Kan kültürlerinden izole edilen gram pozitif bakterilerde antibiyotik direnç profillerinin araştırılması
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kan dolaşımı enfeksiyonları önemli mortalite ve morbidite nedenlerindendir ve en sık karşılaşılan hastane ilişkili enfeksiyonlar arasındadır. Kan dolaşımı enfeksiyonları ile ilişkili hastalıklar kendi kendini sınırlayan enfeksiyonlardan hızlı ve agresif antimikrobiyal tedavi gerektiren, hayatı tehdit eden sepsise kadar değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada kan yolu infeksiyonlarından izole edilen Gram pozitif bakterilerde ilaç direnç profillerinin araştırılması ve safilokok kökenlerinde ilaç direnç genlerinin frekansının mültipleks PCR yöntemiyle araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmaya Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi çeşitli servis ve yoğun bakım ünitelerinde 169 pozitif kan kültürü dahil edildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 169 hastadan alınan örneklerden % 12.4 (21/169)'ünde S.aureus tespit edilirken, %87.5(148/169)'inde koagülaz negetif stafilokok üremesi tespit edildi. Bu patojenler dışındaki diğer etken Gram pozitif mikroorganizmaların izolasyon oranları; %23.6 (40/169) S.haemolyticus, %16.5 (28/169) S.hominis, %2.36 (4/169) S.capitis, %0.5 (1/169) oranında ise S.salivarius, S.warneri, S.lentus, idi. Çalışmada S.aureus kökenlerinde klindamisin %19.0 (4/21), eritromisin %33.3 (7/21), gentamisin %14.3 (3/21), penisilin %83,71 (18/21), tetrasiklin %33.3 (7/21), oksasilin %14.3 (3/21) olarak bulunurkan, suşların tamamının vankomisine karşı duyarlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Koagülaz negatif stafilokok kökenlerinde ise direnç oranları; oksasilin için; %16.9 (25/148), eritromisin için; %22 (32/148), gentamisin için; %14.9 (22/148), klindamisin için; %14.2 (21/148), tetrasiklin için %38.5 (54/148), penisilin için ise %83,1 (123/148) olarak bulurken, vankomisin direncine rastlanmadı. Kan kültürlerinden izole edilen 21 S.aureus'dan; 21 (%100)'inin femA, 21 (%100)'inin 16srRNA, 13 (%62)'inin mecA, 7(%33,3)'sinin ermA, 8(%38.1)'inin ermC, 8(%38.1)' inin tetK, 7(%33.3)'sinin tetM, 4(%19)'ünün aac(6')/aph(2''), 3(%14.3) 'ünün aph(3')-IIIa , 2(%9.5)' sinin ant(4')-Ia genleri açısından pozitif olduğu tespit edilirken (Şekil 4.5); 148 KNS'den 28 (%18,9)'inin mecA, 0 (%0)'nın femA, 148 (%100)'inin 16SrDNA, 49(%33,1)'unun ermC, 49(%33.1) 'unun ermA, 34(%22.9)'ünün tetK, 58(%39.2) 'inin tetM, 50(%33.8) 'sinin aac(6')/aph(2''), 17(%11.5)'sinin aph(3')-IIIa , 9(%6,1) 'unun ant(4')-Ia genleri açısından pozitif olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda Gram pozitif bakteriler arasında kökenlerin çoğunda yüksek oranda ilaç direncine rastlanmış olup, antimikrobiyal direnç tespitinde hızlı ve daha güvenilir yöntemler olan PCR tabanlı yöntemler tercih edilmelidir. Nozokomiyal infeksiyonların önlenmesi için ilaç dirençli kökenlerin insidansını azaltmada akılcı antibiyotik kullanımına dikkat edilmelidir
Bloodstream infections are among important cause of mortality and morbidity and the most common health care-associated infections. Diseases associated with bloodstream infections which require antimicrobial treatment of fast and aggressive self-limiting infection can vary from life-threatening sepsis. In this study, we aimed to search drug resistance profile in Gram-positive bacteria which isolated from blood tract infections and investigation of the frequency of drug resistance genes in staphylococci origin by multiplex PCR method. In this study, at Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine Research and Training Hospital, 169 positive blood culture were included in various services and intensive care units. The samples which were taken from 169 patients were added in the study , in 12.4% (21/169) of the cases Staphylococcus aureus was detected, and at 87.5% (148/169) the growth of coagulase staphylococcus were identified as negative. The isolation rate of Gram-positive microorganisms except of these pathogens; 23.6% (40/169) S.haemolyticus, 16.5% (28/169) S.hominis, 2.36% (4/169) S.capitis, 0.5% (1/169) in the rate S.salivarius, S.warner of S.lentus, respectively. In this study, Clindamycin in S.aureus strains were found 19.0% (4/21), erythromycin, 33.3% (7/21), gentamicin 14.3% (3/21), penicillin 83.71% (18/21), tetracycline 19.0% (4/21 ), oxacillin 14.3% (3/21) while all of the strains were identified susceptible to vancomycin. In coagulase-negative staphylococci origin the resistance rates were found; for oxacillin; 16.9% (25/148), for erythromycin ; 22% (32/148), for gentamicin ; 14.9% (2/148) for clindamycin; 14.2% (21/148) for tetracycline 14.9% (22/148) and 83.1% for penicillin (123/148) but no evidence were found to vancomycin resistance . In the 21 S. aureus isolated from blood cultures origin by multiplex PCR method, 13(62%) in the mecA, 7 (33.3%) had ermA, 8 (38.1%) patients ermC, 8 (38.1%) of had tetk, 7 (33.3%) had tetm, (19%) patients aac (6 ') / aph (2'), 3 (14.3%) of the aph (3 ') - III, 2 (9.5%) in the ant (4 ') from the gene were found to be positive. In coagulase-negative staphylococci in the study 148 of CNS origin 28 (18.9%) of the mecA, 49 (33.1%) of the ermC, 34 (% 22.9) in the ermA, 58 (39.2%) of the tetk, 50 (% 33.8) patients tetm, 22 (14.9%) were the aac (6 ') / aph (2'), 17 (11.5%) of the aph (3 ') - IIIa, 9 (6.1%) ant (4' ) it was found to be positive for the genes. In our study, most of the origins of Gram-positive bacteria has been found to have a high rate of drug resistance, for antimicrobial resistance detection in which faster and more reliable PCR-based methods methods should be preferred. For the prevention of nosocomial infections should pay care to the rational use of antibiotics to reduce the incidence of drug-resistant strains
Bloodstream infections are among important cause of mortality and morbidity and the most common health care-associated infections. Diseases associated with bloodstream infections which require antimicrobial treatment of fast and aggressive self-limiting infection can vary from life-threatening sepsis. In this study, we aimed to search drug resistance profile in Gram-positive bacteria which isolated from blood tract infections and investigation of the frequency of drug resistance genes in staphylococci origin by multiplex PCR method. In this study, at Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Medicine Research and Training Hospital, 169 positive blood culture were included in various services and intensive care units. The samples which were taken from 169 patients were added in the study , in 12.4% (21/169) of the cases Staphylococcus aureus was detected, and at 87.5% (148/169) the growth of coagulase staphylococcus were identified as negative. The isolation rate of Gram-positive microorganisms except of these pathogens; 23.6% (40/169) S.haemolyticus, 16.5% (28/169) S.hominis, 2.36% (4/169) S.capitis, 0.5% (1/169) in the rate S.salivarius, S.warner of S.lentus, respectively. In this study, Clindamycin in S.aureus strains were found 19.0% (4/21), erythromycin, 33.3% (7/21), gentamicin 14.3% (3/21), penicillin 83.71% (18/21), tetracycline 19.0% (4/21 ), oxacillin 14.3% (3/21) while all of the strains were identified susceptible to vancomycin. In coagulase-negative staphylococci origin the resistance rates were found; for oxacillin; 16.9% (25/148), for erythromycin ; 22% (32/148), for gentamicin ; 14.9% (2/148) for clindamycin; 14.2% (21/148) for tetracycline 14.9% (22/148) and 83.1% for penicillin (123/148) but no evidence were found to vancomycin resistance . In the 21 S. aureus isolated from blood cultures origin by multiplex PCR method, 13(62%) in the mecA, 7 (33.3%) had ermA, 8 (38.1%) patients ermC, 8 (38.1%) of had tetk, 7 (33.3%) had tetm, (19%) patients aac (6 ') / aph (2'), 3 (14.3%) of the aph (3 ') - III, 2 (9.5%) in the ant (4 ') from the gene were found to be positive. In coagulase-negative staphylococci in the study 148 of CNS origin 28 (18.9%) of the mecA, 49 (33.1%) of the ermC, 34 (% 22.9) in the ermA, 58 (39.2%) of the tetk, 50 (% 33.8) patients tetm, 22 (14.9%) were the aac (6 ') / aph (2'), 17 (11.5%) of the aph (3 ') - IIIa, 9 (6.1%) ant (4' ) it was found to be positive for the genes. In our study, most of the origins of Gram-positive bacteria has been found to have a high rate of drug resistance, for antimicrobial resistance detection in which faster and more reliable PCR-based methods methods should be preferred. For the prevention of nosocomial infections should pay care to the rational use of antibiotics to reduce the incidence of drug-resistant strains
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology