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Öğe Bir köpekte malign seminom(2007) Özsoy, Şule Yurdagül; Kutsal, OsmanÇalışmada 13 yaşlı, erkek Terrier ırkı bir köpekte saptanan malign seminom olgusu makroskobik ve mikroskobik bulgularına göre tanımlandı. Makroskobik olarak; sol testis 7x5x3.2 cm boyutlarında ve 30 gr ağırlığında, sağ testis ise 2.5x1.5x1 cm boyutlarında ve 5 gr ağırlığmdaydı. Her iki testiste elastiki kıvamda ve kesit yüzleri gri-beyaz renkli olup, yer yer nekroz ve kanama alanları içermekteydi. Mikroskobik incelemede; sağ ve sol testis dokusu içerisinde diffuz dağılımlı, farklı büyüklüklerde, polihedral şekilli, veziküler çekirdekli, hafif bazofılik sitoplazmalı anaplastik hücreler ile az sayıda çok çekirdekli dev hücreleri ve mitotik figürler gözlendi. Bazı alanlarda bu hücrelerle beraber nekroz, kanama alanları ve fokal lenfosit infiltrasyonu fark edildi.Öğe Concomitant mammary tuberculosis and malignant mixed tumor in a dog(2018) Kutsal, Osman; Müştak, Hamit Kaan; Kaya, İnci Başak; Tenekeci, Gözde Yücel; Kutlu, TuncerTüberküloz ve tümörler hem insanlarda hem de hayvanlarda gözlenen önemli birer sağlık problemi olup bu iki hastalık arasındaki ilişki hakkında halen çok soru işaretleri mevcuttur. Bu olguda 8 yaşlı, dişi, terrier bir köpekte malign miks tümör ve prodüktif tüberkülozün birlikte seyrettiği gözlendi. Klinikte operasyonla alınan sol meme zinciri patolojik yönden incelenmesi için getirildi. Histopatolojik inceleme için doku %10'luk tamponlu formalin solüsyonunda tespit edildi. Rutin doku takibinin ardından hazırlanan parafin bloklardan kesitler alınarak hematoksilen eozin ve asid fast tüberküloz basili tespiti için Ziehl- Neelsen boyamaları yapıldı. Mikroskobik incelemede atipik neoplazik bez epitel hücreleri ile merkezinde kazeifikasyon nekrozu bulunan tüberküllere rastlandı. Ayrıca Mycobacterium spp. PCR amplifikasyonu ile teyit edildi. Tüberküloz ve tümörün bir arada bulunması daha önce sadece bir keçide bildirilmiş olup evcil hayvanlarda nadir gözlenen bir olgudurÖğe Male pseudohermaphroditism in a lamb(2009) Özsoy, Şule Yurdagül; Kutsal, OsmanBu çalışmada; 4 aylık, Akkaraman ırkı bir kuzuda erkek psödohermafroditizm makroskobik ve mikroskobik olarak tanımlandı. Kuzu görsel bakıda sahip olduğu dış genital organ vulvası ile dişi görünmekteydi. Ancak kuzu iç genital organ olarak testislere ve epididimise benzer yapıya sahipti. Histolojik incelemede normal vulva dokusu görüldü. Testiste ise olgunlaşmamış seminifer tubullerin sadece sertoli hücreleri ve primitif eşey hücrelerine benzer yapılar ile döşeli olduğu gözlendi. Epididimisin mikroskobik incelemesinde kistik tubul benzeri yapılar ile primitif ve degeneratif eşey hücrelerine benzer hücreler görüldü.Öğe Malignant seminoma in a dog(Ankara Univ Press, 2007) Ozsoy, Sule Yurdaguel; Kutsal, OsmanIn the case, malignant seminoma was described with macroscopical and microscopical findings in a 13 year-old, male Terrier dog. Macroscopically; left testicle was measured as 7x5x3.2 cm and weighted as 30 g, while right testicle was measured as 2.5x1.5x1 cm and weighted as 5 g. Both testicles were elastic in consistency and had a gray-white appearance with also necrosis and hemorrhage on cut surfaces. In microscopic examination; in right and left testicle tissue vesicular nucleated, different sized, polyhedral shaped, pale basophilic cytoplasmated, diffusely spread anaplastic cells with a few multinucleate giant cells and mitotic figures were observed. Also necrosis, hemorrhage and focal lymphocyt infiltrations were accompanying anaplastic cells.Öğe Pathological Changes of Urinary System in a Dog with Urolithiasis and Renal Papillary Necrosis(Univ Fed Rio Grande Do Sul, 2019) Kutlu, Tuncer; Yucel-Tenekeci, Gozde; Pekcan, Mert; Kule, Emir Yengi; Kutsal, OsmanBackground: Urolithiasis is one of the important lower urinary tract diseases in dogs. Uroliths develop when urine becomes supersaturated. Struvite urolithiasis in dogs is formed when urine saturated with magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. Renal papillary necrosis is a form of nephropathy involving the necrosis of the renal papilla. The aim of this case is the evaluation of histopathological changes in kidney and urinary bladder caused by urolithiasis with sitruvite, a pathology commonly seen in dogs. Renal papillary necrosis that encountered in the case was evaluated histopathologically. We intend to discuss the relationship between urolithiasis and renal papillary necrosis. Case: The material of the case was a 7.5 year-old Rottweiler female dog that had been operated for the urolithiasis treatment and died after surgery. The animal sent to pathology department was necropsied and evaluated histopathologically. Also the uroliths removed during the surgery were sent for analysis postoperatively. Qualitative composition of uroliths was determined by a series of chemical analyses in Department of Biochemistry. X-ray diffraction was performed as well in General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration in the objective of result verification. Macroscopically, 30 pieces uroliths with varying size from 1 mm to 3 cm were seen in urinary bladder. They were 110 g in weight with smooth surface and round and/or ovoid shapes. After necropsy, specimens from kidney and urinary bladder were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin wax, cut at 5 mu m, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Bladder wall thickening and hemorrhage on mucosa were noticed. Kidneys had roughened surface with the capsule being difficult to peel off. Also, renal papillary necrosis, reddish in color was observed in papilla of the right kidney. Microscopically, crystal formations were observed proximal tubule lumens of kidneys. Interstitial nephritis in cortex and medulla had been noticed in both kidneys. Interstitial nephritis has been noticed in both kidneys. Hemorrhagic necrotic area demarcated by connective tissue was encountered in medulla of the right kidney. In the lamina propria of urinary bladder hemorrhage were noted. Desquamation and degeneration of lamina epithelialis and wide hemorrhage area in lamina propria were noted in urinary bladder. Results obtained from biochemical analysis were verified with x-ray diffraction method, uroliths were determined as magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite). Discussion: Renal papillary necrosis is a form of nephropathy involving the necrosis of the renal papilla, caused by ischemia of the inner medulla of the kidney. According to the first report of renal papillary necrosis, symmetrical soft calyceal concretions and their appearances are typical lesions for diagnosis of renal papillary necrosis. The presence of crystals in the tubule lumen and the formation of struvite stone (which has the same chemical composition with calyceal concretions) established a distinct relationship between urolithiasis and renal papillary necrosis. This case showed that struvite stones can reach large volumes in urinary bladder, and caused bladder wall thickness and hemorrhages. Also, the lower urinary tract obstruction or urolithiasis should be remembered in the renal papillary necrosis together with the risk of hydronephrosis.Öğe Pilomatricoma in a Papillon Dog(2020) Kutlu, Tuncer; Monsef, Yanad Abou; Ergin, İrem; Kutsal, OsmanPilomatricoma is a benign adnexal skin neoplasm uncommonly reported in dogs. Three nodules surgically removed from the back of a 13-year-old female papillon dog at the Surgery Department of Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, formed the material of this study. The masses formation started six months earlier. Surgically resected nodules were sent to the Pathology Department of Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, for a detailed histopathological examination. Grossly, the nodules were 1x0,5x0,5 cm; 2x2x1 cm and 1x1x1 cm in diameter and covered with ulcerated skin. The masses were elastic in consistency with yellow-reddish cut sections. Histopathological examination revealed subcutaneous cystic structures surrounded by ghost cells or shadow cells and containing keratin filaments on the surface in all the nodules. The tumor was diagnosed according to the pilomatricoma chronological staging method used in human medicine as an early stage of pilomatricoma due to the presence of cystic structures and the absence of calcification and giant cells. This study is thought to assist by the definition of early lesion of canine pilomatricoma to the histopathological classification of pilomatricomas in canine species.Öğe Uterine papillary adenocarcinoma in a Pit-bull dog(Ankara Univ Press, 2021) Abou Monsef, Yanad; Kutlu, Tuncer; Kutsal, OsmanThe uterus of an 18 month old Pit-bull removed during ovariohysterectomy formed the material of this study. Macroscopically, the uterus was whitish in color and elastic in consistency, the uterine horns were 15 cm long with a 1 cm of diameter. On cut section uterine mucosa showed variable sized cysts and was filled with a yellowish white mucus. Microscopical evaluation demonstrated a proliferation of the glandular component of the endometrium and a migration of these glands into the myometrium. Glands located in both the endometrium and the myometrium formed large cystic structures. The atypical glandular epithelium showed papillary projections into the cystic spaces. The tumor was diagnosed as uterine adenocarcinoma, an extremely rare canine tumor, especially in young dogs.