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Öğe Bronşektazili bir hastada gecikmiş tanı: Swyer-James / Macleod sendromu(2007) Karazincir, Sinem; Babayiğit, Cenk; Balcı, Ali; Akoğlu, Sebahat; Seyfeli, Ergün; Sumbas, HaldunSwyer-James/MacLeod Sendromu pulmoner arter hipoplazisine bağlı unilateral hiperlüsent akciğer görünümü ve etkilenen tarafta bronşektazi ile karakterize nadir görülen bir hastalıktır. 57 yaşında sigara içmeyen bayan hasta, öksürük, bol balgam çıkarma ve ateş yakınmalarıyla başvurdu. Öyküsünden bu şikayetlerinin çocukluk yaşlarından beri tekrarladığı, hastanemiz dışında, 6-7 yıl öncesine kadar kronik bronşit, son 6-7 yıldır da bronşektazi tanısıyla takip ve tedavi edildiği öğrenildi. Fizik incelemede; solunum seslerinin şiddeti sol orta ve alt zonda sağa göre hafif azalmış, bu alanda kaba raileri mevcuttu. PA akciğer grafisinde; sol hiperlüsent akciğer görünümü, sol akciğerde hacim kaybı ve sol alt zonda bronşektazik alanlar izlendi. Toraksın bilgisayarlı tomografisi (BT) ve yüksek rezolusyonlu BTde; sol pulmoner arterde hipoplazi, sol pulmoner arter dallarının çapında azalma, hiperlüsensi, sol akciğer üst lob posterior ve linguler segment ile alt lobda kistik bronşektazi saptandı. Renkli doppler ekokardiyografide; sol pulmoner arter hipoplazik ve ana pulmoner arter hafif genişlemiş olarak izlendi. Swyer- James/MacLeod Sendromu olguların çoğunda çocukluk ve genç erişkin dönemde teşhis edilen bir hastalık olmasına karşın, olgumuzda 57 yaşına kadar şikayetleri nedeniyle çeşitli defalar tetkik edilmesine rağmen tanımlanamadığı ve hiperlüsent akciğer görünümü saptandığında bu sendromun ayırıcı tanıda düşünülmesi gerektiğini vurgulamak için sunuyoruz.Öğe A Delayed Diagnosis of a Patient with Bronchiectasis: Swyer-James/MacLeod Syndrome(Aves, 2007) Karazincir, Sinem; Babayigit, Cenk; Balcı, Ali; Akoglu, Sebahat; Seyfeli, Ergun; Sumbas, HaldunSwyer-James/MacLeod Syndrome is a rare disease which is characterized by unilateal hyperlucent lung due to hypoplasia of its pulmonary artery. A non-smoker, 57 years old female patient admitted to our clinic with cough, sputum production and fever. Her medical history revealed that these symptoms has been recurrent since her childhood. Furthermore she had been followed up with as a patient of chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis outside of our clinic so far. Physical examination revealed diminished respiratory sounds and coarse crackles onmiddle and lower zones of left hemithorax. Chest X Ray showed hyperluceny and volume loss of the left lung and bronchiectasis at the left lower zone. Computerized and High Resolution Computerized Tomography revelaed hypoplasia of left pulmonary artery with reduced diameters of its branches, hyperlucent left lung and cyctic bronchiectasis in left lower, and superior and lingular segments of the left upper lobes. Colored Doppler Echocardiography showed hypoplasia of the left pulmonary artery and enlargement of the main pulmonary artery. Swyer-James/MacLeod Syndrome is diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood of most of the cases. We present this case to emphasize the delayed diagnosis until the age of 57 although she had been investigated several times because of her recurrent symptoms since her childhood and to emphasize considering this syndrome especially when a hyperlucent lung was detected on chest X ray.Öğe Evaluation of the turbinate hypertrophy by computed tomography in patients with deviated nasal septum(Mosby-Elsevier, 2007) Akoglu, Ertap; Karazincir, Sinem; Balcı, Ali; Okuyucu, Semsettin; Sumbas, Haldun; Dagli, Ali SafakOBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To determine the dimensions of the compensatory hypertrophic inferior turbinate and investigate the radiological changes in the morphology of the conchal bone in patients with septal deviation. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective chart review. METHODS: The mucosal and bone compartments of the hypertrophic turbinate were measured using computed tomography (CT) in patients with septal deviation, and the conchal bones were classified radiologically as lamellar, compact, and combined types. The results were compared with those of controls. RESULTS: The dimensions of the bony and mucosal components of the inferior turbinate were significantly greater than those of controls in the anterior and middle segments, while the morphological changes in the conchal bone were not different. CONCLUSION: The significant bony and mucosal enlargement in the anterior and middle segments of the inferior turbinate supports turbinate reduction at the time of septoplasty and the CT findings should be considered when making a decision about the reduction type. (c) 2007 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.Öğe Hemorajik kist ile birlikte prostat adenokarsinoması: Olgu sunumu ve yayınların gözden geçirilmesi(2006) Görür, Sadık; Balcı, Ali; Karazincir, Sinem; Güven, Eşref Oğuz; Sumbas, Haldun; Kiper, Ahmet NamıkProstat adenokarsinomu ile birlikte hemorajik kist formasyonu ender görülen bir durumdur. Çoğunlukla alt üriner sistem belirtileri (AÜSB) ile üroloji polikliniğine başvuran ve tetkik edilen hastalarda rastlantısal olarak tespit edilir. Bu olguda AÜSS semptomları ile üroloji polikliniğine başvuran ve serum prostat-spesifik antijen düzeyi 102.35 ng/ml saptanan bir olguyu sundukÖğe Incidence of the retroaortic left renal vein in patients with varicocele(Wiley, 2007) Karazincir, Sinem; Balcı, Ali; Goeruer, Sadik; Sumbas, Haldun; Kiper, Ahmet N.Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of the retroaortic left renal vein (RLRV) in patients with varicocele. Methods. The left renal vein was ultrasonographically investigated for the presence of the RLRV in 140 patients with varicocele and a control group of 137 age-matched patients. The main diagnostic criteria for varicocele were the presence of a varicose vein with a diameter of 3 mm or larger at rest and with a reflux lasting more than 2 seconds during the Valsalva maneuver. The RLRV was defined as a posterior course of the left renal vein to the aorta at the level of the origin of the superior mesenteric artery. Results. The RLRV was observed in 13 (9.3%) of the 140 patients with varicocele and 3 (2.2%) of the control patients. The incidence of the RLRV was found to be significantly higher in patients with varicocele compared with the control patients (P=.018, Fisher exact test). In 13 patients with the RLRV, left varicocele and bilateral varicocele were detected in 10 and 3 cases, respectively. Conclusions. in this study, the incidence of the RLRV was found to be significantly higher in patients with varicocele compared with control patients. Thus, we suggest that the presence of the RLRV may be considered one of the etiologic factors in the development of varicocele.Öğe Long-term effect of varicocele repair on intratesticular arterial resistance index(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2008) Balcı, Ali; Karazincir, Sinem; Gorur, Sadik; Sumbas, Haldun; Egilmez, Ertugrul; Inandi, TacettinPurpose. To investigate the long-term effect of varicocele repair on ipsilateral intratesticular arterial resistance index (RI) using color Doppler sonography (CDS). Methods. A total of 26 infertile patients with left varicocele who underwent a testicular artery and lymphatic-sparing subinguinal varicocelectomy were examined with CDS for intratesticular flow parameters before and at least 6 months after surgery. We also evaluated preoperative and postoperative semen parameters. Results. The mean values of RI, end-diastolic velocity and pulsatility index decreased significantly after surgery, whereas no significant change was observed in peak systolic velocity. Repair of the varicocele resulted in a statistically significant increase in the total sperm count, motility, morphology, and total motile sperm count. However, no significant correlation was found between sperm parameters and RI values (p > 0.05). Conclusions. Our data show that a significant improvement occurs in testicular blood supply and sperm parameters after surgical varicocele repair, without significant correlation between these 2 changes. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Öğe PROSTATE ADENOCARCINOMA WITH HEMORRHAGIC CYST FORMATION: A CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE(Aves, 2006) Gorur, Sadik; Balcı, Ali; Karazincir, Sinem; Guven, Esref Oguz; Sumbas, Haldun; Kiper, Ahmet NamikIntroduction: Prostate adenocarcinoma accompanied with hemorrhagic cyst formation is a rare entity. It is usually diagnosed incidentally in patients who represent to urology clinics with compliant of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Here, we presented a 70-year-old man who has LUTS and serum PSA level of 102.35 ng/ml.Öğe Prostate adenocarcinoma with hemorrhagic cyst formation: A case report and review of the literature(2006) Görür, Sadik; Balcı, Ali; Karazincir, Sinem; Güven, Eşref O?uz; Sumbas, Haldun; Kiper, Ahmet NamikIntroduction: Prostate adenocarcinoma accompanied with hemorrhagic cyst formation is a rare entity. It is usually diagnosed incidentally in patients who represent to urology clinics with compliant of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Here, we presented a 70-year-old man who has LUTS and serum PSA level of 102.35 ng/ml.