Fetal MR ürografi ile posterior üretral valvin prenatal tanısı
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Posterior üretral valv (PÜV) prenatal dönemde, erkek fetüs- lerde en sık izlenen alt üriner sistem obstrüksiyon nedeni- dir. Obstrüksiyona bağlı olarak proksimal üretrada anahtar deliği görünümü, mesanede distansiyon, vezikoüreteral reflüye (VÜR) sekonder, üreterlerde ve pelvikaliksiyel sis- temde dilatasyon izlenir. Obstrüksiyonun derecesi ve süresi böbrekteki hasarı ve prognozu belirler. PÜV prenatal dö- nemdeki teşhisinde, ultrasonografi (US) ilk ve en yaygın kullanılan görüntüleme yöntemidir. Anne ve fetüsten kay- naklanan nedenlerden dolayı manyetik rezonans görüntü- leme (MRG) tamamlayıcı ve yardımcı yöntem olarak tercih edilebilir. Olgumuz MRG’in prenatal PÜV teşhisine katkısını göstermektedir.
Posterior urethral valves (PUV) are the most common cause of lower urinary tract obstruction in the male fetus in antenatal period. These are seen with a Keyhole sing of urethra, distention of bladder due to obstruction, bilateral ureters and pelvicalyceal dilation due to vesicoureteral reflux. The degree and duration of the obstruction determine the prognosis and damage to kidney. Ultrasound is the primarily and most widely used imaging modality for the diagnosis of PUV in antenatal period. For reasons related to the mother and fetus, MRI is prefered as a complementary and adjutant method. Our case shows the contribution of MRI in the diagnosis of PUV.
Posterior urethral valves (PUV) are the most common cause of lower urinary tract obstruction in the male fetus in antenatal period. These are seen with a Keyhole sing of urethra, distention of bladder due to obstruction, bilateral ureters and pelvicalyceal dilation due to vesicoureteral reflux. The degree and duration of the obstruction determine the prognosis and damage to kidney. Ultrasound is the primarily and most widely used imaging modality for the diagnosis of PUV in antenatal period. For reasons related to the mother and fetus, MRI is prefered as a complementary and adjutant method. Our case shows the contribution of MRI in the diagnosis of PUV.
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