Toxic element concentrations in the liver and kidneys of cows grazed in industrial and non-industrial regions
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Bu çalışmada, endüstriyel faaliyetlerin süt ineklerinin karaciğer ve böbrek dokularında alüminyum (Al), arsenik (As), kadmiyum (Cd), kurşun (Pb) ve nikel (Ni) konsantrasyonları üzerine etkisi belirlendi. Bu amaçla, Hatay ilinde bulunan demir-çelik endüstrisi çevresi (Payas-İskenderun) ile ağır sanayinin bulunmadığı Antakya bölgesinde yaz ve kış mevsimlerinde kesimi yapılan süt ineklerinden toplam 70 karaciğer ve 67 böbrek örneği alındı. Yaz ve kış olmak üzere karaciğer örneklerinin 41'i, böbrek örneklerinin 4O'ı Antakya'dan, karaciğer örneklerinin 29'u ve böbrek örneklerinin 27'si ise Payas-İskenderun bölgesinden alındı. Element analizleri indüktif olarak eşleşmiş plazma-atomik emisyon spektrometre (ICP-AES) cihazında yapıldı. Karaciğer ve böbrek örneklerinde arsenik, kadmiyum, kurşun ve nikel ortalama düzeylerinin mevsim ve bölgelere göre farklılık göstermediği saptandı (p > 0.05). Şaşırtıcı olarak sanayinin bulunmadığı bölge hayvanlarının karaciğer ve böbrek alüminyum içeriği demir-çelik endüstrisi çevresinde yetiştirilen hayvanlarınkinden istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulundu (p < 0.001, p < 0.001). Böbrek Al düzeyi üzerine mevsimlerin etkisi belirgin bulunurken (p < 0.001), karaciğer Al düzeyi mevsimsel değişimlerden etkilenmedi (p > 0.05). Süt ineklerinin karaciğer ve böbreklerinde belirlenen toksik elementler üzerine bölge ve mevsim faktörlerinin her ikisinin birlikte etkileşimi belirlenmedi (p > 0.05). Elde edilen sonuçlar, İskenderun bölgesinde bulunan endüstriyel aktiviteler ve mevsimsel farklılıkların bu bölgede yetiştirilen süt ineklerinin karaciğer ve böbreklerinde analizi yapılan toksik element (Al, As, Cd, Pb, Ni) düzeyleri üzerine bir etkisinin bulunmadığını gösterdi.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of industrial activities on the possible accumulation of aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) in the liver and kidneys of dairy cows. For this reason, a total of 70 liver and 67 kidney samples were collected from slaughtered cows previously grazed around the iron-steel processing industry (Payas-Iskenderun) and comparable non-industrial region (Antakya). Forty one of the liver samples, 40 of the kidney samples and 29 of the liver samples and 27 of the kidney samples were taken from Antakya and Payas-Iskenderun, respectively in the summer and winter season. Element concentrations in the samples were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The mean concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel in the liver and the kidney samples were found to be no different between the both regions and the seasons (p > 0.05). Surprisingly, aluminum content in the liver and kidneys from the non-industrial area was higher than that in the industrial region (p <0.001, p <0.001). Although the seasonal effect was significant on Al contents of the kidneys (p < 0.05), Al contents of the liver samples was not affected by seasonal variation (p > 0.05). Any interaction was determined between the regions and seasons on selected toxic elements concentrations in the liver and kidneys of dairy cows (p > 0.05). The results indicate that industrial activities and seasonal alterations failed to have any remarkable deposition effects on selected toxic element (Al, As, Cd, Pb, and Ni) contents of the liver and kidneys of dairy cows.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of industrial activities on the possible accumulation of aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and nickel (Ni) in the liver and kidneys of dairy cows. For this reason, a total of 70 liver and 67 kidney samples were collected from slaughtered cows previously grazed around the iron-steel processing industry (Payas-Iskenderun) and comparable non-industrial region (Antakya). Forty one of the liver samples, 40 of the kidney samples and 29 of the liver samples and 27 of the kidney samples were taken from Antakya and Payas-Iskenderun, respectively in the summer and winter season. Element concentrations in the samples were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The mean concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel in the liver and the kidney samples were found to be no different between the both regions and the seasons (p > 0.05). Surprisingly, aluminum content in the liver and kidneys from the non-industrial area was higher than that in the industrial region (p <0.001, p <0.001). Although the seasonal effect was significant on Al contents of the kidneys (p < 0.05), Al contents of the liver samples was not affected by seasonal variation (p > 0.05). Any interaction was determined between the regions and seasons on selected toxic elements concentrations in the liver and kidneys of dairy cows (p > 0.05). The results indicate that industrial activities and seasonal alterations failed to have any remarkable deposition effects on selected toxic element (Al, As, Cd, Pb, and Ni) contents of the liver and kidneys of dairy cows.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
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