Kışlık dönemde yetiştirilen bazı sanayi tipi patates çeşitlerinin farklı hasat zamanlarındaki yumru verimleri ile önemli kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Kışlık dönemde yetiştirilen bazı sanayi tipi patates çeşitlerinin farklı hasat zamanlarındaki önemli kalite özellikleri ile yumru verimlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma, Ç.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümüne ait deneme alanında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede materyal olarak; Vangoh, Shepody, Hermes, Felsina, Remerka ve Agria patates çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Dikimde 35-45 mm çapındaki yumrular kullanılmış ve dikim 19 Ocak 2003 tarihinde elle yapılmıştır. Farklı hasat dönemlerindeki kalite özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla; 15 Mayıs, 24 Mayıs ve 9 Haziran tarihlerinde hasat yapılmıştır. İki yıllık ortalama değerlere göre, en yüksek yumru verimi Vangoh çeşidinden elde edilmiştir (4979 kg/da). Bunu; Shepody (4929 kg/da), Agria (4636 kg/da) ve Remerka (4568 kg/da) çeşitleri izlemiştir. Felsina çeşidinden 4560 kg/da ve Hermes çeşidinden ise 4339 kg/da yumru verimi elde edilmiştir. Denemeye alınan patates çeşitlerinin kuru madde içerikleri hasat zamanlarına göre değişim göstermiştir. İlk hasat döneminde kuru madde içeriği % 21.93-25.64 arasında, ikinci hasat döneminde % 22.11-27.37 arasında ve üçüncü hasat döneminde ise %18.80-26.54 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Yine denemeye alınan patates çeşitlerinin nişasta içerikleri ise ilk hasat döneminde %14.13-19.05, ikinci hasat döneminde %16.56-23.10 ve üçüncü hasat döneminde ise %12.24-19.29 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Çeşitlerin invert şeker içeriği ise ilk hasat döneminde 0408-1.170 g/100ml, ikinci hasat döneminde 0.461-0,922 g/100ml ve üçüncü hasat döneminde ise 0.557-1.339 g/100ml arasında değişim göstermiştir.
This study was carried out to determine the variation of important quality characteristics and tuber yield of certain processing type potato cultivars grown in winter period in Mediterranean Region. The experiment was conducted in University of Çukurova, Faculty of Agriculture experimental area in 2003 and 2004. A split plots design was used with three replications. Vangoh, Shepody, Hermes, Felsina, Remarka and Agria potato cultivars were used as material in the trial. 35-45 mm tubers were used and planting was done in second week of January. In order to determine the variation of quality characteristics, the harvest was done on May 15, May 24, and June 9. According to two years' average data, the highest tuber yield, was obtained from Vangoh (49.79 t/ha), Shepody (49.29 t/ha), Agria (46.36 t/ha) and Remarka (45.68 t/ha) followed to Van Gogh. 45.60 t/ha yield was obtained from Felsina and 43.39 t/ha tuber yield was also obtained from Hermes variety. Dry matter contents of potato varieties used in trial showed differences depending on harvesting time. Dry matter content were about 21.93 -25.64% in the first harvest period, 22.11-27.37% in the second and 18.80-26.54% in the third harvest period. The starch content of tested varieties were about 14.13-19.05% in the first harvest period, 16.56-23.10 in the second harvest period and 12.24-19.29% in the third harvest period. The invert sugar content were also 0.408-1.170 g/100 ml, 0.461-0.922 g/100ml and 0.557-1.339 g/100ml in the first harvest period, second harvest period and third harvest period, respectively
This study was carried out to determine the variation of important quality characteristics and tuber yield of certain processing type potato cultivars grown in winter period in Mediterranean Region. The experiment was conducted in University of Çukurova, Faculty of Agriculture experimental area in 2003 and 2004. A split plots design was used with three replications. Vangoh, Shepody, Hermes, Felsina, Remarka and Agria potato cultivars were used as material in the trial. 35-45 mm tubers were used and planting was done in second week of January. In order to determine the variation of quality characteristics, the harvest was done on May 15, May 24, and June 9. According to two years' average data, the highest tuber yield, was obtained from Vangoh (49.79 t/ha), Shepody (49.29 t/ha), Agria (46.36 t/ha) and Remarka (45.68 t/ha) followed to Van Gogh. 45.60 t/ha yield was obtained from Felsina and 43.39 t/ha tuber yield was also obtained from Hermes variety. Dry matter contents of potato varieties used in trial showed differences depending on harvesting time. Dry matter content were about 21.93 -25.64% in the first harvest period, 22.11-27.37% in the second and 18.80-26.54% in the third harvest period. The starch content of tested varieties were about 14.13-19.05% in the first harvest period, 16.56-23.10 in the second harvest period and 12.24-19.29% in the third harvest period. The invert sugar content were also 0.408-1.170 g/100 ml, 0.461-0.922 g/100ml and 0.557-1.339 g/100ml in the first harvest period, second harvest period and third harvest period, respectively
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Ortak Disiplinler
Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri