Hatay ilindeki kafe ve çay bahçelerinde tüketilen nargilelerdeki mycobacterium tuberculosis varlığının araştırılması
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dünyada yirmi milyondan fazla tüberküloz hastası bulunmaktadır. Buna her yıl sekiz milyon yeni hasta eklenmektedir. Tüberküloz ülkemizde de önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Tedavi edilmeyen akciğer tüberkülozu olan bir kişinin nargile tüketmesi ile nargile içindeki sıvıya geçen M. tuberculosis, nargilenin ağızlığı değişse bile aynı nargileyi tüketen başka birine bulaşarak hastalığa yol açabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Hatay ilindeki kafe ve çay bahçelerinde tüketilen nargilelerdeki M. tuberculosis varlığının araştırılması amaçlandı. Hatay'daki nargile tüketilen kafe ve çay bahçeleri belirlenerek 250 nargileden örnek alındı. Örnekler dekontamine ve homojenize edildikten sonra Erlich Ziehl Neelsen (EZN) yöntemiyle boyanarak aside dirençli bakteri (ARB) varlığı açısından incelendi. Kültürleri için Löwenstein Jensen (L-J) (BioMerieux, Fransa) ve BacT-ALERT MP (BioMerieux, Fransa) şişeleri kullanıldı. İzole edilen kökenlerin tanımlanmasında nitrat indirgenme, niasin birikim ve katalaz testleri yapıldı. Çalışmamızda 250 örneğin 9 (%3,6)'unda ARB saptandı. L-J'de 27 (%10,8), otomatize sistemde 75 (%30) örnekte tüberküloz dışı mikobakteri (TDM) izole edildi. Örneklerin 24'ünde (%9,6) hem L-J hem de otomatize sistemde üreme oldu. Otomatize sistemle üreme olmayan 3 (%1,2) örnekte sadece L-J besiyerinde, L-J'de üreme olmayan 51 (%20,4) örnekte otomatize sistemle TDM izole edildi. Böylece 250 örneğin 78 (%31,2)'inde TDM izole edilirken hiçbirinde M. tuberculosis kompleks izole edilmedi. İzole edilen TDM kökenlerinin nargile içine konulan musluk sularında olabileceği ya da nargile kullanımı sırasında hasta olan kişilerden suya geçebileceği düşünüldü. Nargile ile bulaşabilecek M. tuberculosis başta olmak üzere birçok infeksiyon hastalığı etkeni yanında son yıllarda giderek artan oranda hastalıklara sebep olan TDM'lerin çalışmamızda izole edilmesi sebebi ile nargile tüketimi sakıncalı bulundu.
There are more than twenty million patients with tuberculosis worldwide. Each year eight million new patients are added to this figure. It is a puclic health issue in our country, too. M. tuberculosis transferred into the liquid in the bottle of waterpipe may cause infection in the next smoker using the same waterpipe with a smoker who carries an untreated lung tuberculosis even if the mouth piece is replaced with a new one. In this study it's aimed to investigate the presence of M. tuberculosisin the waterpipes consumed in cafes and tea gardens in Hatay province. After determining the cafes and tea gardens which waterpipes are consumed in, 250 samples were taken from waterpipes. After samples were decontaminated and homogenised, they were stained with the method of Erlich Ziehl Neelsen (EZN) and were examined for acid-fast bacilli (ARB). For cultures of the samples, Lowenstein Jensen (L-J) media (BioMerieux, France) and BacT-ALERT MP (BioMerieux, France) were used. The nitrat reduction, niacin accumulation and catalase tests were made for identification of the strains isolated. In our study, in 9 (3,6%) of 250 samples ARB were detected. Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria (NTM) were isolated from 27 (10,8%) samples by L-J medias and from 75 (30%) samples by automated system. There was growth in both L-J as well as automated system in 24 (9,6%) samples. From 3 (1,2%) samples which no growth was detected in automated system, NTM were isolated in only L-J. From 51 (20,4%) samples which no growth was detected in L-J, NTM were isolated by only automated system. Thereby while isolating NTM in 78 (31,2%) of 250 samples, in none of themM. tuberculosiscomplex was isolated. It was thought that NTM strains might be in the tap water added into the waterpipes or might be contaminated by infected users. Waterpipe consumption found objectionable because of isolation of NTM in our study as NTM strains increasingly cause illness in recent years besides the many agents of infectious diseases especially M. tuberculosis. Key words: Hatay, waterpipe, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, nontuberculous mycobacteria
There are more than twenty million patients with tuberculosis worldwide. Each year eight million new patients are added to this figure. It is a puclic health issue in our country, too. M. tuberculosis transferred into the liquid in the bottle of waterpipe may cause infection in the next smoker using the same waterpipe with a smoker who carries an untreated lung tuberculosis even if the mouth piece is replaced with a new one. In this study it's aimed to investigate the presence of M. tuberculosisin the waterpipes consumed in cafes and tea gardens in Hatay province. After determining the cafes and tea gardens which waterpipes are consumed in, 250 samples were taken from waterpipes. After samples were decontaminated and homogenised, they were stained with the method of Erlich Ziehl Neelsen (EZN) and were examined for acid-fast bacilli (ARB). For cultures of the samples, Lowenstein Jensen (L-J) media (BioMerieux, France) and BacT-ALERT MP (BioMerieux, France) were used. The nitrat reduction, niacin accumulation and catalase tests were made for identification of the strains isolated. In our study, in 9 (3,6%) of 250 samples ARB were detected. Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria (NTM) were isolated from 27 (10,8%) samples by L-J medias and from 75 (30%) samples by automated system. There was growth in both L-J as well as automated system in 24 (9,6%) samples. From 3 (1,2%) samples which no growth was detected in automated system, NTM were isolated in only L-J. From 51 (20,4%) samples which no growth was detected in L-J, NTM were isolated by only automated system. Thereby while isolating NTM in 78 (31,2%) of 250 samples, in none of themM. tuberculosiscomplex was isolated. It was thought that NTM strains might be in the tap water added into the waterpipes or might be contaminated by infected users. Waterpipe consumption found objectionable because of isolation of NTM in our study as NTM strains increasingly cause illness in recent years besides the many agents of infectious diseases especially M. tuberculosis. Key words: Hatay, waterpipe, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, nontuberculous mycobacteria
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology, Hatay, nargile, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, tüberküloz dışı mikobakteri.