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Öğe Çeşitli ambalajlarda satışa sunulan bitkisel yağlardaki ftalat seviyelerinin belirlenmesi, meme kanseri ve meme kanserindeki obezitenin derecesi ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2015) Okur, Ramazan; Sungur, ŞanaMeme kanseri çağımızın en büyük sağlık sorunlarından birisidir. En önemli sebeplerden birisi endokrin bozuculardır. Bu maddeler hormonal dengeyi bozarak kanseri tetiklemektedir. Endokrin bozucular içinde en çok bilinen maddeler ftalatlar ve bisfenol A (BPA)'dır. Bu maddelerin endokrin bozucu etkileri çok sayıda çalışmada gösterilmiştir. Son yıllarda bu maddelerin kanser ile ilişkili olduklarına işaret eden çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, yerel marketlerde satışa sunulan yemeklik yağlardaki (zeytinyağı (riviera ve sızma), ayçiçek, mısır, fındık, kanola) ftalat miktarları gaz kromatografisi – kütle spektrometresi (GC-MS) aracılığıyla belirlenmiştir. Ortalama ftalat miktarları sızma zeytinyağında 0.102 – 3.863 mg L-1, riviera zeytinyağında 0.171 – 6.486 mg L-1, ayçiçek yağında 2.227 – 6.673 mg L-1, mısır yağında 1.585 – 6.248 mg L-1, fındık yağında 0.500 – 3.525 mg L-1, kanola yağında 0.455 – 3.533 mg L-1 olarak saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, ftalat migrasyonuna yağ tipinin ve ambalajın etkisi incelenmiştir. En yüksek ftalat seviyeleri ayçiçek yağında, en düşük ftalat seviyeleri ise sızma zeytinyağı ve fındık yağında belirlenmiştir. En yüksek ftalat seviyeleri plastik ambalajlı ürünlerde tespit edilmiştir.Öğe Determination of Phthalates Migrating from Plastic Containers into Beverages(Springer, 2015) Ustun, Ihsan; Sungur, Sana; Okur, Ramazan; Sumbul, Ahmet Taner; Oktar, Suleyman; Yilmaz, Nigar; Gokce, CumaliThe determination of phthalates in beverages (soda, lemonade, cola, mineral water) sold in Turkish markets was carried out using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The mean phthalate concentrations were determined to be between 0.095 and 0.633 mg/L in soda, 0.018 and 1.219 mg/L in lemonade, 0.019 and 1.123 mg/L in cola, and 0.085 and 0.312 mg/L in mineral water. bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) showed the highest level of migration into beverages. Furthermore, the influence of the type of preservative (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate + potassium sorbate) and storage time were determined.Öğe Hatay bölgesinde yetişen çeşitli sebze ve meyvelerdeki bor seviyelerinin belirlenmesi(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, 2008) Okur, Ramazan; Sungur, ŞanaBor, koroner kalp hastalıkları, kireçlenme, osteoporoz gibi belirli metabolik işlemler üzerinde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Belirli steroid hormonların üretimini arttırarak bu gibi kronik hastalıkları önleyebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, yiyeceklerin bor içeriklerinin belirlenmesi son derece önemlidir. Literatürde, bu konuda yurtdışında yapılmış birçok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, Türkiye'de yiyeceklerdeki bor içeriklerinin belirlenmesi ile ilgili sadece bir çalışma yapılmıştır.Bu çalışmada, Hatay'ın altı farklı ilçesinden (Amik Ovası, Reyhanlı, Kırıkhan, Samandağ, İskenderun, Dörtyol) toprak örnekleri ve bu topraklarda yetişen çeşitli bitki örnekleri (32 çeşit sebze ve 17 çeşit meyve) alınmıştır. Örneklerin bor içeriklerinin saptanmasında azometin-H metodu kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, toprakların bor içerikleri ile bitkilere geçen bor miktarları arasındaki korelasyon incelenmiştir. Toprak örneklerindeki bor konsantrasyonları 32.43 (±2.90) - 93.43 (±2.75) mg.kg-1 arasında bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar, Hatay Bölgesi topraklarının bor açısından zengin olduğunu göstermiştir. En fazla bor içeren bitkilerin kekik, nane, kırmızı lahana, bakla, ayva, nar ve portakal olduğu belirlenmiştir. Toprak örneklerinin bor içerikleri ile, bitkilere geçen bor miktarları arasında kuvvetli korelasyon olduğu saptanmıştır.Sonuç olarak, yiyeceklerdeki bor konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi, beslenme açısından gerekliliği ve sağlık yönünden faydaları tespit edilmiş olan borun günlük alınacak miktarının tayininde yararlı bilgi sağlayacaktır.Öğe Higher Serum Bisphenol A Levels in Diabetic Hemodialysis Patients(Karger, 2016) Turgut, Faruk; Sungur, Sana; Okur, Ramazan; Yaprak, Mustafa; Ozsan, Muge; Ustun, Ihsan; Gokce, CumaliBackground: Bisphenol A (BPA) has been implicated as an 'endocrine disruptor'. We aimed at exploring the association between serum BPA levels and patient characteristics, particularly the presence of diabetes mellitus, and laboratory parameters in hemodialysis patients. Methods: This study included 47 chronic hemodialysis patients. Patient characteristics were recorded. Blood was drawn before and after hemodialysis session. Serum BPA levels were measured by the high-performance-liquid-chromatography and laboratory parameters were measured by using standard methods. Results: In hemodialysis patients, postdialysis serum BPA levels were significantly higher than predialysis after a single hemodialysis session (5.57 +/- 1.2 vs. 4.06 +/- 0.73, p < 0.0001). Predialysis serum BPA levels were significantly higher in patients with diabetes than non-diabetics (4.4 +/- 0.6 vs. 3.9 +/- 0.7, p = 0.025). No association was found between serum BPA levels and patient characteristics, and particularly laboratory parameters. Conclusion: Serum BPA levels were rising significantly after a single dialysis session. Diabetic hemodialysis patients had higher predialysis serum BPA levels. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, BaselÖğe Migrated phthalate levels into edible oils(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Sungur, Sana; Okur, Ramazan; Turgut, Faruk Hilmi; Ustun, Ihsan; Gokce, CumaliThe determination of phthalates in edible oils (virgin olive oil, olive oil, canola oil, hazelnut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil) sold in Turkish markets was carried out using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Mean phthalate concentrations were between 0.102 and 3.863mgL(-1) in virgin olive oil; 0.172 and 6.486mgL(-1) in olive oil; 0.501 and 3.651mgL(-1) in hazelnut oil; 0.457 and 3.415mgL(-1) in canola oil; 2.227 and 6.673mgL(-1) in sunflower oil; and 1.585 and 6.248mgL(-1) in corn oil. Furthermore, the influence of the types of oil and container to the phthalate migration was investigated. The highest phthalate levels were measured in sunflower oil. The lowest phthalate levels were determined in virgin olive oil and hazelnut oil. The highest phthalate levels were determined in oil samples contained in polyethylene terephthalate.Öğe The relationship between phthalates and obesity: serum and urine concentrations of phthalates(Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2017) Oktar, Suleyman; Sungur, Sana; Okur, Ramazan; Yilmaz, Nigar; Ustun, Ihsan; Gokce, CumaliBACKGROUND: A limited number of human and animal studies suggest that a relationship exists between phthalates and obesity, although this is not supported by all research. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and the levels of phthalates in human blood and urine samples. METHODS: Sixty-four overweight or 132 obese individuals (total=196) of different ages (min-max, 17-62; mean SD, 42.07 +/- 11.3) and genders (F:M 97:99) enrolled in the study. BMI and waist circumference were measured to diagnose obesity. Venous blood samples were taken after overnight fasting. To compare the urine phthalates among participants, single spot urine (at least 10 mL) was collected from the subject after blood samples were taken. Urine and blood phthalate concentrations were measured using gas chromatography. RESULTS: Total blood/urinary phthalate levels significantly increased in proportion to the degree of obesity. There was a high correlation between the level of total phthalates in serum and BMI (p=0.697, P<0.001), and between total urinary phthalate levels and BMI (p=0.707, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to have shown that both blood and urinary phthalates increased in proportion to BMI. The results show a strong association between obesity and phthalates.Öğe Using azomethine-H method determination of boron contents of various foods consumed in Hatay Region in Turkey(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009) Sungur, Sana; Okur, RamazanIn this study, samples of soil and plant (32 species of vegetable and 17 species of fruit) were collected from six different regions of Hatay (Amik Plant, Reyhanh, Kinkhan, Samandag, Dortyol and Iskenderun). The azomethine-H method Was used to determine boron content of samples, Furthermore, the correlation among boron content of soil with boron content of plants was investigated. The boron concentrations in the soil samples, were determined between 32.43 (+/- 2.90) and 93.43 (+/- 2.75) ppm. High concentrations of boron were found in thyme (10.44 +/- 0.17). mint (6.96 +/- 0.15), red cabbage (6.45 +/- 0.15), broad-bean (6.28 +/- 0.14), quince (5.41 +/- 0.11), pomegranate (5.27 +/- 0.13) and orange (4.08 +/- 0.10). Minimal concentration of boron were found in pumpkin (0.76 +/- 0.01), white radish (0.97 +/- 0.01), plum (1.16 +/- 0.02) and cucumber (1.17 +/- 0.01). Most of the foods had boron concentrations in the range of 1.48-3.60 ppm. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.