Endometrium karsinomlarında matriks metalloproteinaz-7 ve ykl-40 ekspresyonları
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Endometrioid endometriyal karsinomda (EEK), MMP-7 ve YKL-40 ekspresyonunu ve prognostik faktörlerle ilişkisini araştırmak. Yöntem: Endometriyum karsinomu tanısı almış 50, endometriyal hiperplazili 27, normal siklik endometriyumlu 26 olguya ait blokların immünohistokimyasal olarak MMP-7 ve YKL-40 antikorları ile boyanma sonuçlarının saptanması ve bu sonucların diğer prognostik parametrelerle karşılaştırılarak istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesi. Bulgular: Endometrioid endometriyum karsinomlu 50 olgunun 9(%18)'unda MMP-7 ile boyanma saptanmadı. 13 (% 26) olguda skor 1, 12 (%24) olguda skor 2, 9 (%18) olguda skor 3, 5 (%10) olguda skor 4 boyanma izlendi. YKL-40 normal grupta 26 olgudan 15(%58)'inde pozitif, 11 (%42)' inde negatif, hiperplazi grubunda 27 olgudan 21(%78)'inde pozitif, 6 (%22)'sında negatif, tümör grubunda 50 olgudan 19 (%38)'unda pozitif, 31 (%62)' inde negatif boyanma görüldü. Sonuçlar: YKL-40 tümörde hiperplazi ve normal endometriyuma göre daha düşük oranda eksprese oldu. MMP-7 tümörde normal ve hipeplastik epitele göre daha yaygın boyandı. İncelenen klinikopatolojik parametrelerde YKL-40 ve MMP-7 boyanması açısından anlamlı farklılık gözlenmedi.
Background and aim: To investigate expressions of YKL-40, MMP-7 and their relations with prognostic factors in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas. Methods: Paraffin blocks of 50 patients diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma, 27 patients with endometrial hyperplasia and 26 patients with normal cyclic endometrium were determined and the immunohistochemical staining results of MMP-7 and YKL-40 antibodies has been obtained. These results were compared with prognostic parameters with statistical evaluation. Results: Endometrioid endometrial carcinoma in 50 patients, 9 (18%) with no significant staining of MMP-7. In 13 cases (26%) Score 1, 12 patients (24%) Score 2 in 9 patients (18%) Score 3 in 5 cases (10%) score 4 staining was observed. YKL-40 In 15 of the 26 patients in the normal group (58%) positive, in 11 cases (42%) negative, in 21 of 27 cases of hyperplasia group (78%) positive, in 6 (22%) of 50 patients with negative, in 19 (%38) of the patient in the tumor group positive, in 31 (62%) cases showed negative staining. Conclusion: In tumor group YKL-40 was expressed lower than hyperplasia, and normal cyclic endometrium. MMP-7 were stained widespread in tumors than hyperplastic and normal cyclic endometrium. The clinicopathological parameters examined were no significant differences in terms of YKL-40 and MMP-7 staining.
Background and aim: To investigate expressions of YKL-40, MMP-7 and their relations with prognostic factors in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas. Methods: Paraffin blocks of 50 patients diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma, 27 patients with endometrial hyperplasia and 26 patients with normal cyclic endometrium were determined and the immunohistochemical staining results of MMP-7 and YKL-40 antibodies has been obtained. These results were compared with prognostic parameters with statistical evaluation. Results: Endometrioid endometrial carcinoma in 50 patients, 9 (18%) with no significant staining of MMP-7. In 13 cases (26%) Score 1, 12 patients (24%) Score 2 in 9 patients (18%) Score 3 in 5 cases (10%) score 4 staining was observed. YKL-40 In 15 of the 26 patients in the normal group (58%) positive, in 11 cases (42%) negative, in 21 of 27 cases of hyperplasia group (78%) positive, in 6 (22%) of 50 patients with negative, in 19 (%38) of the patient in the tumor group positive, in 31 (62%) cases showed negative staining. Conclusion: In tumor group YKL-40 was expressed lower than hyperplasia, and normal cyclic endometrium. MMP-7 were stained widespread in tumors than hyperplastic and normal cyclic endometrium. The clinicopathological parameters examined were no significant differences in terms of YKL-40 and MMP-7 staining.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Patoloji, Pathology, Endometrioid endometriyal karsinom, YKL-40, MMP-, Endometrioid endometrium carcinoma, YKL-40, MMP-7