Elma kök uru hastalığı etmeni Rhizobium radiobacter’e karşı epifit ve endofit bakteri izolatlarının antagonistik potansiyellerinin belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Rhizobium radiobacter (=Agrobacterium tumefaciens) tarafından neden olunan kök uru (Taç gal) hastalığı dünya
genelinde yaygın olarak yumuşak ve sert çekirdekli meyve ağaçlarının yanı sıra, bağ, sebze ve süs bitkilerinin en
önemli hastalıklarından biridir. Hastalık özellikle elma dahil birçok meyve fidanlıklarında ve genç meyve
bahçelerde urlu bitkilerde gelişme geriliği sonucu ürün kaybı şeklinde ortaya çıkan önemli düzeylerde ekonomik
kayıplara neden olur. Hastalığın kontrolünde fidanların köklerinin dikim öncesi çeşitli kimyasallara daldırılması,
toprak fumigasyonu, toprak solarizasyonu ve biyolojik mücadele yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada elma
köklerinden izole edilen epifit ve endofit bakterilerinin kök ur hastalığı etmenine karşı antagonistik etkinliği
belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada elma ağaçlarının kök ve kök boğazı bölgelerinden 85 aday epifitik ve endofitik bakteri
izolatı elde edilmiştir. Aday antagonist bakteri izolatların hastalık etmeni R. radiobacter’i baskılama yeteneği
öncelikle in vitro ikili kültür testi ile belirlenmiştir. İkili kültür testlerinden elde edilen sonuçlara göre
Pseudomonas, Pantoea, Serratia and Bacillus cinslerine dahil farklı türlere ait 12 izolat, besi ortamı üzerinde
patojene karşı ortalama 5.0-27.3 mm çapında arasında değişen engelleme zonları oluşturmuştur. Patojen
gelişiminin engellenmesi üzerine farklı düzeylerde antagonistik etkinlik gösteren Pseudomonas putida’nın 3
izolatı (1-4en, 1-12en, 1-13en) havuç dilimi üzerinde yarı in vivo etkinlik çalışmaları için seçilmiştir. Pseudomonas
putida 1-4en izolatı diğer izolatlara kıyasla havuç dilimi üzerinde ur oluşumunu önemli düzeyde baskılamıştır. Bu
çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar Pseudomonas putida izolatlarının Rhizobium radiobacter’in neden olduğu kök
boğazı ur hastalığına karşı biyolojik mücadele ajanı olarak kullanılabilecek bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu
Crown gal disease, caused by Rhizobium radiobacter (formerly known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens), is one of the most important bacterial plant disease of stone fruits, pome fruits, grape vine, vegetable and ornamental plants distributed worldwide. Disease causes considerable damage in nursery and young orchards of variety of plants including apple where grower may suffer serious economic losses as galled plants show growth reduction and yield. Different control measures have been used against crown gall as a dipping of rooted plants into chemicals, soil fumigation, soil solarization and biological control. The aim of this study was to determine biocontrol efficacies of epiphytic and endophytic bacteria, obtained from apple roots and crowns, against crown gall disease agent. Eighty five putative epiphytic and endophytic antagonist bacterial isolates were obtained from the apple rhizosphere, roots and crown. By using dual culture test, putative antagonist bacterial isolates were screened for their ability to suppress disease agent R. radiobacter in vitro conditions. According to the results obtained from the preliminary dual culture test, 12 isolates, belonging to different bacterial species of Pseudomonas, Pantoea, Serratia and Bacillus genus were found to cause clear inhibition zones of 5.0-27.3 mm diameter. Among the tested antagonist isolates, three different bacterial isolates of Pseudomonas putida 1-4en, 1-12en and 1-13en were then chosen for semi in vivo studies which were conducted on carrot slice assay. Among these isolates, the most efficient bacterial isolate 1-14en significantly suppressed gall formation on carrot slices. Results of this study revealed that antagonist bacterial isolates of Pseudomonas putida has potential as biocontrol agent for crown gall disease caused by Rhizobium radiobacter.
Crown gal disease, caused by Rhizobium radiobacter (formerly known as Agrobacterium tumefaciens), is one of the most important bacterial plant disease of stone fruits, pome fruits, grape vine, vegetable and ornamental plants distributed worldwide. Disease causes considerable damage in nursery and young orchards of variety of plants including apple where grower may suffer serious economic losses as galled plants show growth reduction and yield. Different control measures have been used against crown gall as a dipping of rooted plants into chemicals, soil fumigation, soil solarization and biological control. The aim of this study was to determine biocontrol efficacies of epiphytic and endophytic bacteria, obtained from apple roots and crowns, against crown gall disease agent. Eighty five putative epiphytic and endophytic antagonist bacterial isolates were obtained from the apple rhizosphere, roots and crown. By using dual culture test, putative antagonist bacterial isolates were screened for their ability to suppress disease agent R. radiobacter in vitro conditions. According to the results obtained from the preliminary dual culture test, 12 isolates, belonging to different bacterial species of Pseudomonas, Pantoea, Serratia and Bacillus genus were found to cause clear inhibition zones of 5.0-27.3 mm diameter. Among the tested antagonist isolates, three different bacterial isolates of Pseudomonas putida 1-4en, 1-12en and 1-13en were then chosen for semi in vivo studies which were conducted on carrot slice assay. Among these isolates, the most efficient bacterial isolate 1-14en significantly suppressed gall formation on carrot slices. Results of this study revealed that antagonist bacterial isolates of Pseudomonas putida has potential as biocontrol agent for crown gall disease caused by Rhizobium radiobacter.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyolojik mücadele, Elma, Rhizobium radiobacter, Kök ur hastalığı, Antagonist bakteri, Biological control, Apple, Rhizobium radiobacter, Crown gall, Antagonist Bacteria
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
BOZKURT, İ. A., & SOYLU, S. (2019). Elma Kök Uru Hastalığı Etmeni Rhizobium radiobacter'e Karşı Epifit ve Endofit Bakteri İzolatlarının Antagonistik Potansiyellerinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 16(3).