Crimson Tide karpuz çeşidinde farklı anaç ve değişik depo sıcaklıklarının muhafaza süresince kalite özelliklerinin değişimine etkileri
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Toprak kökenli hastalıklar (Fusarium oxysporum ve Verticillium dahliae türleri tarafından neden olunan), sürekli ve yoğun üretim nedeniyle örtü altı ve açıkta karpuz yetiştiriciliğini sınırlayıcı faktörlerdir. Toprak kökenli hastalıklara karşı dayanıklı Lagenaria ve Cucurbita türleri gibi anaçlar üzerinde yetiştiricilik; hastalıkların kontrolü, diğer dezenfektan yöntemlerine alternatif olma, münavebe ihtiyacının azaltılması ve verimi artırma gibi avantajlar sağlamaktadır.Ülkemiz açısından büyük bir öneme sahip olan karpuzun muhafazası ve aşılamanın karpuzun tat ve kalitesine etkileri tam olarak bilinmemekte ve spekülasyonlara neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle aşılamanın karpuz muhafazası ve kalitesi üzerine etkilerini incelemek önem kazanmıştır.Aşılamanın karpuzlarda meyve eti sertliği ve rengi, şeker ve likopen içeriği gibi meyvenin kalite özeliklerine de olumlu etkileri bilinmektedir. Aşılı veya aşısız karpuzların derim sonrası fizyolojileri konusunda oldukça az sayıda çalışma mevcuttur. Karpuzlarda depo ve raf ömrünü sınırlayan faktörler düşük sıcaklıklarda (<7°C) meydan gelen üşüme zararı, çürüme ve meyve eti renginin soluklaşması ve yüksek sıcaklıklarda ise çürümeler ve şeker kaybıdır. İç pazarlara gönderilecek karpuzlar için soğukta muhafaza yaygın değildir. Olgunlaşma dönemi sıcak yaz aylarına rastlayan karpuz meyvesi pazarlama süresince yüksek sıcaklıklara maruz kalmaktadır. Soğukta muhafaza ve taşıma özellikle dış satım söz konusu olduğunda raf ömrünün uzatılması için önem taşımaktadır.Bu çalışmada; Ferro, RS841, Agentario ve Macis anaçları üzerinde aşılı yetiştirilen Crimson Tide karpuz çeşidinin depo ve raf ömrü ile derim sonrası kalitesini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Aşılanmamış Crimson Tide çeşidi kontrol olarak kullanılmıştır. Meyveler 0°C ve 7°C sıcaklıkta %85-90 oransal nemde 21 gün depolanmıştır. O°C'de yapılan depolama ile anaç x kalem kombinasyonlarının üşüme zararına duyarlılığı belirlenmiştir. 7°C ise karpuz için tavsiye edilen optimum depolama sıcaklığı olup, anaç x kalem kombinasyonlarının uzak mesafelere taşıma ve dışsatımı söz konusu olduğunda depolanma performansı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca, raf ömrünü belirlemek için, her örnek alma döneminde (0, 7, 14 ve 21 gün) depodan çıkarılan meyveler, 21°C sıcaklık ve %70±5 oransal nem koşullarında 7 gün tutulmuştur. Ülkemizde yaygın olarak kullanılan sergen koşulları da dikkate alınarak derimden sonra meyveler 27°C'de %50±5 oransal nem koşullarında 7 gün bekletilmiştir.Derimde, depolama ve raf ömrü sırasında (0, 7, 14 ve 21 gün) alınan meyve örneklerinde, meyve ağırlığı, meyve yüksekliği, meyve çapı, meyve kabuk kalınlığı, ağırlık kayıpları oranı, suda çözünebilir toplam kuru madde içeriği, meyve suyu pH'sı, meyve eti sertliği, meyve et rengi, mantarsal bozulma, üşüme zararı, şeker ve karotenoid içeriği gibi fiziksel ve kimyasal parametrelerde meydana gelen değişimler incelenmiştir. Meyvelerin tat ve görünüşü de duyusal analizler ile değerlendirilmiştir.Elde edilen bulgulara göre, anaçlara göre değişmekle birlikte sakkaroz içeriğinin %5,15 - 5,88, fruktoz içeriğinin %3,08 - 3,65, glikoz içeriğinin %1,79 - 2,38, toplam karotenoid içeriğinin 39,75 - 50,97 µg/g ve toplam likopen içeriğinin 39,56 - 50,78 µg/g arasında olduğu saptanmıştır.0ºC, 7ºC ve 27ºC'lerde depolama ve raf ömrü sırasında ağırlık kayıpları, meyve et rengi L* değeri artarken, MES, toplam Likopen ve toplam Karotenoid içerikleri, meyve et rengi a* ve b* değerleri azalmıştır. Duyusal kalite (1?9) azalmakla birlikte en düşük raf ömrünün 3. haftasında (6,68) kabul edilebilir sınırın (>5,00) çok üstünde olmuştur. 7ºC ve 27ºC'lerde depolama sırasında üşüme zararı görülmemiştir. 0ºC, 7ºC ve 27ºC'lerde depolama sırasında mantarsal bozulma görülmemiş, ancak raf ömrü sırasında görülmüştür. TEA içeriği ve pH değeri depolama ve raf ömrü sırasında istatistiksel olarak önemsiz bulunmuş veya azalmıştır.Ferro ve RS841 anaçları üzerine aşılı karpuzlarda kalite diğerlerinden daha iyi olmuştur. Karpuzların 7°C sıcaklıkta %85-90 oransal nemde 21 gün depolanmasından en iyi sonuç alınmıştır.
Soil borne diseases (caused by Fusarium and Verticillium species etc.) are limiting factors affecting watermelon production both during early cultivation under plastic tunnels and for later in the season under open field production conditions because of continuous and intensive cropping. Lagenaria and Cucurbita rootstocks known as resistant to Fusarium wilt and other soil borne diseases provide advantages for watermelon cultivation to control diseases, alternative to other methods of disinfecting, eliminate of plant rotation and increase yield.Effects of grafting on storage quality of watermelon are not completely known and lead to speculations. Hence to investigate the effect of grafting on storing and quality of watermelon has gained importance.Grafting also affects fruit quality including fruit flesh firmness, flesh colour, lycopene and sugar content. There are few studies on postharvest physiology of grafted or non-grafted watermelos. Storage and shelf life of watermelons are limited by low (<7°C) and high temperatures. At lower temperatures, fruits are susceptible to chilling injury, decay and fading of flesh color. At higher temperatures, fruit are subject to decay and sugar loss. Watermelons generally are not refrigerated when shipped domestically. However, watermelons ripen in hot summer months and expose high temperatures during marketing. Refrigerated storage and transit may be used to extend the shelf life during export shipment.In this study, we aimed to determine the storage and shelf life and postharvest quality of Crimson Tide watermelon cultivar grafted on Ferro, RS841, Agentario and Macis rootstocks. Ungrafted Crimson Tide cultivar was used as control. Fruits were kept at 0°C or 7°C temperature; 85-90% relative humidity for 21 days. 0°C was chosen as the test storage temperature to determine chilling susceptibility of rootstock x scion combinations. 7°C was the recommended storage temperature for watermelons for long distance shipping and export markets. After storage (0, 7, 14 and 21), fruits were transferred to 21°C and 70±5% relative humidity for 7 days to determine shelf life. Fruits were also kept at 27°C and 50±5% relative humidity for 7 days which is a common marketing condition for watermelons in Turkey after harvest.Changes in physical and chemical parameters such as fruit weight, height and diameter, rind tickness, percent weight loss (%), total soluble solid content, pH, fruit flesh color (L*, a*, b*), incidence of fungal decay and chilling injury, sugar and carotenoid content were determined immediately after harvest, after 0, 7, 14, 21 days during storage and shelf life. Sensory evaluation for taste and appearance were also performed.Although the results varies with the rootstocks for the Crimson Tide cultivar, sucrose, fructose and glucose contents were 5.15% - 5.88%, 3.08% - 3.65% and 1.79% - 2.38%, respectively. Total carotenoid and total lycopene contents were 39.75 µg/g - 50.97 µg/g and 39.56 µg/g - 50.97 µg/g, respectively.While the weight loss, fruit flesh color L* values increased, the MES, the total lycopenes and total carotenoid contents and fruit flesh color a* and b* values decreased during the storage at 0ºC, 7ºC and 27ºC and shelf life. Although the sensory quality (1-9) declined, at the third week of the lowest shelf life, it was much higher than the acceptable limit (> 5.00). Chilling injury was not observed during storage at 7ºC and 27ºC. fungal disorder was not observed during the storage at 0ºC, 7ºC and 27ºC and shelf-life, but it was observed during the shelf life. TEA content and pH value of the Crimson Tide varieties were statistically insignificant or decreased during storage and shelf life.Quality of watermelons grafted on Ferro and RS841 rootstocks were better than the ones grafted on others. The storage of watermelons at 7°C and 85-90% relative humidity for 21 day were found successful.
Soil borne diseases (caused by Fusarium and Verticillium species etc.) are limiting factors affecting watermelon production both during early cultivation under plastic tunnels and for later in the season under open field production conditions because of continuous and intensive cropping. Lagenaria and Cucurbita rootstocks known as resistant to Fusarium wilt and other soil borne diseases provide advantages for watermelon cultivation to control diseases, alternative to other methods of disinfecting, eliminate of plant rotation and increase yield.Effects of grafting on storage quality of watermelon are not completely known and lead to speculations. Hence to investigate the effect of grafting on storing and quality of watermelon has gained importance.Grafting also affects fruit quality including fruit flesh firmness, flesh colour, lycopene and sugar content. There are few studies on postharvest physiology of grafted or non-grafted watermelos. Storage and shelf life of watermelons are limited by low (<7°C) and high temperatures. At lower temperatures, fruits are susceptible to chilling injury, decay and fading of flesh color. At higher temperatures, fruit are subject to decay and sugar loss. Watermelons generally are not refrigerated when shipped domestically. However, watermelons ripen in hot summer months and expose high temperatures during marketing. Refrigerated storage and transit may be used to extend the shelf life during export shipment.In this study, we aimed to determine the storage and shelf life and postharvest quality of Crimson Tide watermelon cultivar grafted on Ferro, RS841, Agentario and Macis rootstocks. Ungrafted Crimson Tide cultivar was used as control. Fruits were kept at 0°C or 7°C temperature; 85-90% relative humidity for 21 days. 0°C was chosen as the test storage temperature to determine chilling susceptibility of rootstock x scion combinations. 7°C was the recommended storage temperature for watermelons for long distance shipping and export markets. After storage (0, 7, 14 and 21), fruits were transferred to 21°C and 70±5% relative humidity for 7 days to determine shelf life. Fruits were also kept at 27°C and 50±5% relative humidity for 7 days which is a common marketing condition for watermelons in Turkey after harvest.Changes in physical and chemical parameters such as fruit weight, height and diameter, rind tickness, percent weight loss (%), total soluble solid content, pH, fruit flesh color (L*, a*, b*), incidence of fungal decay and chilling injury, sugar and carotenoid content were determined immediately after harvest, after 0, 7, 14, 21 days during storage and shelf life. Sensory evaluation for taste and appearance were also performed.Although the results varies with the rootstocks for the Crimson Tide cultivar, sucrose, fructose and glucose contents were 5.15% - 5.88%, 3.08% - 3.65% and 1.79% - 2.38%, respectively. Total carotenoid and total lycopene contents were 39.75 µg/g - 50.97 µg/g and 39.56 µg/g - 50.97 µg/g, respectively.While the weight loss, fruit flesh color L* values increased, the MES, the total lycopenes and total carotenoid contents and fruit flesh color a* and b* values decreased during the storage at 0ºC, 7ºC and 27ºC and shelf life. Although the sensory quality (1-9) declined, at the third week of the lowest shelf life, it was much higher than the acceptable limit (> 5.00). Chilling injury was not observed during storage at 7ºC and 27ºC. fungal disorder was not observed during the storage at 0ºC, 7ºC and 27ºC and shelf-life, but it was observed during the shelf life. TEA content and pH value of the Crimson Tide varieties were statistically insignificant or decreased during storage and shelf life.Quality of watermelons grafted on Ferro and RS841 rootstocks were better than the ones grafted on others. The storage of watermelons at 7°C and 85-90% relative humidity for 21 day were found successful.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture