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Öğe Parasitological Investigation on Commercially Important Fish and Crustacean Species Collected from the TIGEM (Dortyol Turkey) Ponds(Medwell Online, 2010) Yildirim, Yasemin Bircan; Zeren, Alaeddin; Genc, Ercumet; Erol, Cavit; Konas, EgemenThis study has been conducted in Dortyol TIGEM (General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises) ponds where Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Fisheries, Dortyol-Yeniyurt,Turkey, Fishery Products Research and Application Unit is established. In this field which has a potential for fishery product farming, no pervious study has been detected on parasite existence. In order to determine the existence of parasite organisms in. the fishery products living in TIGEM ponds in Dortyol district where local fishing activities are being conducted within the borders of Hatay province and it is expected to project and implement advanced level of farming activities in the near future, 550 fish and 32 arthropod samples (167 gray mullets (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758), 188 tilapias (Tilapia zilli Gervais, 1848), 70 sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax Linnaeus, 1758), 125 marmid (Acanthabrama marmid Heckel, 1843), 32 blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896)) have been taken and examined during the year between April 16th, 2007 and March 17th, 2008. In this study, from Dortyol TIGEM ponds, Diplozoon paradoxum (Nordman, 1832) and Tetraonchus sp. (Diesing; 1858) have been detected in Tilapia zilli (Gervais, 1848) and Diplozoon paradoxum (Nordman, 1832) and Tetraonchus sp. (Diesing, 1858), which is a Monogenean parasite has been detected in Acanthobrama marmid (Heckel, 1843) as a new host and is being reported for the first time.Öğe Parasitological investigation on commercially important fish and crustacean species collected from the TIGEM (Dortyol Turkey) ponds(2010) Yildirim, Yasemin Bircan; Zeren, Alaeddin; Gene, Ercumet; Erol, Cavit; Konas, EgemenThis study has been conducted in Dortyol TIGEM (General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises) ponds where Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Fisheries, Dortyol-Yeniyurt,Turkey, Fishery Products Research and Application Unit is established. In this field which has a potential for fishery product farming, no pervious study has been detected on parasite existence. In order to determine the existence of parasite organisms in the fishery products living in TIGEM ponds in Dortyol district where local fishing activities are being conducted within the borders of Hatay province and it is expected to project and implement advanced level of farming activities in the near future, 550 fish and 32 arthropod samples (167 gray mullets (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758), 188 tilapias {Tilapia zilli Gervais, 1848), 70 sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax Linnaeus, 1758), 125 marmid (Acanthabrama marmid Heckel, 1843), 32 blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896)) have been taken and examined during the year between April 16th, 2007 and March 17th, 2008. In this study, from Dortyol TIGEM ponds, Diplozoon paradoxum (Nordman, 1832) and Tetraonchus sp. (Diesing, 1858) have been detected in Tilapia zilli (Gervais, 1848) said Diplozoon paradoxum (Nordman, 1832) and Tetraonchus sp. (Diesing, 1858), which is a Monogenean parasite has been detected in Acanthobrama marmid (Heckel, 1843) as a new host and is being reported for the first time. © Medwell Journals, 2010.Öğe Tigem göletleri (Yeniyurt-Dörtyol)'nden avlanan bazı su ürünlerinin parazitolojik yönden incelenmesi(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2008) Zeren, Alaeddin; Yıldırım, YaseminBu çalışma, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dörtyol-Yeniyurt Su Ürünleri Araştırma ve Uygulama Ünitesi'nin kurulduğu Dörtyol TİGEM Göletleri'nde yürütülmüştür. Su ürünleri yetiştiricilik potansiyeline sahip bu sahada daha önce parazit varlığına ilişkin bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır.Hatay il sınırları içerisinde yerel balıkçılık çalışmalarının sürdürüldüğü ve yakın gelecekte ileri düzeyde yetiştiricilik çalışmalarının projelendirilerek hayata geçirilmesi beklenilen, Dörtyol ilçesi TİGEM göletlerinde yaşayan balıklarda paraziter organizmaların varlıklarının belirlenmesi üzerine 16 Nisan 2007 ve 17 Mart 2008 tarihleri arasında bir yıl süreyle 167 adet Kefal, 188 adet Tilapia, 70 adet Levrek, 125 adet Marmid ve 32 adet Mavi yengeç olmak üzere; toplamda 550 adet balık ve 32 adet eklem bacaklı örneği alınmış ve incelenmiştir.Çalışmada TİGEM Dörtyol göletlerinden Tilapia zilli (Gervais, 1848) de Diplozoon paradoxum Nordman, 1832 ve Tetraonchus sp Diesing, 1858 ve Acantobrama marmid Heckel, 1843 de ise Monogenean parazitlerden Tetraonchus sp. belirlenmiş ve bölgeden ilk kez bildirilmektedir.