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Öğe The effect of harvest date on tuber yield and quality characteristics of some processing potato cultivars under the Mediterranean conditions(2005) Arıoğlu, Halil Halis; Çalışkan, Mehmet Emin; Çürük, Umur; Zaimoğlu, Bihter; Çelik, Hatice; Güllüoğlu, LeylaThis study was carried out to determine the effect of harvest dates on tuber yield, yield components and some important quality characteristics of some processing type potato cultivars during the winter and spring seasons of 2003 and 2004 at Adana, located in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey. Six processing potato cultivars (Felsina, Shepody, Hermes, Remarka, Agria and Van Gogh) planted on 19th January in 2003 and 27th February in 2004 were harvested at three different dates as representing early (15th May), normal (24th May) and late harvest time (9th June) for the region. Tuber yield and yield components increased significantly as harvest was delayed in all cultivars. Cultivar differences for tuber yield were more pronounced at earlier harvest, but it disappeared at the last harvest at which all cultivars with over 45 t/ha tuber yield. Delaying harvest until late May positively affected dry matter, starch and reducing sugar content in all cultivars, but further delaying of harvest resulted in a decrease in tuber quality of some cultivars. These results indicated that off-season early potato crops of Mediterranean region have acceptable processing quality depending on cultivars and harvest dates.Öğe Kışlık dönemde yetiştirilen bazı sanayi tipi patates çeşitlerinin farklı hasat zamanlarındaki yumru verimleri ile önemli kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi(2005) Arıoğlu, Halil Halis; Çelik, Hatice; Çürük, Umur; Zaimoğlu, Bihter; Çalışkan, Mehmet Emin; Güllüoğlu, LeylaKışlık dönemde yetiştirilen bazı sanayi tipi patates çeşitlerinin farklı hasat zamanlarındaki önemli kalite özellikleri ile yumru verimlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma, Ç.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümüne ait deneme alanında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede materyal olarak; Vangoh, Shepody, Hermes, Felsina, Remerka ve Agria patates çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Dikimde 35-45 mm çapındaki yumrular kullanılmış ve dikim 19 Ocak 2003 tarihinde elle yapılmıştır. Farklı hasat dönemlerindeki kalite özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla; 15 Mayıs, 24 Mayıs ve 9 Haziran tarihlerinde hasat yapılmıştır. İki yıllık ortalama değerlere göre, en yüksek yumru verimi Vangoh çeşidinden elde edilmiştir (4979 kg/da). Bunu; Shepody (4929 kg/da), Agria (4636 kg/da) ve Remerka (4568 kg/da) çeşitleri izlemiştir. Felsina çeşidinden 4560 kg/da ve Hermes çeşidinden ise 4339 kg/da yumru verimi elde edilmiştir. Denemeye alınan patates çeşitlerinin kuru madde içerikleri hasat zamanlarına göre değişim göstermiştir. İlk hasat döneminde kuru madde içeriği % 21.93-25.64 arasında, ikinci hasat döneminde % 22.11-27.37 arasında ve üçüncü hasat döneminde ise %18.80-26.54 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Yine denemeye alınan patates çeşitlerinin nişasta içerikleri ise ilk hasat döneminde %14.13-19.05, ikinci hasat döneminde %16.56-23.10 ve üçüncü hasat döneminde ise %12.24-19.29 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Çeşitlerin invert şeker içeriği ise ilk hasat döneminde 0408-1.170 g/100ml, ikinci hasat döneminde 0.461-0,922 g/100ml ve üçüncü hasat döneminde ise 0.557-1.339 g/100ml arasında değişim göstermiştir.Öğe The researches on soybean (Glycine max merr.) variety breeding for resistance to whitefly in Turkey(2010) Güllüoğlu, Leyla; Kurt, Cemal; Arıoğlu, Halil Halis; Zaimoğlu, Bihter; Aslan, MehmetThis study was conducted in the Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops in between 1993 and 2003 in Turkey. The objective of this research was to breed high yielding whitefly (Bemesia tabaci Genn.) resistant soybean cultivar. Soybean cultivar S.4240 and Williams was crossed in 1993. Individual plant selection was made according to single-seed descent selection method in the segregating materials. The F2 seeds were planted and one random F3 seed (pod) was taken from each F2 plant. This process was repeated until the plants were considered sufficiently true-breeding F5 generation. All the F5 seeds were planted as a second crop and 200 individual plants were selected among the F5 plants according to breeding objectives at the harvesting time in 1998. The selected seeds plants were planted in separate rows in 1999 and 2000. Nine rows (lines) were selected according to breeding objectives at the end of 2000 growing season. The replicated yield test was repeated in 2001 (with 9 soybean lines), 2002 (with 7 soybean lines) and 2003 (with 7 soybean lines) seasons with selected soybean lines under double cropping conditions. At the end of 2003 growing season, three breeding lines (SW-3, SW-7 and SW-11) were determined as cultivar candidates.