Comparison of clinical outcomes in patients who underwent bare metal coronary stenting versus coronary by-pass surgery
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Giriş: Biz bu çalışmamızda, koroner baypas greftleme cerrahisi ile çıplak metal stent uygulanmış hastalarda SYNTAX (Sx) skoru ile değerlendirilen koroner lezyon kompleksitelerinin klinik sonlanımlar üzerine etkisini incelemeyi amaçladık.Hastalar ve Yöntem: Çalışma grubumuz çıplak metal stent uygulanmış (n= 265) ve koroner baypas cerrahisine giden (n= 294) 459 hastadan oluşmaktadır. Koroner arter hastalığı kompleksitesi Sx skoru ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sx skoru, hafi f Sx skoru (<= 22), orta Sx skoru ve yüksek Sx skoru (>= 33) olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılmıştır.Bulgular: Çalışma süresince orta dönem takipte herhangi bir nedenle revaskülarizasyon sıklığı hem tüm grupta hem de Sx alt gruplarında perkütan koroner girişim uygulanan hastalarda koroner baypas cerrahisine giden hastalara göre daha fazladır. Orta dönem takipte herhangi bir nedenden ölüm sıklığı düşük ve orta Sx gruplarında tedavi grupları arasında benzer bulunmuştur. Ancak yüksek Sx skoru grubunda orta dönem takipte herhangi bir nedenden ölüm sıklığı perkütan koroner girişim uygulanan hastalarda koroner baypas cerrahisine giden hastalara göre daha fazladır. Tüm popülasyonda herhangi bir nedenden dolayı ölüm için düzeltilmiş risk perkütan koroner girişim ve koroner baypas cerrahisi arasında benzerken [hazard ratio, %95 GA: 0.88 (0.38-2.05), p= 0.780], herhangi bir nedenle revaskülarizasyon için düzeltilmiş risk koroner baypas cerrahisi grubuna göre perkütan koroner girişim grubunda belirgin olarak daha fazlaydı [hazard ratio, %95 GA: 0.12 (0.05-0.30), p< 0.001].Sonuç: Sx skoru ile değerlendirilen koroner lezyon kompleksitesi herhangi bir nedenle revaskülarizasyon sıklığı ile daha yakın ilişkilidir. Yüksek Sx skoru gubunda herhangi bir nedenden ölüm çıplak metal stent uygulanan hastalarda koroner baypas cerrahisine giden hastalara göre daha fazlaydı
Introduction: We aimed to compare the effects of coronary lesion complexity assessed by SYNTAX (Sx) score on the clinical outcomes in patients who have received BMS versus undergone coronary bypass grafting.Patients and Methods: Our study population consisted of 459 consecutive patients received bare metal stents (n= 265) or coronary bypass grafting (n= 294). The complexity of coronary artery disease was assessed by Sx score. Sx score was classifi ed as tertiles, as follows: low Sx score (? 22), intermediate Sx score and high Sx score (? 33).Results: Throughout the study, the intermediate-term incidence of any revascularization was signifi cantly higher in the percutaneous coronary intervention group compared with the coronary bypass grafting group for both overall group and Sx tertiles. The intermediate-term incidence of death from any cause was comparable between the treatment groups in patients with low and intermediate Sx tertiles. However, in patients with high Sx tertile, the intermediate-term incidence of death from any cause was signifi cantly higher in percutaneous coronary intervention group compared with coronary bypass grafting group. In the overall population, adjusted [hazard ratio, 95% CI: 0.88 (0.38-2.05), p= 0.780) risks for death from any cause were consistently comparable between percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary bypass grafting, whereas adjusted [hazard ratio, 95% CI: 0.12 (0.05-0.30), p< 0.001] risks for any revascularization were consistently signifi cantly higher in the percutaneous coronary intervention group compared with coronary bypass grafting group. Conclusion: Coronary lesion complexity assessed by SYNTAX score was closely associated with the higher incidence of any revascularization and in high SYNTAX score, with higher incidence of death from any cause in patients received bare metal stents than coronary artery bypass grafting
Introduction: We aimed to compare the effects of coronary lesion complexity assessed by SYNTAX (Sx) score on the clinical outcomes in patients who have received BMS versus undergone coronary bypass grafting.Patients and Methods: Our study population consisted of 459 consecutive patients received bare metal stents (n= 265) or coronary bypass grafting (n= 294). The complexity of coronary artery disease was assessed by Sx score. Sx score was classifi ed as tertiles, as follows: low Sx score (? 22), intermediate Sx score and high Sx score (? 33).Results: Throughout the study, the intermediate-term incidence of any revascularization was signifi cantly higher in the percutaneous coronary intervention group compared with the coronary bypass grafting group for both overall group and Sx tertiles. The intermediate-term incidence of death from any cause was comparable between the treatment groups in patients with low and intermediate Sx tertiles. However, in patients with high Sx tertile, the intermediate-term incidence of death from any cause was signifi cantly higher in percutaneous coronary intervention group compared with coronary bypass grafting group. In the overall population, adjusted [hazard ratio, 95% CI: 0.88 (0.38-2.05), p= 0.780) risks for death from any cause were consistently comparable between percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary bypass grafting, whereas adjusted [hazard ratio, 95% CI: 0.12 (0.05-0.30), p< 0.001] risks for any revascularization were consistently signifi cantly higher in the percutaneous coronary intervention group compared with coronary bypass grafting group. Conclusion: Coronary lesion complexity assessed by SYNTAX score was closely associated with the higher incidence of any revascularization and in high SYNTAX score, with higher incidence of death from any cause in patients received bare metal stents than coronary artery bypass grafting
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