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Öğe Examination of the effect of educational game activities on the levels of creativity of the students attending to elementary schools in Turkey(Sila Science, 2012) Tekin, Murat; Yildiz, Mustafa; Yildirim, Yunus; Mutlu, Osman; Sahan, HasanThe purpose of this study is to examine the effect of educational game activities on the levels of creativity of the students attending to elementary schools in Turkey. The research group consists of a total of 251 students, among which 132 are males and 119 are females, attending to 6th, 7th and 8th grades in Tatarli Cumhuriyet Elementary School and in Tatarli Elementary school, both located in Tatarli county of the city of Afyon ((x) over bar age=13.0319 +/- 1.17). To begin with, the available information pertaining to the purpose of the study has been systematically provided through literature review. By this way a theoretical frame on the subject has been established. Secondly, students were asked to play 2 educational games at the beginning and end of their gym classes for a period of 8 weeks. The games were selected by taking their attention, skill, reaction and agility developing features as basis. a creativity scale was applied both at the beginning and the end of the period of 8 weeks. For data analysis and interpretation, pre-test and final test results have been evaluated by utilizing Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Paired Sample t test, and significance has been taken as p < 0.05. In order to evaluate the data and obtain the calculated values, SPSS packet program has been utilized and (Cronbach Alpha) has been found out to be 0.72. In conclusion, it has been determined that educational games influence the creativity levels of the students attending to elementary schools.Öğe Foeniculum vulgare (Rezene) meyvesi eterik yağ ekstresinin analjezik etkisinin araştırılması(2004) Dağoğlu, Gürdal; Özbek, Hanefi; Katı, İsmail; Tekin, MuratRezene bitkisi eterik yag ekstresinin analjezik etkisinin arastırıldıgı bu çalısmada 50 adet fare kullanıldı. Fareler bes gruba ayrıldı: I. gruba (kontrol) periton içi yolla (i.p.) 0.2 ml serum fizyolojik (SF), II. gruba (referans) oral yolla (p.o.) 100 mg/kg aspirin, III. gruba (referans) derialtı yolla (s.c.) 10 mg/kg morfin HCl, IV. gruba i.p. yolla 0.25 ml/kg rezene eterik yagı (REY) ve V. gruba i.p. 0.50 ml/kg REY uygulandı. Uygulama öncesinde ve uygulamadan sonraki 30., 90. ve 150. dakikalarda çalısma grupları tail-flick cihazı ile test edildi. Veriler varyans analiziyle degerlendirildi. Aspirin grubunun çalısmanın 150. dakikasında SF grubuna göre anlamlı seviyede analjezik etki gösterdigi, morfin HCl grubunun ise çalısmanın 30. ve 90. dakikalarında diger tüm çalısma gruplarına göre anlamlı derecede analjezik etki gösterdigi, fakat çalısmanın tüm evrelerinde REY’nın her iki dozunun da analjezik etkisinin bulunmadıgı saptanmıstır.