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Öğe Gölcük (Kocaeli/Türkiye) bitki örtüsünün fitoekolojik ve fitososyolojik yönden araştırılması(2012) Altay, Volkan; Serin, Memduh; Yarcı, Celal; Severoğlu, ZekiBu çalışma, Gölcük (Kocaeli/Türkiye) bitki örtüsünün fitoekolojik ve fitososyolojik özelliklerini tespit etmek ve sintaksonomisini yapmak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alan çalışmaları, 2005-2007 yılları arasında klasik Braun-Blanquet metodu uygulanarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma bölgesinde maki vejetasyonuna ait 2 ve orman vejetasyonuna ait 3 birlik, tespit edilmiştir. Dördü yeni olan bu birliklerin betimlemesi, tipifikasyonu ve sintaksonomisi yapılmıştır. Birlikler, benzer birlikler ile fitososyolojik ve fitoekolojik bakımından kıyaslanarak tartışılmıştır. Tanımlanan birlikler aşağıdaki gibidir: Maki Vejetasyonu, 1. Birlik: Ferulago confusae-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova 2. Birlik: Erico arborae-Phillyretum latifoliae ass. nova Orman Vejetasyonu, 3. Birlik: Carici serratulae-Quercetum ibericae ass. nova 4. Birlik: Smilaco-Castanetum sativae Ketenoğlu, Tuğ ve Kurt 2010 5. Birlik: Cardamino tenerae-Fagetum orientalis ass. novaÖğe Phytoecological and Phytosociological Investigations of the Vegetation of Golcuk (Kocaeli/Turkey)(Foundation Environmental Protection & Research-Fepr, 2012) Altay, Volkan; Serin, Memduh; Yarci, Celal; Severoglu, ZekiThis study was conducted to determine the phytoecological and phytosociological characteristics of the vegetation which is distributed in Golcuk District (Kocaeli/Turkey) and put forward its syntaxonomy. Field studies has been carried out by using the classic Braun-Blanquet method in the years of 2005-2007. Two associations belonging to macchia vegetation and three associations belonging to forest vegetation were determined from the investigation area. Four of these associations are new and their description, typification and syntaxonomy has been done. Phytosociological and phytoecological features of these associations were discussed and compared to their relatives. The associations described arc as follows: Maquis vegetation, 1. Associations: Ferulago confusae-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova 2. Associations: Erico arborae-Phillyretum latifoliae ass. nova Forest vegetation, 3. Associations: Carici serratulae-Quercetum ibericae ass. nova 4. Associations: Smilaco-Castanetum sativae Ketenoglu, Tug and Kurt 2010 5. Associations: Cardamino tenerae-Fagetum orientalis ass. novaÖğe Some ecological characteristics and the flora of Gölcük District and its environs (Kocaeli-Turkey)(2011) Severo?lu, Zeki; Altay, Volkan; Özyi?it, Ibrahim Ilker; Keskin, Mustafa; Serin, Memduh; Yarci, Celal; Yaşar, ÜlkühanSome ecological characteristics and the flora of Gölcük District and its environs are represented in this study. All the greenery in the district during 2006 to 2009 vegetation seasons was explored. Plant samples were collected, dried, labeled, and determined according to the standard herbarium methods. At the end of the study, 461 species belonging to 295 genera and 85 families were identified. Seven of the identified taxa belonged to Pteridophyta while 454 belonged to Spermatopyta divisions. Eight taxa were Gymnospermae and 446 taxa were Angiospermae members (386 of them Dicots and 60 of them Monocots) in the Spermatophyta division. In addition, four taxa were endemics, so the endemism ratio was 0.87%. The most commonly found plant taxa were in Fabaceae family with 57 taxa (12.36%), and other families; Asteraceae 50 taxa (10.85%), Poaceae 33 taxa (7.16%), Rosaceae 22 taxa (4.77%) and Brassicaceae 21 taxa (4.56%). Species containing the highest number of genera were represented with Trifolium (14 taxa, 3.04%), Lathyrus (12 taxa, 2.60%), Vicia (nine taxa, 1.95%) and Quercus (eight taxa, 1.74%) respectively. Life forms were found in the following categories: hemicryptophytes (33.41%), therophytes (32.97%), phanerophytes (18.66%), geophytes (12.80%) and chamaephytes (2.16%). Phytogeographical origins of the taxa were as follows; 98 taxa (21.26%) were from Euro-Siberian elements (including Euxine), 57 taxa (12.36%) consisted of Mediterranean elements (including East Mediterranean), four taxa (0.87%) were of Irano-Turanian origin. Finally, 97 taxa (21.04%) were widespread and 9 taxa (1.95%) were cosmopolitan while phytogeographical origins of 302 taxa were unknown. © 2011 Academic Journals.Öğe Urban vascular flora and ecological characteristics of Kadikoy district, Istanbul, Turkey(Maejo Univ, 2010) Osma, Etem; Ozyigit, Ibrahim I.; Altay, Volkan; Serin, MemduhCities are usually considered unnatural places lacking ecological benefits. Many ecological studies have been done in suburban or rural areas and have excluded the city. However, urban ecology has become increasingly important. Today, it is well known that rapid and uncontrolled urbanisation accompanied by insufficient infrastructure has resulted in the degradation of many forests and grasslands in metropolitan areas. Land use changes due to urbanisation during the second half of the 20th century have caused widespread decline of biodiversity of many animal and plant taxa, especially in densely populated regions such as Kadikoy district, Istanbul, Turkey. In this study, different kinds of urban habitats within the boundaries of Kadikoy are described. Plant samples were collected, dried, labelled and identified according to standard herbarium procedures and all the greenery in the district was explored during vegetation seasons. A total of 561 vascular plant taxa were determined, wherein 412 (337 species, 44 subspecies and 31 varieties) were native and 149 (143 species and 6 varieties) were exotic and cultivated. The major native taxa were Asteraceae (46 species) while Rosaceae had the most exotics (22 species). Archaeophytes and neophytes, endemics, rare, endangered, medicinal, and poisonous species are also reported. In addition, the requirements of making ecological studies in other urban areas are mentioned.Öğe Urban vascular flora and ecological characteristics of Kadıköy district, Istanbul, Turkey(Maejo University, 2010) Osma, Etem; Özyi?it, Ibrahim I.; Altay, Volkan; Serin, MemduhCities are usually considered unnatural places lacking ecological benefits. Many ecological studies have been done in suburban or rural areas and have excluded the city. However, urban ecology has become increasingly important. Today, it is well known that rapid and uncontrolled urbanisation accompanied by insufficient infrastructure has resulted in the degradation of many forests and grasslands in metropolitan areas. Land use changes due to urbanisation during the second half of the 20th century have caused widespread decline of biodiversity of many animal and plant taxa, especially in densely populated regions such as Kadi{dotless}köy district, Istanbul, Turkey. In this study, different kinds of urban habitats within the boundaries of Kadi{dotless}köy are described. Plant samples were collected, dried, labelled and identified according to standard herbarium procedures and all the greenery in the district was explored during vegetation seasons. A total of 561 vascular plant taxa were determined, wherein 412 (337 species, 44 subspecies and 31 varieties) were native and 149 (143 species and 6 varieties) were exotic and cultivated. The major native taxa were Asteraceae (46 species) while Rosaceae had the most exotics (22 species). Archaeophytes and neophytes, endemics, rare, endangered, medicinal, and poisonous species are also reported. In addition, the requirements of making ecological studies in other urban areas are mentioned. © 2010 by Maejo University, San Sai, Chiang Mai, 50290 Thailand.