Pepee ve Caillou çizgi filmlerinde kavram öğretimi
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Bu çalışmada Pepee ve Caillou çizgi filmlerinin kavram öğretimi açısından değerlendirilmesi ve karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Pepee ve Caillou çizgi filmlerinin 20'şer bölümü kavram öğretimi ve kavramı öğretenler bakımından incelenmiştir. Betimsel tarama yöntemine dayalı olarak yapılan çalışmada, araştırmacılar tarafından uzman görüşü alınarak geliştirilen "Kavram Öğretimi Değerlendirme Formu" kullanılmıştır. Kavramların kodlanmasında kodlayıcılar arası uyum düzeyi .95 ve .96 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Pepee'de 25 ana kavram, 226 yardımcı kavram; Caillou'da ise 20 ana kavram 254 yardımcı kavram belirlenmiştir. Tüm kavram kullanımları içinde Pepee'de ana kavram kullanımı %33,33 yardımcı kavram kullanımı %66 iken Caillou'da ana kavram kullanımı %17,35 yardımcı kavram kullanımı %82,64'tür. Kavramların öğretiminde en çok rol alan kişiler Pepee'de ana kahraman (f=166), dış anlatıcı (f=193) ve arkadaşlar (f=92) iken Caillou'da ana kahraman (f=157), dış anlatıcı (f=131) ve annedir (f=103).
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate and compare the cartoons "Pepee" and "Caillou" in terms of concept teaching. Twenty episodes of Pepee and Caillou were analyzed in terms of concept types. "Concept Teaching Evaluation Form" developed by the researcher were used in this descriptive study. According to the results of the study, 26 key concepts and 226 related concepts to define and support the key concepts were determined in Pepee cartoons. However, 20 key concepts and 254 related concepts were defined in Caillou cartoons. While frequency of key concepts was (f=526) in Pepee, it was (f=142) in Caillou. Additionally, while use of key concepts was found as 33,33% and related concepts as 66% in Pepee, use of key concepts was found as 17,35% and related concepts as 82,64% in Caillou. Characters involved in the teaching of concepts most are accordingly, the main hero (f=166), the external narrator (f=193) and friends (f=92) in Pepee while the main hero (f=157), the external narrator (f=131) and mother (f=103) in Caillou.
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate and compare the cartoons "Pepee" and "Caillou" in terms of concept teaching. Twenty episodes of Pepee and Caillou were analyzed in terms of concept types. "Concept Teaching Evaluation Form" developed by the researcher were used in this descriptive study. According to the results of the study, 26 key concepts and 226 related concepts to define and support the key concepts were determined in Pepee cartoons. However, 20 key concepts and 254 related concepts were defined in Caillou cartoons. While frequency of key concepts was (f=526) in Pepee, it was (f=142) in Caillou. Additionally, while use of key concepts was found as 33,33% and related concepts as 66% in Pepee, use of key concepts was found as 17,35% and related concepts as 82,64% in Caillou. Characters involved in the teaching of concepts most are accordingly, the main hero (f=166), the external narrator (f=193) and friends (f=92) in Pepee while the main hero (f=157), the external narrator (f=131) and mother (f=103) in Caillou.
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Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları
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