Tehlike altındaki salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. tomentosa rech. fil. ve salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. Hatayica F.celep & dogan taksonlarının karşılaştırmalı morfolojik, anatomik ve palinolojik özellikleri
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Hatay İl sınırları içerisinden bilinen dar yayılışlı ve Hatay'a endemik olan Salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. tomentosa ve Salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. hatayica türünün farklı lokalitelerden toplanan populasyonları diagnostik karakterler bakımından karşılaştırıldı. Türlerin varyasyonları belirlenerek, anatomik, morfolojik ve palinolojik özellikleri incelendi. Morfolojik çalışmalarda yaprak, çiçek ve tohum gibi yapıların özellikleri incelendi. Morfolojik olarak belirgin farklılıklar tespit edilmemiştir. Tohumların şekil, büyüklük ve yüzey şekilleri ile ilgili özellikler resimlerle belirlendi. Tohum şekli subprolate veya prolate-spheroidal şekilde olup ornamentasyonların incelenen tüm taksonlarda reticulate şeklinde olduğu görüldü. Anatomik çalışmalarda, türlerin gövde ve yapraklarından parafin yöntemiyle enine kesitler alındı. Hazırlanan preparatlar ışık mikroskobu altında fotoğraflanarak anatomik özellikleri belirlendi. Türlere ait palinolojik incelemeler Wodehouse metodu ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) incelemelerine göre değerlendirildi. Polenlerin tipi suboblate ve oblate şekilde olup ornamentasyonların incelenen tüm taksonlarda bireticulate ve retikulat şeklinde olduğu görüldü.
This study has been conducted by being examined anatomical, morphological, palinological characteristics of Salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. tomentosa and Salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. hatayica narrow range known in Hatay and endemic to the province of Hatay, diagnostics of populations collected from different localities were compared in term of characters. Species variations determined anatomical, morphological and palynological characteristics were examined. Morphological studies examined the properties of leaves, flowers and seeds. Morphologically significant differences were not found. Seed shape, size and surface characteristics specified by the pictures on the way. Seed type subprolate or prolate-spheroidal in all taxa were found to be shaped ornamentations way is reticulate. Anatomical studies of the kind of stems and leaves were cross-sections of the paraffin method. Preparations anatomical features were identified and photographed under a light microscope. Palynological studies of the species with Wodehouse method and scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations were evaluated. Captured photos will be added to the study. Pollen type suboblate and oblate in all species studied were found to be shaped ornamentations way is reticulat–bireticulat.
This study has been conducted by being examined anatomical, morphological, palinological characteristics of Salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. tomentosa and Salvia sericeo-tomentosa var. hatayica narrow range known in Hatay and endemic to the province of Hatay, diagnostics of populations collected from different localities were compared in term of characters. Species variations determined anatomical, morphological and palynological characteristics were examined. Morphological studies examined the properties of leaves, flowers and seeds. Morphologically significant differences were not found. Seed shape, size and surface characteristics specified by the pictures on the way. Seed type subprolate or prolate-spheroidal in all taxa were found to be shaped ornamentations way is reticulate. Anatomical studies of the kind of stems and leaves were cross-sections of the paraffin method. Preparations anatomical features were identified and photographed under a light microscope. Palynological studies of the species with Wodehouse method and scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations were evaluated. Captured photos will be added to the study. Pollen type suboblate and oblate in all species studied were found to be shaped ornamentations way is reticulat–bireticulat.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology