Farklı esansiyel yağların yeşil kaplan karidesi (Penaeus semisulcatus, De Hann 1844)'nin soğukta depolama süresince kalite değişimi üzerine etkileri
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Farklı esansiyel yağların ve vakum paketlemenin buzdolabı ortamında depolanan karides (Penaeus semisulcatus, De Hann 1844)'nin 24 gün süresince raf ömrü üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Gruplar ; %1 oranında timol, karvakrol, eugenol ile muamele edilen ve kontrol grubu soğukta (4±1 °C) depolanmıştır. Esansiyel yağların raf ömrü üzerine olan etkileri periyodik olarak (4 günde bir) yapılan mikrobiyolojik (toplam mezofilik aerobik bakteri sayımı, toplam mezofilik anerobik bakteri sayımı, toplam koliform bakteri sayımı, toplam maya sayımı, toplam küf sayımı), kimyasal (toplam uçucu bazik azot, trimetilamin azot, pH değeri), biyokimyasal (Ham protein analizi, lipit tayini, kuru madde analizi, kül analizi) ve duyusal analizler ile tespit edilmiştir. pH, TVB-N, TMA-N değerlendirmesine göre, kontrol grubu en yüksek değerlerde bulunurken, eugenol ile muamele edilen grup ise en düşük değerlere sahip olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Eugenol mezofilik aerobik bakteri, mezofilik anerobik bakteri, toplam koliform, maya ve küf bakterilerine karşı en etkili olmuş olup, bunu timol, karvakrol takip etmiştir. Tüm değerler göz önüne alındığında, kontrol grubu, uygulama grupları kendi aralarında ve günler arasında istatistiksel farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir (p<0.01). Duyusal değerlendirmeye göre (genel kabul edilebilirlik değeri) en uzun ömrü timol uygulanan grup (24 gün), bunu eugenol ve karvakrol uygulanan grup (20 gün) ve kontrol grubu (8 gün) takip etmiştir. Tüm değişim parametreleri incelendiğinde, raf ömrü açısından eugenol ile muamele edilen grup her ne kadar ön plana çıkmakta ise de timol ile muamele edilen grup duyusal olarak daha iyi olduğu için su ürünlerinin raf ömrünün arttırılmasında timol tercih edilmesi önerilmektedir.
In this study, the effect of essential oils on the shelf-life of vacum packaged shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus, De Hann 1844) in cold storage were examined during 24 day. The treatment groups; thymol, carvacrol, eugenol essential oil at the doses of %1 and control group were stored in refrigerator (4±1 ºC). Essential oil?s preservative effect was carried out periodically (every 4 days) by microbial analyses (total mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts, total mesophilic anerobic bacteria counts, total coliform counts, total yeast counts, total molt counts), chemical determinations (total volatile basic nitrogen, trimetilamin azot, pH values), biochemical analyses (protein content, lipid content, ash content, dry matter content analyses) and sensory analyses. At the limit of the acceptability, it was found the lowest values of TMA-N, TVB-N, pH in eugenol group and the highest in control group during storage period (p<0.01). Eugenol was the most effective essential oil on mesophilic aerobic bacteria, mesophilic anerobic bacteria, total coliform, yeast and mold followed by thymol, carvacrol groups and control group. At regard of all values, the results indicated that there were statistical differences amoung groups and days individually (p<0.01). As determined by sensory analyses (overall acceptability values), the results of shelf-life in thymol applied group was the longest (24 day) followed by eugenol, carvacrol applied group (20 day) and control group (8 day). Even though, eugenol used group was the higher self-life according to other evaluation parameters, tymole applied group was suggested for consumer due to higher sensory evaluation.
In this study, the effect of essential oils on the shelf-life of vacum packaged shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus, De Hann 1844) in cold storage were examined during 24 day. The treatment groups; thymol, carvacrol, eugenol essential oil at the doses of %1 and control group were stored in refrigerator (4±1 ºC). Essential oil?s preservative effect was carried out periodically (every 4 days) by microbial analyses (total mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts, total mesophilic anerobic bacteria counts, total coliform counts, total yeast counts, total molt counts), chemical determinations (total volatile basic nitrogen, trimetilamin azot, pH values), biochemical analyses (protein content, lipid content, ash content, dry matter content analyses) and sensory analyses. At the limit of the acceptability, it was found the lowest values of TMA-N, TVB-N, pH in eugenol group and the highest in control group during storage period (p<0.01). Eugenol was the most effective essential oil on mesophilic aerobic bacteria, mesophilic anerobic bacteria, total coliform, yeast and mold followed by thymol, carvacrol groups and control group. At regard of all values, the results indicated that there were statistical differences amoung groups and days individually (p<0.01). As determined by sensory analyses (overall acceptability values), the results of shelf-life in thymol applied group was the longest (24 day) followed by eugenol, carvacrol applied group (20 day) and control group (8 day). Even though, eugenol used group was the higher self-life according to other evaluation parameters, tymole applied group was suggested for consumer due to higher sensory evaluation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products