Pediatrik bir hastada Salmonella paratyphi A’nın neden olduğu bir akut hemorajik sistit olgusu
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Salmonella türlerinin neden olduğu üriner sistem enfeksiyonu (ÜSE) oldukça nadir görülen bir klinik durumdur. Yedi yaşında erkek bir hasta; alt karın ağrısı, idrar yaparken yanma ve ağrı, bulantı ve ateş yükselmesi şikayeti ile hastanemize başvurmuştur. Fizik muayenesinde hastanın vital bulgularının normal olduğu saptanmış ancak abdominal muayene ile bilateral suprapubik hassasiyet bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Laboratuvar tetkiklerinde; hemoglobin miktarı 12,9 g/dL, eritrosit sayısı 4,8 milyon/mm3, lökosit sayısı 11.800/mm3, trombosit sayısı 275.000/mm3, C-reaktif protein düzeyi 30,2 mg/L, serolojik olarak paratyphi A “O” antikoru (1/160) ve paratyphi A “H” antikoru (1/320) pozitifliğinin bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. İdrar mikroskobisinde ise hematüri görülmüş ve lökosit esteraz pozitif bulunmuştur. İdrar kültürü çalışılmış ve kültürden elde edilen izolat konvansiyonel yöntemlerle tanımlanmıştır. İdrar kültürü sonucu Salmonella spp. olarak bildirilmiş ve antiserumlarla yapılan ileri tanımlamalarda izolatın Salmonella paratyphi A olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Radyolojik görüntüleme sonuçları normal bulunmuştur. Hastaya S. paratyphi A’nın neden olduğu hemorajik sistit tanısı konulmuş ve hasta yedi gün boyunca seftriakson tedavisi alarak tam iyileşme göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak; Salmonella türlerinin endemik olduğu bölgelerde S. paratyphi A’nın akut hemorajik sistit vakalarında etken olabileceği düşünülmelidir.
It is a very rare medical condition that Urinary tract infection (UTI) caused by Salmonella species. Seven-year-old boy admitted to our hospital with complaint of lower abdominal pain, burning and pain during urination (dysuria), nausea and increased fever. The patient had normal vital signs but abdominal examination revealed bilateral suprapubic tenderness. In the laboratory, it was found the amount of hemoglobin 12.9 g/dL, red blood cell count 4.8 million/mm3, white blood cell count 11.800/mm3, platelet count 275.000/mm3, level of C-reactive protein 30.2 mg/L, serologically S. paratyphi A “O” antibody (1/160) and S. paratyphi A “H” antibody (1/320) positivity. Urine examination showed gross hematuria and leukocyte esterase was positive. Urine culture was performed and isolate obtained urine culture was identified with conventional methods. Result of urine culture was reported as Salmonella species and isolate was determined as Salmonella paratyphi A by using anti-sera during the advanced identification. Results of radiological imaging were found normal. The patient was diagnosed as acute hemorrhagic cystitis caused by S. paratyphi A and received ceftriaxone treatment for seven days and had a full recovery. We conclude that in case of acute hemorrhagic cystitis, S. paratyphi A should be considered as causative agent in endemic areas.
It is a very rare medical condition that Urinary tract infection (UTI) caused by Salmonella species. Seven-year-old boy admitted to our hospital with complaint of lower abdominal pain, burning and pain during urination (dysuria), nausea and increased fever. The patient had normal vital signs but abdominal examination revealed bilateral suprapubic tenderness. In the laboratory, it was found the amount of hemoglobin 12.9 g/dL, red blood cell count 4.8 million/mm3, white blood cell count 11.800/mm3, platelet count 275.000/mm3, level of C-reactive protein 30.2 mg/L, serologically S. paratyphi A “O” antibody (1/160) and S. paratyphi A “H” antibody (1/320) positivity. Urine examination showed gross hematuria and leukocyte esterase was positive. Urine culture was performed and isolate obtained urine culture was identified with conventional methods. Result of urine culture was reported as Salmonella species and isolate was determined as Salmonella paratyphi A by using anti-sera during the advanced identification. Results of radiological imaging were found normal. The patient was diagnosed as acute hemorrhagic cystitis caused by S. paratyphi A and received ceftriaxone treatment for seven days and had a full recovery. We conclude that in case of acute hemorrhagic cystitis, S. paratyphi A should be considered as causative agent in endemic areas.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Farmakoloji ve Eczacılık
Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi
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