Yüksek enerjili rasyonla beslenen ratlarda lipogenez yolağındaki bazı genlerin ekspresyon seviyeleri
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
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Yüksek Enerjili Rasyonla Beslenen Ratlarda Lipogenez Yolağındaki Bazı Genlerin Ekspresyon Seviyeleri Bu araştırma yağ, sükroz ve fruktoz kaynaklı yüksek enerjili rasyonların lipogenez yolağında görevli PPARα, LXRα, ChREBP ve SREBP-1c isimli transkripsiyon faktörleriyle AQP9 membran proteininin karaciğer ve kas dokularındaki aktivitelerinin gen ekspresyonu düzeyinde tespiti amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2017 yılında Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Deneysel Araştırmalar Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini yaklaşık 3 aylık yaştaki Wistar Albino ratlar oluşturmuştur. Kontrol grubu (K), Yağ grubu (Y), Sükroz grubu (S) ve Fruktoz grubu (F) olmak üzere 4 grup rat (Her grup için n=8) 3 ay süreyle farklı rasyonlarla beslenmiştir. K grubu temel rasyonla (2600 kcal/kg), Y grubu yağlı rasyonla (3600 kcal/kg), S ve F grupları temel rasyona ilaveten 1 kcal/ml ME'li sükrozlu ve fruktozlu çözeltilerle ad libitum beslenmiştir. Gruplarda araştırmanın başlangıcında canlı ağırlık bakımından farklılıklar önemsizken, araştırma sonunda K, Y, S ve F gruplarında canlı ağırlık ortalamaları sırasıyla 356,56±12,01 g; 360,40±7,59 g; 356,28±9,57 g ve 423,15±26,13 g olarak tespit edilmiş olup gruplar arası fark önemli olmuştur (P<0,05). Deneme gruplarında ilgili genlerin ekspresyon miktarları K grubu ile kıyaslanarak kat değişimi olarak verilmiştir. Karaciğerde LXRα, S ve F gruplarında K grubuna göre 1,87±0,30 (P<0,05) ve 2,01±0,29 (P<0,01) iken, SREBP-1c Y, S ve F gruplarında sırasıyla 4,52±1,25 (P<0,05); 4,05±1,11 (P<0,05) ve 3,85±1,04 (P<0,05) olarak belirlenmiştir. AQP9, S ve F gruplarında 1,75±0,18 (P<0,01) ve 1,80±0,20 (P<0,01) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Kas dokuda ise F grubunda LXRα gen ekspresyonu 1,77±0,30 (P<0,05) iken SREBP-1c 2,71±0,56 (P<0,05) olmuştur. İlgili genlerden kodlanan protein miktarları ELISA yöntemiyle ölçülmüştür. F grubunda karaciğerde ortalama ChREBP (33,92±8,84 ng/mg protein (P<0,05)) ve SREBP-1c (135,16±15,57 ng/mg protein (P<0,001)) miktarlarının diğer gruplardan önemli düzeyde fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kas dokuda LXRα 6,67±0,60 ng/mg protein (P<0,05), ChREBP 7,11±1,29 ng/mg protein (P<0,01) ve SREBP-1c 43,17±6,37 ng/mg protein (P<0,05) olmuştur. Gen ekspresyonu ve protein miktarları arasındaki farklılığın miRNA'lar gibi faktörlere bağlı şekillenmiş olabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Expression Levels of Some Genes on Lipogenesis Pathway at High Level Energy Consumed Rats The objectives of this research were to investigate the underlying mechanism of PPARα, LXRα, ChREBP, SREBP-1c transcription factors and AQP9 membrane protein at the level of gene expression with high-energy diets from fat, sucrose and fructose in liver and muscle tissues. The study was conducted at Research and Application Center for Experimental Researches of Mustafa Kemal University in 2017. The study groups were consisted of Wistar Albino rats that were approximately 3 months old. There were four study groups (n=8 for per group): Control group (K), Fat Group (Y), Sucrose group (S), and Fructose group (F). Experimental groups were fed different diets for 3 months. Rats in K group were fed with basic diet (2600 kcal/kg); rats in Y group were fed with fatty diet (3600 kcal/kg); and rats in study groups S and F were fed basic diet and solution which contained sucrose and fructose containing 1 kcal/mL Metabolic Energy. Body weights of rats were measured throughout the study. There were no significant differences for means od body weights among all the groups at the beginning of the study, while means of body weights in K, Y, S and F groups at the end of the study (356,56±12,01; 360,40±7,59; 356,28±9,57 and 423,15±26,13 g, respectively) were differed significantly (P<0,05). Furthermore, gene expression quantities were compared between K group and the experimental groups, and were given as fold changes. Following experiment was done in which LXRα gene expression levels of S and F study groups were compared with that of K study group. Results were 1,87±0,30 (P<0,05) and 2,01±0,29 (P<0,01). In Y, S and F groups SREBP-1c levels have been detected that 4,52±1,25 (P<0.05); 4,05±1.11 (P<0,05) and 3,85±1,04 (P<0,05), respectively. AQP9 levels have been detected 1,75±0,18 (P<0,01) and 1,80±0,20 (P<0,01) at S and F groups. LXRα gene expression levels in the F group was 1,77±0,30 (P<0,05) and SREBP-1c was 2,71±0,56 (P<0,05) at muscle tissues. In this study, ELISA method was used to measure protein quantities that are encoded by related genes. Results indicated that, livers of rats in F study group was ChREBP (33,92±8,84 ng/mg protein (P<0,05)) and SREBP-1c (135,16±15,57 ng/mg protein (P<0,001)); protein levels were much higher than in other study groups. In muscle tissues, The protein amounts of LXR were 6,67±0,60 ng/mg protein (P<0,05), ChREBP were 7,11±1,29 ng/mg protein (P<0,01) and SREBP-1c were 43,17±6,37 ng/mg protein (P<0,05), in F study group. This shows that differences between gene expression levels and protein amounts could occur due to other factors such as miRNAs.
Expression Levels of Some Genes on Lipogenesis Pathway at High Level Energy Consumed Rats The objectives of this research were to investigate the underlying mechanism of PPARα, LXRα, ChREBP, SREBP-1c transcription factors and AQP9 membrane protein at the level of gene expression with high-energy diets from fat, sucrose and fructose in liver and muscle tissues. The study was conducted at Research and Application Center for Experimental Researches of Mustafa Kemal University in 2017. The study groups were consisted of Wistar Albino rats that were approximately 3 months old. There were four study groups (n=8 for per group): Control group (K), Fat Group (Y), Sucrose group (S), and Fructose group (F). Experimental groups were fed different diets for 3 months. Rats in K group were fed with basic diet (2600 kcal/kg); rats in Y group were fed with fatty diet (3600 kcal/kg); and rats in study groups S and F were fed basic diet and solution which contained sucrose and fructose containing 1 kcal/mL Metabolic Energy. Body weights of rats were measured throughout the study. There were no significant differences for means od body weights among all the groups at the beginning of the study, while means of body weights in K, Y, S and F groups at the end of the study (356,56±12,01; 360,40±7,59; 356,28±9,57 and 423,15±26,13 g, respectively) were differed significantly (P<0,05). Furthermore, gene expression quantities were compared between K group and the experimental groups, and were given as fold changes. Following experiment was done in which LXRα gene expression levels of S and F study groups were compared with that of K study group. Results were 1,87±0,30 (P<0,05) and 2,01±0,29 (P<0,01). In Y, S and F groups SREBP-1c levels have been detected that 4,52±1,25 (P<0.05); 4,05±1.11 (P<0,05) and 3,85±1,04 (P<0,05), respectively. AQP9 levels have been detected 1,75±0,18 (P<0,01) and 1,80±0,20 (P<0,01) at S and F groups. LXRα gene expression levels in the F group was 1,77±0,30 (P<0,05) and SREBP-1c was 2,71±0,56 (P<0,05) at muscle tissues. In this study, ELISA method was used to measure protein quantities that are encoded by related genes. Results indicated that, livers of rats in F study group was ChREBP (33,92±8,84 ng/mg protein (P<0,05)) and SREBP-1c (135,16±15,57 ng/mg protein (P<0,001)); protein levels were much higher than in other study groups. In muscle tissues, The protein amounts of LXR were 6,67±0,60 ng/mg protein (P<0,05), ChREBP were 7,11±1,29 ng/mg protein (P<0,01) and SREBP-1c were 43,17±6,37 ng/mg protein (P<0,05), in F study group. This shows that differences between gene expression levels and protein amounts could occur due to other factors such as miRNAs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry ; Genetik