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Öğe Effects of Oregano Essential Oil on Reduction of Weaning Age and Increasing Economic Efficiency in Holstein Friesian Calves(Zoological Soc Pakistan, 2020) Tapki, Ibrahim; Ozalpaydin, Huseyin Bahadir; Nuran, Tapki; Aslan, Mehmet; Selvi, Muhammet HanifiThis study examined the potential use of oregano essentail oil as a milk additive for purposes of reducing weaning age; increasing economic efficiency; promoting calf growth as well as for improving blood parameters and general health status of Holstein Friesian calves. Twenty-eight Holstein Friesian calves were allocated into three groups: (a) Control calves were fed with whole milk (n=10), (b) OreganoLow (n=9), and (c) OreganoHigh (n=9) calves were fed with whole milk, plus 100 and 150 mg/l oregano essential oil per kg milk respectively. The amount of the milk offered on daily basis was calculated as 10% of each calf live weight and was given in two meal times. All calves were kept in individual pens during experimental period. Calves got weaned following the consumption of daily 900 g of concentrate feed over three consecutive days. Results demonstrated that OreganoLow calves marked improved growth performance, earlier weaning age and lower farm costs (P < 0.05) compared to Control and OreganoHigh calves. To conclude, dietary oregano essential oil seems to be a potential liquid feed additive that improves feed efficiency, health status, growth performance, and that reduces diarrhea incidents, hastens weaning age and minimizes dairy farm costs when used at the level of 100 mg/l.Öğe The effects of oregano oil (Origanum onites L.) on the growth performance and some blood parameters of Holstein friesian calves(Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2019) Selvi, Muhammet Hanifi; Tapkı, İbrahimThis study was conducted on 44 newborn Holstein Friesian calves raised in a private farm in Hatay province, Turkey. The calves were divided into two groups; the first group (control group) was fed only with milk replacer and the second group was fed with milk replacer added 893 mg oregano oil (oregano oil group) from the fourth day after calving. The amount of milk replacer offered to the calves was 10% of their weekly live weights. The calves were weaned when they consumed 800 g concentrate feed daily for three consecutive days. Weaning age and daily live weight gains for control and oregano oil group calves were found as 68.6 ± 4.45, 67.7 ± 4.62 days and 0.300 ± 0.09, 0.400 ± 0.011 kg, respectively. The mean consumption of milk replacer, hay and concentrate feed of calves for the control and orageno oil calves were found as 327.7 ± 42.17, 331.0 ± 49.40 liters; 13.25 ± 3.025, 15.23 ± 3.682 kg and 19.97 ± 4.186, 22.37 ± 5.709 kg, respectively. The average initial hay, and concentrate feed consuming ages and diarrhea days for the control and oregano oil groups were determined as 10.6 ± 0.29, 9.5 ± 0.28 and 3.1 ± 0.111, 1.9 ± 0.073 days. The initial hay and concentrate feed consuming ages were the same in both groups. According to the results of the study, more research is needed to evaluate the optimal dosing of oregano oil.Öğe Esmer sığırlarda süt verimine etkili çevre faktörleri ile fenotipik, genetik ve çevresel yönelimler ve bazı genetik parametrelerin belirlenmesi(2016) Selvi, Muhammet Hanifi; Yanar, MeteBu çalışmada, Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım İşletmesi'nde yetiştirilen Esmer sığırlarda gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verim özelliklerine ait genetik parametreler, etkili makro çevre faktörleri ile gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimine ilişkin genetik, fenotipik ve çevresel yönelimler tahmin edilmiştir. Genetik parametreler ile genetik yönelimin hesaplamasında MTDFREML bilgisayar paket programı yardımı ile tahmin edilmiştir. Gerçek ve 305-gün süt verimine etkili çevre faktörleri ise Harvey istatistik paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. İncelenen verim özelliklerinden verim yıllarının ve laktasyon sırasının gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimi üzerine etkisi çok önemli, buzağılama mevsiminin etkisi ise önemsiz olarak bulunmuştur. Gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimi için çevresel yönelimler -33,2 kg/yıl ve -29,0 kg/yıl ve fenotipik yönelimler 27,8±19,1 kg/yıl ve -25,9±8,7 kg/yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimleri için genetik yönelimler ise 5,4±3,8 kg/yıl ve 3,1±3,4 kg/yıl olarak saptanmıştır. Gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimlerinin kalıtım dereceleri 0,21±0,12 ve 0,16±0,14 ve tekrarlanma dereceleri 0,29 ve 0,33 olarak bulunmuşturÖğe Genotypic correlations among first lactation profitability, linear type traits and production characteristics of Holstein Friesian cows in Turkey(Ege Zootekni Derneği, 2020) Tapkı, İbrahim; Tapkı, Nuran; Güzey, Yusuf Ziya; Selvi, Muhammet HanifiObjective: The aim of this study is to determine genetic correlations between lineartype traits, yield characteristics and first lactation profitability for use in selectionprograms.Material and Methods: The research was carried out in Hatay province between 2012-2017. A total of 810 cows in the first lactation were used in the study. Analysis ofvariance and covariances of genetic parameters was carried out with MultivariateLimited Maximum Likelihood test.Results: The average first lactation net profit, 305-d milk yield, first calving age,conception rate at first service, and calving ease rate were determined as 540 US$, 6008kg, 793 d, 61.6%, and 91.7%, respectively. Heritabilities of linear type and productiontraits ranged from 0.10 to 0.42 and 0.04 to 0.39, respectively. The genetic correlationsbetween first lactation profitability and type traits ranged from -0.08 and 0.42, whilebetween first lactation profitability and production traits ranged from 0.06 and 0.34. Thehighest genetic correlation was between first lactation profitability and central ligament(0.42), while the lowest genetic correlation was between first lactation profitability andudder depth (-0.08). The highest genetic correlation was between first lactationprofitability and lactation protein yield (0.34), while the lowest genetic correlation wasbetween first lactation profitability and conception rate at first service (0.09). Geneticcorrelations between type and production traits varied from -0.42 (FA and CFS) to 0.49(DC and 305-d MY).Conclusion: These results showed that primiparous cows having more angular, strongfore udder attachments, strong foot and legs structure were more profitable andopportunities of selection programs by using genetic correlations between linear typetraits and production characteristics. It also concluded that the first lactationprofitability could be used successfully in Turkish dairy cattle breeding programs.