Esmer sığırlarda süt verimine etkili çevre faktörleri ile fenotipik, genetik ve çevresel yönelimler ve bazı genetik parametrelerin belirlenmesi
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Bu çalışmada, Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım İşletmesi'nde yetiştirilen Esmer sığırlarda gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verim özelliklerine ait genetik parametreler, etkili makro çevre faktörleri ile gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimine ilişkin genetik, fenotipik ve çevresel yönelimler tahmin edilmiştir. Genetik parametreler ile genetik yönelimin hesaplamasında MTDFREML bilgisayar paket programı yardımı ile tahmin edilmiştir. Gerçek ve 305-gün süt verimine etkili çevre faktörleri ise Harvey istatistik paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. İncelenen verim özelliklerinden verim yıllarının ve laktasyon sırasının gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimi üzerine etkisi çok önemli, buzağılama mevsiminin etkisi ise önemsiz olarak bulunmuştur. Gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimi için çevresel yönelimler -33,2 kg/yıl ve -29,0 kg/yıl ve fenotipik yönelimler 27,8±19,1 kg/yıl ve -25,9±8,7 kg/yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimleri için genetik yönelimler ise 5,4±3,8 kg/yıl ve 3,1±3,4 kg/yıl olarak saptanmıştır. Gerçek ve 305 günlük süt verimlerinin kalıtım dereceleri 0,21±0,12 ve 0,16±0,14 ve tekrarlanma dereceleri 0,29 ve 0,33 olarak bulunmuştur
In this study, genetic parameters, macro environmental factors and genetic, phenotypic and environmental trends for actual and 305 day milk yield of Brown Swiss cattle reared in Research Farm of Agricultural College at Atatürk University were estimated. Estimated breeding values that were used for calculation of the genetic trend and genetic parameters were estimated by using MTDFREML computer package program. Environmental factors affecting on actual and 305day milk yields were analysed by using Harvey statistic package program. While effects of the years and parities on the actual and 305-day milk yields were highly significant, the influence of the calving season was found to be insignificant. Environmental and phenotypic trends for actual and 305-day milk yields were determined as -33.2 kg and -29.0 kg; and -27.8±19.1 kg/year and - 25.9±8.7 kg/year respectively. Genetic trends for actual and 305-day milk yields were calculated as 5.4±3.8 kg and 3.1±3.4 kg. Heritability's for actual and 305-day milk yields were 0.21±0.12 and 0.16±0.14 respectively. Repeatability values for actual and 305-day milk yield were found as 0.29 and 0.33 respectively.
In this study, genetic parameters, macro environmental factors and genetic, phenotypic and environmental trends for actual and 305 day milk yield of Brown Swiss cattle reared in Research Farm of Agricultural College at Atatürk University were estimated. Estimated breeding values that were used for calculation of the genetic trend and genetic parameters were estimated by using MTDFREML computer package program. Environmental factors affecting on actual and 305day milk yields were analysed by using Harvey statistic package program. While effects of the years and parities on the actual and 305-day milk yields were highly significant, the influence of the calving season was found to be insignificant. Environmental and phenotypic trends for actual and 305-day milk yields were determined as -33.2 kg and -29.0 kg; and -27.8±19.1 kg/year and - 25.9±8.7 kg/year respectively. Genetic trends for actual and 305-day milk yields were calculated as 5.4±3.8 kg and 3.1±3.4 kg. Heritability's for actual and 305-day milk yields were 0.21±0.12 and 0.16±0.14 respectively. Repeatability values for actual and 305-day milk yield were found as 0.29 and 0.33 respectively.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, Ziraat, Ortak Disiplinler
Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri