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Öğe Actinomyces’in Alerjik Rinit, Adenotonsiller Hipertrofi ve Kronik Rekürren Tonsillit İlişkisi ve Histopatolojik Bulguları(2021) Seçinti, İlke EvrimAmaç: Adenotonsiller Actinomyces prevalansını histopatolojik bulgularla değerlendirmek ve Actinomyces’in alerjik rinit (AR), adenotonsiller hipertrofi (ATH) ve kronik tekrarlayan tonsillit (CRT) ile ilişkisini belirlemektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Adenoidektomi, bilateral tonsillektomi ve adenotonsillektomi uygulanan 228 hastanın histopatolojik kesitleri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Actinomyces varlığı, kriptit ve enflamasyonun şiddeti belirlendi. Veriler Statistical Package for the Social v.21.0 programı ile analiz edildi. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p<0,05 olarak kabul edildi.Bulgular: Otuz dokuz (%17,1) hastada Actinomyces saptandı. Actinomyces ATH ve CRT’de benzer bir oranda (p=0,08), sırasıyla %14,6 ve %24,6 olarak görüldü. Actinomyces görülen tonsillerin çapı, olmayanlardan daha büyüktü (p<0,01). Histopatolojik olarak Actinomyces’in görüldüğü tonsillerde kriptit sıklığı (p=0,03) ve yüzey epitelindeki enflamasyon şiddeti (p<0,01) artmıştı. Actinomyces, AR’li hastalarda AR olmayanlara göre daha sık bulunmuştur (p=0,02) (sırasıyla %25,7 ve %13).Sonuç: Çalışmamız, adenotonsiller Actinomyces kolonizasyonunun ATH’ye, CRT ve AR’ye neden olabileceğini ve AR’nin ATH’nin etiyolojikfaktörlerinden biri olabileceğini göstermektedirÖğe Histopathological and immunohistochemical findings in different tissues of goats infected with small ruminant lentivirus(2023) Kanat, Özgür; Ataseven, Veysel Soydal; Seçinti, İlke Evrim; İncecik, Veli; Doğan, FıratAim: Small ruminant lentivirus infections has chronic and incurable character that might simultaneously and immunopathogenically affect several major target organs, causing pathological and clinical mastitis, maedi, visna, and arthritis in sheep and goats. This study aimed to reveal the lesions and their cellular distribution in different tissues of histopathologically and immunohistochemically infected goats. Materials and Methods: A total of six goats, known as seropositive, and one aborted fetus, were used for the study. Histopathologic findings and immunohistochemical cellular distributions were determined. Results: Histopathologically, bronchopneumonia and chronic interstitial pneumonia, enteritis, hyaline droplets and hyaline cylinders, hydropic degeneration and necrosis of proximal and distal tubular epithelium in the kidneys, congestion and decrease of lymphoid cells in the spleen, congestion, hyaline degeneration and necrosis in the heart, and hydropic degeneration, necrosis and hepatitis in the liver were observed. Immunohistochemically, positive staining was observed in the epithelium of the bronchi and bronchioles, alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes in the lung, lymphocytes and macrophages in the spleen, crypt, and villous epitelium, lymphocytes and macrophages in the intestine, and Kupffer cells and lymphocytes in the liver. In contrast, no positivity was observed in the kidneys and heart. Conclusion: It is anticipated that the data obtained on small ruminant lentivirus infections will have an important place in goat breeding and will be important for new studies and control programs that may be developed.Öğe Inhibition of malignant cells by silver anodes in vitro(2021) Seçinti, İlke EvrimAim: The aim of this study was to investigate the antitumoral effect of silver anodes.Materials and Methods: Pure silver electrodes and sham electrodes were placed in Petri dishes. Hep-II cells in culture media were added. The electrodes were connected with a direct current source. After incubation, the cells were examined and counted under an inverted microscope.Results: With an applied current of 4.0 ?A, a clear inhibition zone was seen around the anode but not around the cathode. There was no inhibition zone around the anode or cathode with a 1.0 ?A applied current or around the sham electrode.Conclusion: Metallic silver alone is not capable of inhibiting malignant cell growth, but our findings demonstrated an antitumoral effect of silver anodes in vitro. This effect was both current- and silver ion-dependent. Throughout the experiment, the electrical charges were acceptable in that they do not have harmful effects on normal living and undifferentiated human cells. Further studies are needed to evaluate clinical applications.Öğe Kolon kanserini taklit eden kolon lipomu: Olgu sunumu(2022) Seçinti, İlke Evrim; Şimşek, Betül; Şimşek, Salih; Uysal, Süleyman; Öztürk, OzanLipom, matür adipoz dokudan gelişen ve yumuşak dokuda sık gözlenen benign mezenkimal bir tümördür. Kolon yerleşimi nadir olup insidansı %0,2-4 olarak bildirilmektedir. Çoğunlukla 5.-6. dekatta, kadın hastalarda görülür. En sık çekum ve çıkan kolon yerleşimlidir. Sıklıkla soliter, küçük ve asemptomatik olup insidental olarak saptanır. Ancak tümör boyutuna ve yerleşim yerine bağlı olarak karın ağrısı, kanama, invajinasyon bulguları, obstrüksiyon bulguları göstererek klinik ve radyolojik olarak maligniteyi taklit edebilir. Bu nedenle preoperatif dönemde tanınması zordur. Genellikle 2 cm’den büyük olan lipomlar semptomatiktir. Histopatolojik olarak sıklıkla submukoza yerleşimli, mukozadan kapsülle ayrılan, matür adipoz dokudan oluşan, iyi sınırlı tümöral lezyon izlenir. Kesin tanı ancak histopatolojik incelemeyle konulabilir. Lezyonun cerrahi olarak çıkarılması hem tedavi için hem de malignensi tanısını dışlamak için gereklidir. Karın ağrısı şikâyeti ile acil servise başvuran, 52 yaşındaki kadın hastada klinik olarak maligniteyi taklit eden kolon lipomu olgusu sunuldu.Öğe Nadir Lokalizasyonlu Gastrik Ksantom: İki Olgu Sunumu(2020) Seçinti, İlke Evrim; Yumuş, OkanKsantomlar, üst gastrointestinal sistem endoskopisi sırasında nadir görülen insidental lezyonlardır. Gastrointestinal traktın bütün alanlarında görülebilir ama en sık midede, sıklıkla da antrum ve pilorik bölgededir. Literatürde kardia ve fundusta yerleşim gösteren az sayıda rapor mevcuttur. Gastrikksantomlar soluk sarı renkte, tek veya çok sayıda, 1-2 mm çapında, mukozal nodül veya plaklar oluşturur. Endoskopi esnasında maligniteyi taklitedebilir ve deneyimsiz klinisyenlerce malignite ile karıştırılabilir. Histopatolojik olarak berrak hücreli karsinoid tümöre ve taşlı yüzük hücreli adenokarsinoma benzeyebilir. Midede daha nadir lokalizasyon alanı olan kardiya ve fundusta yerleşim gösteren iki gastrik ksantom olgusu sunuyoruz.Öğe Renal cell carcinoma : Epidemiological profile and histopathological features(Galenos Yayınevi, 2020) Gürsoy, Didar; Seçinti, İlke EvrimObjective: Nowadays, with the use of advanced imaging methods, the incidence of renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) has increased steadily and they have become recognizable at early stage. Morphologically and immunophenotypically, RCCs are divided into many different types and are divided into three main subtypes. Each type has differences in terms of genetics, biology, and behavior. The objectives of this study is to investigate the histopathological features of tumor specimens of patients operated with diagnosis of RCC. Materials and Methods: The pathology specimens and reports of 77 patients with RCC who underwent radical or partial nephrectomy were reviewed retrospectively. Descriptive and clinical data of the patients were obtained. The size, lateralization, focality, histopathological type, Fuhrman nuclear grading system (NGS), sarcomatoid change, renal sinus and vein invasions, perirenal fat tissue invasion, hilar fatty tissue invasion, ureter surgical margin, and primary tumor stage of RCC were determined. Results: According to the histopathologic type, 77.9% of the patients had clear cell RCC, 10.4% chromophobe RCC, 9.1% papillary RCC, and 2.6% multilocular RCC. The Fuhrman NGS values were 5.2% for grade 1, 61% for grade 2, 26% for grade 3, and 7.8% for grade 4. There were sarcomatoid features in only 7.8% of the patients. There were 6 patients (7.8%) with renal sinus invasion, 3 patients (3.9%) with renal vein invasion, 8 patients (10.4%) with perirenal adipose tissue invasion, 2 patients (2.6%) with hilar fat tissue invasion, and 2 patients (2.6%) with tumors at the ureter surgical margin. Pathological changes were significantly differentiated according to gender except for the primary tumor stage. Conclusion: RCCs are divided into many different types and each type has differences in terms of genetics, biology, and behavior. Due to this, the pathologist must differentiate cell types routinely by morphology and immunohistochemical markers as well as by cytogenetic and molecular genetic analysis particularly when the cell type is equivocal.Öğe A Sialoangiolipoma of Submandibular Gland Origin: Case Report(Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor ORL Gelaat en Halschirugie, 2024) Gülmez, M. İhsan; Kutay, Funda; Seçinti, İlke Evrim; Bayaroğulları, Hanifi; Okuyucu, ŞemsettinSalivary gland mesenchymal (non-epithelial) tumors are rare tumors and they constitute approximately 2%-5% of all salivary gland tumors. They are most commonly observed in the parotid gland, approximately 90%. Sialolipoma describes well-demarcated tumoral formations that are histologically similar to normal salivary gland tissue containing mature fat cells and different ductal, basal, acinar, and myoepithelial cells. The hamartomatous variant of sialolipoma is defined as sialoangiolipoma and is seen very rarely. Four cases have been described in the literature so far, and only one of them is of submandibular gland origin. In this study, we aimed to present a rare case of sialoangiolipoma of submandibular gland origin. © Author(s).