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Öğe Interregional comparative analysis of farmers' perceptions and expectations of climate change(Pagepress Publ, 2022) Acibuca, Veysi; Kaya, Aybuke; Kaya, TugceThis study looked into the relationship and effects of agricul-tural activities in different regions of Turkey on climate change. This study aims to determine farmer awareness of climate change and its effects, as well as farmer adaptation capabilities in different regions of Turkey against climate change, and to develop extension and policy tools based on the findings. Data were collected through face-to-face surveys with farmers in the provinces where the research was conducted. In this context, a proportional sampling survey of 418 farmers was conducted. The collected information was subjected to factor analysis and the independent t-test.Öğe Organic Grape Production and Producer Status in Adıyaman Province; Example of Besni District(2020) Kaya, Aybuke; Bay, SongülThis study was carried out to evaluate the socio-economic structure and organic farming activities of grape producers in Besni. A face-to-face survey was conducted with producers producing organic grapes. Data were obtained by interviewing a total of 50 producers. The number of organic products grown between 2005 and 2018 increased from 205 to 213 in Turkey. The number of producers engaged in cultivation in this area has increased more than 5 times compared to 2005. It reached nearly 80.000 in 2018. The area of organic vegetable production increased from 203.811 to 626.884 hectares in Turkey. While the production area increased 2.5 times, the production amount increased almost 4 times. Today, a variety of products in organic vegetable production, planting area, the number of farmers has increased in Turkey. The findings were obtained education level of the producers, the number of individuals in the family, record keeping, annual total income, newspaper reading, grape yield, grape cultivation area, property and rental land, credit usage, weed control, organic farming knowledge level, organic farming by using variables such as thoughts and grape variety. There are serious differences between conventional agriculture and organic farming. The family structure is effective in production activities. It has been determined that the thoughts of organic farming have changed depending on the age and experience of the producers. Organic grape producers have turned to organic farming due to their desire to sell their products at higher prices with state supports. Also, it has been suggested that organic farming is important in terms of the sustainability of living life all over the world. Increasing producer income and environmental awareness are among the main reasons for the transition to organic farming.Öğe Tohumları farklı NaCl dozları ile muamele edilen mısırın tuzlu topraklarda fide gelişiminin belirlenmesi(2020) Kaya, Aybuke; Gözübenli, HüseyinAmaç: Bu çalışma, NaCl ile muamele edilen mısırtohumlarının tuzlu topraklarda fide gelişiminibelirlenmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.Yöntem ve Bulgular: Çalışmada NaCl’nin farklı dozları (0g l-1, 5 g l-1 ve 10 g l-1 NaCl) ile farklı sürelerde (0, 12 ve 24saat sürelerle) muamele edilen farklı iki mısır çeşidinin(Pasha ve P-31A34) farklı düzeylerde tuz içeren (kontrol,6 dS m-1ve 12 dS m-1) topraklarda fide gelişimi ile ilgiliözellikler incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda çeşitlerintoprak tuzluluğuna tepkisinin farklı olduğu, topraktuzluluğundaki artışa bağlı olarak bitki boyu sapyaşağırlığı, sap kuru ağırlığı, kök yaş ağırlı, kök kuruağırlığı, kök/sap oranı ve tuz tolerans indeksi olumsuzetkilenmiş, tohumların ekim öncesinde 5 g l-1 NaCl ilemuamele edilmesinin incelenen özellikler üzerindeolumlu etki yaptığı belirlenmiştir.Genel Yorum: Çalışma sonucunda incelenen özellikleryönünden çeşitler arasında farklılıklar olduğu, topraktuzluluğundaki artışa bağlı olarak fide özelliklerininolumsuz etkilendiği, tohumun 5 g l-1NaCl ile muameleedilmesinin fide gelişimi üzerine olumlu etki yaptığıbelirlenmiş olup tuzluluk problemi olan topraklarda çeşitseçiminin önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir.Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Elde edilen sonuçlar topraktuzluğundaki artıştan bitki gelişiminin olumsuzetkilendiğini, çeşitlerin toprak tuzluluğunatoleranslarının farklılık gösterdiğini, özellikle tuzproblemi olan topraklarda çeşit seçimine dikkat edilmesigerektiğini ortaya koymuştur.