Verbascum pinetorum (Boiss.) O. Kuntze bitki ekstraktının antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan aktivitesinin belirlenmesi
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Scrophulariaceae familyasına ait Hatay endemiği Verbascum pinetorum (Boiss.) O. Kuntze'den elde edilen 5 farklı özütünün antimikrobiyal ve metanolik özütünün antioksidan aktivitesi belirlenmiştir. Artan polarite özütleme ve direkt metanol özütleme yöntemleri sonrasında elde edilen non-polar ve polar özütlerin antimikrobiyal aktiviteleri disk difüzyon yöntemi kullanılarak sekiz adet gram pozitif, altı adet gram negatif bakteri ve bir adet fungus üzerinde test edilmiştir. Direkt metanolik özütün antioksidan aktivite kapasitesi DPPH ve beta-karoten renk açılım yöntemleri kullanılarak çalışılmıştır. Non-polar özütlerden hekzan, diklorometan ve methanol/kloroform özütlerinin, polar methanol/su özütünün ve direkt methanol özütünün toplam olarak üç adet gram pozitif, iki adet gram negatif ve maya suşları üzerinde çeşitli düzeylerde antimikrobiyal etkileri gözlenmiştir. Özüt ve pozitif kontrol olarak kullanılan BHT ve askorbik asitin DPPH radikalinin %50 inhibisyonunu sağlayan IC50 değerleri sırasıyla 14,35 mg/ml, 2,25 mg/ml ve 0,45 mg/ml olarak bulunmuştur. Beta-karoten renk açılımına göre 50. saatin sonunda özütün linoleik asit oksidasyonunu %82, BHT'nin ise %85 oranında inhibe ettiği bulunmuştur. Buna göre V. pinetorum bitkisinden elde edilen özütlerin genel olarak bazı patojen mikroorganizmaların üremesini engellediği ve antioksidan aktivite kapasitesine sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir.
The antimicrobial activities of five different extracts (hexane, dichloromethane, methanol/chloroform, methanol/water and direct methanol) and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract obtained from Verbascum pinetorum (Boiss.) O. Kuntze which is a Hatay endemic and belongs to Scrophulariaceae family was determined. The extracts obtained from Verbascum pinetorum by increased polarity and direct methanol extraction were tested by using the disc diffusion method againist eight gram positive bacteria, six gram negative bacteria, and one fungus. Non-polar extracts including hexane, dichloromethane and methanol/chloroform extracts, polar methanol/water extracts and direct methanol extracts exhibited antimicrobial activities on three gram positive, two gram negative and one fungal strains at various degrees.The antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Verbascum pinetorum was determined with DPPH (2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazil) and beta-carotene bleaching test system. The 50% (IC50) inhibition of the methanolic extract, and positive control, BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), and ascorbic acid, on the free radical DPPH was calculated according the results of DPPH method. IC50 of extract, BHT and ascorbic acid were determined as 14.35 mg/ml, 2.25 mg/ml and 0.45 mg/ml, respectively. The % inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation taken on depending on time was evaluated according to blank. At the end of the fiftieth hours, while the methanolic extract of Verbascum pinetorum inhibited the linoleic acid oxidation by 82%, BHT, positive control, inhibited by 85% according to beta-carotene bleaching test. As a result, in the current study it was determined that the extracts obtained from Verbascum pinetorum (Boiss.) O. Kuntze have some antimicrobial and antioxidant activities.
The antimicrobial activities of five different extracts (hexane, dichloromethane, methanol/chloroform, methanol/water and direct methanol) and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract obtained from Verbascum pinetorum (Boiss.) O. Kuntze which is a Hatay endemic and belongs to Scrophulariaceae family was determined. The extracts obtained from Verbascum pinetorum by increased polarity and direct methanol extraction were tested by using the disc diffusion method againist eight gram positive bacteria, six gram negative bacteria, and one fungus. Non-polar extracts including hexane, dichloromethane and methanol/chloroform extracts, polar methanol/water extracts and direct methanol extracts exhibited antimicrobial activities on three gram positive, two gram negative and one fungal strains at various degrees.The antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Verbascum pinetorum was determined with DPPH (2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazil) and beta-carotene bleaching test system. The 50% (IC50) inhibition of the methanolic extract, and positive control, BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), and ascorbic acid, on the free radical DPPH was calculated according the results of DPPH method. IC50 of extract, BHT and ascorbic acid were determined as 14.35 mg/ml, 2.25 mg/ml and 0.45 mg/ml, respectively. The % inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation taken on depending on time was evaluated according to blank. At the end of the fiftieth hours, while the methanolic extract of Verbascum pinetorum inhibited the linoleic acid oxidation by 82%, BHT, positive control, inhibited by 85% according to beta-carotene bleaching test. As a result, in the current study it was determined that the extracts obtained from Verbascum pinetorum (Boiss.) O. Kuntze have some antimicrobial and antioxidant activities.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology