Karahan, Faruk; Avsar, Cumhur; Turkmen, Musa; Gezici, Sevgi; Ilcim, AhmetThe present study aimed to determine antiproliferative, antimicrobial, antioxidant activities and also phytochemical composition of different nine Adonis L. species from Turkey. Leaves extracts of the plant samples were used to evaluate antimicrobial activity against 7 bacteria and 2 yeast strains using MICs and disc-diffusion methods. The antioxidant activity of plant samples was determined by using DPPH radical scavenging activity method. MTT assay was used for evaluation antiproliferative activities of the extracts against HL-60, HCA-7 and HUVEC human cells. Chemical composition of plant extracts were determined by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. The antimicrobial analyses results showed Gram-negative bacteria more sensitive than Gram-positive against the extracts, and the values were varied from 3.1 to 13.4 mu g/mL. The leaf extract of different Adonis species exhibited remarkable antiproliferative activities towards tested human cancer cells in a dose and time dependently, and they were found to possess more antiproliferative activity against HL-60 cells than that of the HCA-7 cells. As for the chemical composition of Adonis species, they were found to contain many components with antimicrobial and beneficial effects, such as ethyl palmitate, ethyl linoleate. Overall, it was concluded that leaves extracts of Adonis species could have a great potential for use in medicinal drug sources.Öğe Concentrations of plant mineral nutrients and potentially toxic elements in some medicinal plants in the Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Lamiaceae families from Southern Turkiye: insights into health implications(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2023) Karahan, Faruk; Ozyigit, Ibrahim Ilker; Yalcin, Ibrahim Ertugrul; Hocaoglu-Ozyigit, Asli; Erkencioglu, Bedriye Nazli; Ilcim, AhmetMedicinal plants have been used throughout history in the treatment of many diseases in traditional Anatolian folk medicine as well as all over the world. The rapid increase in agricultural and industrial activities due to the increasing population around the world causes air, water and soil pollution, and accumulation of potentially toxic elements in medicinal plants. In this study, plant mineral nutrients and potentially toxic elements analyzes were carried out in 38 plant species belonging to the medicinally important families Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Lamiaceae. The percentage of macroelements (in %) varies between 0.20 and 1.46 for calcium, 0.08 and 1.35 for potassium, 0.04 and 0.24 for magnesium, 0.01 and 0.34 for sodium, while concentrations of microelements and potentially toxic elements (in mg kg(-1)) vary between 3.21 and 721.28 for aluminum, 41.33 and 231.01 for boron, 0.01 and 0.61 for cadmium, 1.09 and 47.79 for chromium, 12.90 and 43.13 for copper, 17.75 and 1109.39 for iron, 51.50 and 715.48 for manganese, 0.12 and 9.42 for nickel, 1.58 and 22.11 for lead and finally 80.82 and 260.08 for zinc. In addition, estimated daily intake (EDI), target hazard quotient (THQ), and hazard index (HI) for potentially toxic elements, and Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) values for mineral nutrients were calculated. In some samples in industrial and mining areas, accumulation of some potentially toxic elements was slightly above the permissible limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Summary, the importance of collecting medicinal plants from protected areas such as mountainous rural areas, far from mining, close to clean rivers, and regular control of values with potentially toxic elements analyzes for human health has been understood once again.Öğe An Ethnobotanical Study in Ceylanlı Village (Kırıkhan/Hatay-Türkiye)(ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Arastırmalar Dernegi), 2022) Karahan, Faruk; Kara, BüşraThis study was carried out to determine the ethnobotanical characteristics of some plants distributed in Ceylanlı village (Kırıkhan/Hatay) on the slopes of Amanos Mountain. As a result of the field studies carried out between 2019 and 2021 and the interviews with the local people, it was determined that 75 taxa belonging to 41 families were used by the local people in the research area. The local names of the plants, the harvest season, the parts used, the usage purposes, and forms were determined by face-to-face interviews with different local people in their houses, farms, gardens or natural areas. The families having the highest number of using taxa in the area were determined to be Asteraceae and Lamiaceae (8 taxa each), Rosaceae (6 taxa), Amaryllidaceae, Brassicaceae, and Fabaceae (4 taxa each). In total 116 different uses belonging to the plants in the study area were determined, including uses for medical purposes such as wounds, respiratory tract, and stomachic diseases (47 taxa), food (20 taxa), daily items (6 taxa), spice (4 taxa), firewood (3 taxa), and for other different purposes (14 taxa). The obtained results were discussed by comparing them with the relevant literature. Our results show that most of the plants identified were collected by local people from their natural habitats. The local community in our study area was informed to reduce the collection of natural medicinal plants unconsciously and about the importance of cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants. It is believed that this study will contribute to all relevant studies at national and international scales. © 2022, ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Arastırmalar Dernegi). All rights reserved.Öğe An Ethnobotanical Study in Ceylanlı Village (Kırıkhan/Hatay-Türkiye)(2022) Karahan, Faruk; Kara, BüşraThis study was carried out to determine the ethnobotanical characteristics of some plants distributed in Ceylanlı village (Kırıkhan/Hatay) on the slopes of Amanos Mountain. As a result of the field studies carried out between 2019 and 2021 and the interviews with the local people, it was determined that 75 taxa belonging to 41 families were used by the local people in the research area. The local names of the plants, the harvest season, the parts used, the usage purposes, and forms were determined by face-to-face interviews with different local people in their houses, farms, gardens or natural areas. The families having the highest number of using taxa in the area were determined to be Asteraceae and Lamiaceae (8 taxa each), Rosaceae (6 taxa), Amaryllidaceae, Brassicaceae, and Fabaceae (4 taxa each). In total 116 different uses belonging to the plants in the study area were determined, including uses for medical purposes such as wounds, respiratory tract, and stomachic diseases (47 taxa), food (20 taxa), daily items (6 taxa), spice (4 taxa), firewood (3 taxa), and for other different purposes (14 taxa). The obtained results were discussed by comparing them with the relevant literature. Our results show that most of the plants identified were collected by local people from their natural habitats. The local community in our study area was informed to reduce the collection of natural medicinal plants unconsciously and about the importance of cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants. It is believed that this study will contribute to all relevant studies at national and international scales.Öğe Evaluation of Trace Element and Heavy Metal Levels of Some Ethnobotanically Important Medicinal Plants Used as Remedies in Southern Turkey in Terms of Human Health Risk(Springernature, 2023) Karahan, FarukHeavy metal accumulation in medicinal plants has increased dramatically in recent years due to agricultural and industrial activities leading to pollution of natural sources. This study is focused on the concentration of trace elements and heavy metals in aboveground parts of 33 medicinal plants from the Eastern Mediterranean of Turkey. Results showed that the Al concentrations varied between 4.368 and 1104.627, the B level varied between 47.850 and 271.479, Ca values ranged between 1971.213 and 22,642.895, Cd concentrations ranged between 0.011 and 0.651, Cr contents varied between 1.371 and 41.692, Cu values varied between 13.278 and 42.586, Fe concentrations varied between 20.705 and 1276.783, K levels ranged between 652.143 and 14,440.946, Mg concentrations varied from 336.871 to 1869.486, Mn contents varied between 46.383 and 849.492, Na concentrations varied between 167.144 and 3401.252, Ni values varied between 0.065 and 9.968, Pb levels ranged between 1.311 and 16.238, and Zn concentrations ranged between 67.250 and 281.954 mg kg(-1), respectively. Furthermore, Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) values for trace elements and estimated daily intake (EDI), target hazard quotient (THQ), and hazard index (HI) for heavy metals were calculated. The concentrations of heavy metals in some studied plants distributed in industrial and mining regions were found as slightly higher than the acceptable limits determined by WHO. Consequently, in order to prevent this heavy metal accumulation, when collecting medicinal aromatic plants, rural areas, close to clean rivers, or mountainous areas should be preferred, away from highway, mining, and industrial areas.Öğe Exploring the anti-cancer properties of essential oils from some Lamiaceae species against human cancer cells with multivariate analysis(Elsevier, 2024) Gezici, Sevgi; Turkmen, Musa; Karahan, FarukThe present study was aimed to determine phytochemical characterization, anticancer and antioxidant activities of essential oils obtained from 11 Lamiaceae species, including Clinopodium serpyllifolium subsp. barbatum (P.H.Davis) Braeurouchler, Lavandula angustifolia Miller, Mentha pound piperita L., Mentha pulegium L., Ocimum basilicum L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia aramiensis Rech.f., Salvia fruticosa Miller, Salvia officinalis L., Satureja thymbra L., and Thymbra spicata L. taxa from Tueurorkiye. The chemical composition of the essential oils (EOs) was identified using GC -MS, and antioxidant activity was determined using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,20- azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) free radical scavenging methods. Furthermore, the anticancer potential of the EOs was evaluated using MTT method against human cell lines, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2), gastric carcinoma (NCI -N87), breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), human prostate carcinoma (LNCaP clone FGC-Luc2) cancer cells, and non -cancerous human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The antioxidant activities of the extracts varied from 31.96 to 74.96%. Consistent with antioxidant activities, the anticancer activities of the EOs of S. officinalis, L. angustifolia, and R. officinalis were significantly higher than others. However, almost all EOs were found to inhibit cell viability and induce apoptosis of cancer cells, while the EOs at different concentrations exhibited the highest anticancer activity against NCI -N87, followed by HepG2, MCF-7, and LNCaP cancer cells, with the IC50 value ranging from 10.98 +/- 0.12 to 78.08 +/- 1.21 mg/mL, respectively. Variability in phytochemical components, free radical scavenging and anticancer activities of EOs was revealed by principal component analysis (PCA) and agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC). The major components of the EOs distilled from Lamiaceae species were found as eucalyptol, thujone, linalool, linalyl acetate, pulegone, carvone and carvacrol at different concentrations in the EOs. Overall, it can be clearly concluded that the EO samples distilled from some medicinal plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family contain valuable phytochemical compounds and accordingly exhibit remarkable biological activities. (c) 2024 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Genetic structure and diversity of Adonis L. (Ranunculaceae) populations collected from Turkey by inter-primer binding site (iPBS) retrotransposon markers(Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, 2019) Hossein Pour, Arash; Karahan, Faruk; İlhan, Emre; İlçim, Ahmet; Haliloğlu, KamilThe genus Adonis L. is a member of Ranunculaceae and consists of perennial and annual herbaceous plants included in the tribe Adonideae under the subfamily Ranunculoideae. Botanically, Ranunculaceae comprises vital medicinal plants. Molecular markers are one of the most effective tools for exploring genetic variation that can enhance breeding efficiency. To identify the genetic diversity of 62 Adonis ecotypes collected from different regions in Turkey, the interprimer binding site (iPBS) retrotransposon system was used. Of the 83 iPBS primers used, 10 provided sufficient polymorphic data, generating a total of 204 alleles. The number of iPBS bands per individual was 3.29, and the number of alleles per polymorphic locus ranged from 8 to 35, with an average of 20.30. The average polymorphism percentage was 99.50%, and polymorphic information content ranged from 0.16 to 0.39. The highest average number of alleles, Nei’s genetic diversity (h), and Shannon’s information index (I) were obtained from A. volgensis species (1.64, 0.39, and 0.58,respectively), whereas the lowest values (1.41, 0.29, and 0.46, respectively) were found in A. flammea species. The analysis of molecular variance revealed significant variance within the population (71%), whereas no significant genetic variation was observed among the different species (29%). Cluster analysis according to unweighted pair-group mean average (UPGMA) divided 62 Adonis ecotypes into four major clusters. According to the principal coordinate analysis, the first three principal coordinates accounted for 81.51% of total variation. Genetic structure analysis of the studied germplasm using the Bayesian method revealed four subpopulations with an average of 0.2634 for expected heterozygosity and 0.2154 for population differentiation measurements. The results of this study suggested that iPBS markers could be used in the identification of genetic diversity among the Adonis species.Öğe Hatay'da yayılış gösteren Glycyrrhiza türleri [G. glabra L., G. echinata L. ve G. flavescens Boiss.] üzerine moleküler ve ekolojik araştırmalar(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2013) Karahan, Faruk; Altay, VolkanHatay'da yayılış gösteren Glycyrrhiza türleri üzerine 2012 yılında gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmanın hem ekolojik hem de moleküler temelli olması planlanmıştır.Bu çalışma kapsamında araştırma alanımızdaki Glycyrrhiza türlerinin dağılım gösterdikleri habitatların biyoklimatik, edafik, topografik ve biyotik gibi bazı ekolojik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırma alanından toplanan Glycyrrhiza örneklerine ait toprak ve bitki örnekleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar sonucu elde edilen veriler ?Kanonik Korelasyon Analizi? yöntemiyle karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınıp değerlendirilmiştir.Çalışmamızın moleküler yöntemler kısmında ise son yıllarda popüler bir teknik haline gelen SSR belirteçleri kullanılarak farklı ekolojik koşullar altında yetişen Glycyrrhiza cinsine ait bireylerin tür içi ve türler arası genetik çeşitliliği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. 7 adet SSR markörü kullanılarak toplam 459 polimorfik bant elde edilmiş ve polimorfizm oranı % 94.19 olarak belirlenmiştir. En fazla bant üreten primer MTIC326 (93 adet) olurken en az bant üreten primer ise MTIC332 (15 adet) olmuştur. Oluşturulan dendogram incelendiğinde coğrafi olarak birbirine yakın populasyonların genetik benzerlik açısından da birbirlerine yakın oldukları sonucuna varılmıştır.Elde edilen tüm sonuçlar moleküler ekoloji bakış açısıyla yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır.2013, 160 sayfaÖğe Heavy Metal Levels and Mineral Nutrient Status in Different Parts of Various Medicinal Plants Collected from Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey(Humana Press Inc, 2020) Karahan, Faruk; Ozyigit, Ibrahim Ilker; Saracoglu, Ibrahim Adnan; Yalcin, Ibrahim Ertugrul; Hocaoglu-Ozyigit, Asli; Ilcim, AhmetMedicinal plants have been used for treatment of many diseases since the ancient times with traditional knowledge being transferred from generation to generation. However, in recent years, many natural habitats have been contaminated due to increased anthropogenic activities. Plants which are exposed to heavy metal toxicity may experience several serious problems. Furthermore, the inclusion of these plants into the food chain poses a threat to human health as well. Additionally, presence of heavy metals directly effect mineral nutrition and consequently the food quality. The aim of this study herewith is to determine the heavy metal content and mineral nutrient status of some medicinal plants to have insight on their health repercussions on plants and humans. The concentrations of Al, B, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn in commonly used parts (root, rhizome, seed, resin, gall, fruit) especially for remedial purposes of 17 medicinal plants collected from Turkey were analyzed by ICP-OES. The measured values for concentrations from lowest to highest were (in mg kg(-1)) 30.983-368.877 for Al, 13.845-186.015 for B, 1335.699-11213.951 for Ca, 0.016-0.653 for Cd, 0.379-30.708 for Cr, 23.838-90.444 for Cu, 78.960-1228.845 for Fe, 1035.948-6393.491 for K, 83.193-2252.031 for Mg, 12.111-362.570 for Mn, 278.464-1968.775 for Na, 1.945-35.732 for Ni, 0.796-17.162 for Pb and 166.910-395.252 for Zn. Overall, heavy metal concentrations in medicinal plants collected nearby industrial regions, mining and farming sites, were found to be in slightly higher levels. This shows us that it is of crucial importance that the areas where medicinal plants are collected are clean especially by means of heavy metals for the reason that these plants can cause more harm than the benefits they may provide if they are contaminated.Öğe Kırıkhan ilçesi (Hatay)'nin aktarlarında ve semt pazarlarında satılan bitkiler üzerine etnobotanik bir çalışma(2015) Altay, Volkan; Karahan, Faruk; Sarcan, Yasemin Buket; İlçim, Ahmet2011-2013 yılları arasında, Kırıkhan (Hatay)'da yapılan bu çalışmada; ilçedeki aktar ve semt pazarlarında satışı yapılan bitkilerin bazı etnobotanik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında yöredeki aktarlar ve semt pazarlarına gidilerek, satışı yapılan bitkilerin hangi amaçlarla ve nasıl kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bilgilere göre; araştırma alanında aktarlarda 70, semt pazarlarında ise 37 bitki taksonun bazı etnobotanik özellikleri tespit edilmiştir. Etnobotanik özellikleri belirlenen taksonların latince ve yerel isimleri, kullanılan kısımları ve kullanım amaçları familya isimlerine göre alfabetik olarak listelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ilgili literatürler ile karşılaştırılarak tartışılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile ulusal ve uluslararası ölçeklerdeki ilgili tüm çalışmalara katkıda bulunulacağı düşüncesindeyiz.Öğe Molecular and ecological investigations on the wild populations of Glycyrrhiza L. taxa distributed in the East Mediterranean Area of Turkey(Springer Japan Kk, 2016) Altay, Volkan; Karahan, Faruk; Ozturk, Munir; Hakeem, Khalid Rehman; Ilhan, Emre; Erayman, MustafaThis paper covers studies on the molecular and ecological aspects of G. glabra var. glandulifera, G. flavescens ssp. flavescens and G. echinata collected from Hatay (Turkey); with the aim to better understand their genetic variation and ecological requirements for possible conservation programs. The material including total genomic DNA was extracted by the CTAB, and for PCR reaction, a total of 14 SSR primers developed for Medicago truncatula were used. PCR amplifications were performed in a Multigen(A (R)) Thermal Cycler. Soil samples were analysed for their texture, pH, total soluble salts, calcium carbonate, total N content, total phosphorus and organic matter content. In order to see the association between genetic, ecological and geographical data, a similarity matrix was generated. Genetic similarity distances between genotypes were correlated with those of Eucledian distances obtained from ecological and geographical data. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed using GenAlEx 6.5 software to determine variation among and within genetic variations. The genetic analysis showed that the highest expected heterozygosity values were obtained from G. glabra while the lowest were obtained from G. echinata. In general heterozygosity values were low, especially for G. echinata. Therefore, variation appears to be lower within each species than among three species. The physical and chemical analysis of soil and plant samples indicates that mineral accumulation in plants is substantially affected by the soil characteristics. There is a need for identification of better strategies for the improvement of varieties, especially for small farmers managing marginal soils. More studies should be conducted in order to safeguard these taxa, especially G. glabra var. glandulifera which is collected intensively due to its economic value, the same is true for endemic taxon G. flavescens ssp. flavescens.Öğe Monitoring of heavy metals and essential trace elements in aquatic plant Ranunculus sphaerospermus Boiss. & Blanche (Ranunculaceae), sediments, and water of volcanic Haydarlar Lake, Türkiye(2022) Karahan, FarukAquatic ecosystems contain communities of organisms that are dependent on each other and on their environment. Monitoring of trace element and heavy metal concentrations is important to understand the possible environmental risks in natural aquatic environments. In the present study, concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements in aquatic plant Ranunculus sphaerospermus, sediments, and water samples of volcanic Haydarlar Lake were analyzed by using ICP-OES. The concentrations were found in the following ranges: 82.11 – 97.38, 9174.50 – 9942.29, and 0.63 – 0.89 for Al; 10.29 – 17.43, 30.60 – 55.60, and 0.81 – 0.98 for B; 1038.44 – 1682.30, 4017.26 – 4503.54, and 1276.61 – 1541.41 for Ca; 120.69 – 178.41, 6894.50 – 8103.47, and 0.51 – 0.69 for Fe; 2503.51 – 2983.38, 1118.50 – 1693.38, and 69.43 – 93.82 for K; 563.38 – 783.22, 885.32 – 1122.47, and 108.55 – 143.36 for Mg in the plant (mg kg?1), sediment (mg kg?1), and water (mg L?1) samples, respectively. The concentrations of Ca, Fe, and K elements in sediments and the content of Ca and K in lake water samples were found as higher than the acceptable limit, while concentrations of all elements in R. sphaerospermus were determined to be within acceptable limits. Transfer factors (TF) of the heavy metal and essential elements from sediment to the plant samples were evaluated. The trends of TF for all samples studied were in the following order; K>Mg>B>Ca>Fe>Al. Consequently, the approach used in this study could contribute to pollution monitoring in the future.Öğe Morphology, anatomy, palynology and achene micromorphology of Bellis L. (Asteraceae) species from Turkey(Univ Zagreb, Fac Science, Div Biology, 2020) Karahan, FarukIn the present study, the morphological characters, root, stem and leaf anatomy, pollen and achene micromorphology of Bellis L. species (Bellis annua L., B. perennis L. and B. sylvestris Cirillo) distributed in Turkey have been investigated on light and scanning electron microscope. Palynological analysis showed that pollen characters were found as small to medium size, isopolar, radially symmetrical, oblate-spheroidal and prolatespheroidal, tricolporate and echinate-perforate ornamentation in the three species. Achene characters were found dark brown to yellow in colour, often cylindrical, compressed, with thickened margin, obovate orobovoid shaped, pappus absent and the coat ornamentations are rectangular with short hairs on the surface. As a result of this study, leaf morphology and some pollen characteristics such as pollen size, shape, perforation and distance between spines were demonstrated to be different among the Bellis species.Öğe NUCLEAR DNA CONTENT VARIATION AMONG GLYCYRRHIZA TAXONS COLLECTED FROM EAST MEDITERRANEAN(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Ilhan, Emre; Ozgur, Sevda; Tuna, Gulsemin Savas; Eren, Abdil Hakan; Karahan, Faruk; Tuna, Metin; Erayman, MustafaIn this study, we performed nuclear DNA content determination of three different licorice species (G. flavescens Boiss, G. glabra L. var. glandulifera and G. echinata L.) collected from three different geographical regions of Hatay Province (Arsuz, Kirikhan, and Antakya) in the East Mediterranean Region. Previous cytogenetic studies in Glycyrrhiza genus is limited to chromosome counts by classical methods and no information was available on nuclear DNA content of the species included within the genus. Nuclear DNA content information is constant among individuals of one species, therefore, it is species specific. This makes nuclear DNA content information very useful for taxonomic, evolutionary, and genetic studies. Nuclear DNA content information (pg) can be converted to genome size (bp) by using a simple equation and it is critical for genome sequencing projects. In this study, nuclear DNA content of three different Glycyrrhiza species were comparatively analyzed for the first time by using flow cytometry method. Based on the results of the study G. flavesences (1.138 0,013 pg, 1112.96 Mbp) had larger nuclear DNA content than those of G. glabra (0.967 0,009, 945.73 Mbp) and G. echinata (0.946 0,008 pg, 925.19 Mbp). These results indicate that G. flavescens have different genomes than G. glabra and G. echinata, which have more similar genomes. The results of this study will be useful for taxonomic identification of Glycyrrhiza species and to understand their geno-mic structures and relations.Öğe Phylogenetic relationship among taxa in the genus Adonis L. collected from Turkiye based on nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) markers(Springer, 2022) Karahan, Faruk; Ilcim, Ahmet; Turkoglu, Aras; Ilhan, Emre; Haliloglu, KamilBackground Genus Adonis L. contain approximately 40 annual and perennial species, which are widely distributed in the temperate zones of Asia and Europe, and less frequently in southwestern Asia, northern Africa and the Mediterranean region. The aim of the study was to evaluate the phylogenetic relationship among Adonis taxa collected from Turkiye based on nrDNA Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) markers. Methods Samples of 64 individual genotypes from 21 populations of 10 Adonis taxa were collected from different regions of the country during vegetation period between 2014 and 2018. ITS1, ITS4, P16 and P25 primers within ITS technique was used to genotype the plant materials. Then, genotypic data was used to estimate magnitude and organization of infraspecific variation in different populations of Adonis. Results About 600 bp DNA sequences were obtained from each 64 Adonis genotypes belonging to 21 different populations. The dendrogram obtained from Adonis taxa and out-group sequences had two large main groups. While the out-group species were placed in the first large main group, the sect. Consiligo (perennial) and sect. Adonis (annuals) were placed in different sub-groups of the second large main group. Genetic similarity among Adonis taxa varied between A. microcarpa and A. dentata (98.46%). Principal component analysis indicated that two important components in Adonis taxa genotypes. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0252 (sub-population A) to 0.3460 (sub-population C), with an average of 0.1154. In addition, population differentiation measurements (Fst) ranged from 0.0025 (sub-population C) to 0.9016 (sub-population A) with a relatively high average 0.6601. Conclusions Present analyses revealed that phylogenetic classification (grouping) of Adonis taxa largely depended on morphological structure and present ITS primers were quite efficient in putting forth the genetic diversity of such species. The results of this study suggested that ITS markers could be used in the identification of genetic diversity among the Adonis taxa. The results obtained from molecular data can be used to explore the genetic variation pattern, population structure, and the evolutionary history of genus Adonis in the future.Öğe Phytochemical Analysis and Habitat Suitability Mapping of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Collected in the Hatay Region of Turkey(Mdpi, 2020) Alsaadi, Doaa H. M.; Raju, Aedla; Kusakari, Ken; Karahan, Faruk; Sekeroglu, Nazim; Watanabe, TakashiThe growth and quality of licorice depend on various environmental factors, including the local climate and soil properties; therefore, its cultivation is often unsuccessful. The current study investigated the key factors that affect the contents of bioactive compounds of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. root and estimated suitable growth zones from collection sites in the Hatay region of Turkey. The contents of three bioactive compounds (glycyrrhizic acid, glabridin, and liquiritin), soil factors (pH, soil bearing capacity, and moisture content), and geographical information (slope, aspect, curvature, elevation, and hillshade) were measured. Meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) were also obtained. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed on the data. The soil bearing capacity, moisture content, slope, aspect, curvature, and elevation of the study area showed statistically significant effects on the glycyrrhizic acid and liquiritin contents. A habitat suitability zone map was generated using a GIS-based frequency ratio (FR) model with spatial correlations to the soil, topographical, and meteorological data. The final map categorized the study area into four zones: very high (15.14%), high (31.50%), moderate (40.25%), and low suitability (13.11%). High suitability zones are recommended for further investigation and future cultivation of G. glabra.Öğe Phytochemical Profiling and In Vitro Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Cytotoxicity Effects of Some Glycyrrhiza Species from Turkey(Springer, 2024) Karahan, Faruk; Tuerkmen, Musa; Avsar, Cumhur; Gezici, SevgiGlycyrrhiza (licorice) species, known as the grandfather of herbs is one of the most popular medicinal plants used in traditional medicines and ethnobotany since ancient times. The present study aimed to determine the chemical composition, anti-cancer, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Glycyrrhiza glabra L., G. flavescens Boiss., and G. echinata L. taxa from different ecological conditions in Turkey. Root and leaf extracts of the plant samples were used to evaluate antimicrobial activity against 7 bacteria and 2 yeast strains using MICs and disc-diffusion methods. The antioxidant activity of plant samples was determined by using the DPPH radical scavenging activity method. The antimicrobial analysis results show that Gram-negative bacteria are more sensitive to the extracts than Gram-positive, and antimicrobial values of the root extracts were also more effective than the leaf extracts. The antioxidant activities of the extracts varied from 4.2 to 2196 mu g/mL. Cytotoxicity activities of the Glycyrrhiza extracts were assessed in NCI-N87, LNCaP, and BxPC-3 human cancer cells, and the extracts exhibited remarkable activities towards the cells, with the IC50 value ranging from 16.28 +/- 1.08 to 171.04 +/- 0.68 mu g/mL. Moreover, the chemical contents of the extracts were analyzed, and toluene, phenol, palmitic acid, chroman, butyric acid and lidocaine were determined in both the roots and leaves of the extracts. In the present study, our results also revealed that ecological conditions might affect the chemical content and biological activities of the extracts. Overall, it was found that the tested Glycyrrhiza extracts could have rich sources of medicinal drugs and natural plant products in the future.