İnferior alveolar sinirle ilişkili mandibulada gömülü 3.molar dişlerde koronektomi tedavisi sonrası post operatif ağrı, ödem ve endodontik lezyon açısından değerlendirilmesi
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı koronektomi sonrası post operatif ağrı, ödem ve trismusu yaşlara göre değerlendirmektir. Aynı zamanda 6 aylık kontrollerinde endodontik lezyon ve kök migrasyonu açısından değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Herhangi bir sistemik rahatsızlığı veya sürekli ilaç kullanımı olmayan 18-55 yaş aralığındaki hastaların onamları alınarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. İnferior alveolar sinirle ilişkisi olan gömülü 20 yaş dişleri ve ileri yaşta çekim endikasyonu konulmuş fraktür riski olan gömülü 20 yaş dişlerine koronektomi uygulaması yapıldı. Hastalar yaş gruplarına göre 18-30 ve 30-55 yaş grubu olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İnterinsizal mesafe, tragus-commissura, tragus-yumuşak doku pogonionu, gözün lateral kantusu-mandibula angulusu arası mesafeler ve VAS skorları preop, postop 3. ve 7. günlerde kaydedildi. Elde edilen bulgular istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Koronektomi işlemi dişin mine-sement sınırında gerçekleştirildi, pulpaya herhangi bir endodontik işlem veya herhangi bir irritasyon yapılmadan cerrahi tamamlandı. Post operatif 6.ayda alınan radyografiler ile kök migrasyonu ve endodontik lezyon açısından değerlendirme yapıldı. Post operatif 7. günde süturlar alındı ve yara iyileşmesi sorunsuzdu. Koronektomi tedavisi 78 hastaya uygulandı ancak 5 hasta kontrollere gelmediği için bu çalışmaya 73 hasta dahil edildi. Bulgular: Koronektomi sonrası yaşa göre ayrılan gruplarda ödem, trismus ve ağrı oranının gençlerde daha fazla olduğu tespit edildi. Bunun sebebi gençlerdeki inflamatuar yanıtının daha fazla olması olarak öngörüldü. Koronektomi sonrası 6. ay takiplerinde hiçbir hastada endodontik lezyon gözlenmedi. Koronektomi yapılan 73 hastanın 72 tanesinde kök migrasyonu gözlendi. 1 hastada kök migrasyonu gözlenmeme sebebi koronektomi sonrası migrasyonu engelleyen sivri mine kenarının kalması ve yetersiz koronektomi olmasıydı. Sonuç: Sinirle ilişkili gömülü 20 yaş dişlerinde koronektomi en iyi alternatif olarak öngörülmüştür. Gençlerde yaşlılara göre daha fazla ödem tespit edilmiştir. Başarılı bir koronektomi sonrası 6 aylık takiplerde herhangi bir endodontik lezyon bulgusu gözlenmemiştir.
Introduction and Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate post-operative pain, edema and trismus after coronectomy according to age. It is also to evaluate in terms of endodontic lesion and root migration at 6-month controls. Materials and Methods: Patients between the ages of 18-55 who did not have any systemic disease or continuous drug use were included in the study after obtaining their consent. Coronectomy was applied to impacted wisdom teeth associated with the inferior alveolar nerve and impacted wisdom teeth with fracture risk in advanced age. The patients were divided into two groups according to age groups as 18-30 and 30-55 age groups. Interincisal distance, tragus-commissura, tragus-soft tissue pogonion, distances between eye's lateral canthus-mandibular angle and VAS scores were recorded on preop, postoperative 3rd and 7th days. Obtained findings were evaluated statistically. The coronectomy procedure was performed at the enamel-cementum border of the tooth, and the surgery was completed without any endodontic procedure or any irritation to the pulp. These values were recorded on the 3rd and 7th days after the treatment and the difference was statistically evaluated. The coronectomy procedure was performed at the enamel-cementum border of the tooth, the surgery was completed without any endodontic treatment or irritation to the pulp. Root migration and endodontic lesion were evaluated with radiographs taken at the postoperative 6th month. Sutures were removed on the 7th post-operative day and wound healing was uneventful. Coronectomy treatment was applied to 78 patients. Since 5 patients could not come to the controls, 73 patients were evaluated. Results: It was determined that the rate of edema, trismus and pain was higher in young people in groups separated by age after coronectomy. The reason for this was predicted to be more inflammatory response in young people. No endodontic lesions were observed in any of the patients at the 6th month follow-up after coronectomy. Root migration was observed in 72 of 73 patients who underwent coronectomy. Root migration was not observed in 1 patient because the sharp enamel margin that prevented migration after coronectomy and inadequate coronectomy. Conclusion: Coronectomy has been proposed as the best alternative for nerve-related impacted wisdom teeth. More edema was detected in the young than in the elderly. After a successful coronectomy, no signs of endodontic lesions were observed in the 6-month follow-up. Key words: Coronectomy, impacted lower wisdom tooth, inferior alveolar nerve, root migration, endodontic lesion.
Introduction and Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate post-operative pain, edema and trismus after coronectomy according to age. It is also to evaluate in terms of endodontic lesion and root migration at 6-month controls. Materials and Methods: Patients between the ages of 18-55 who did not have any systemic disease or continuous drug use were included in the study after obtaining their consent. Coronectomy was applied to impacted wisdom teeth associated with the inferior alveolar nerve and impacted wisdom teeth with fracture risk in advanced age. The patients were divided into two groups according to age groups as 18-30 and 30-55 age groups. Interincisal distance, tragus-commissura, tragus-soft tissue pogonion, distances between eye's lateral canthus-mandibular angle and VAS scores were recorded on preop, postoperative 3rd and 7th days. Obtained findings were evaluated statistically. The coronectomy procedure was performed at the enamel-cementum border of the tooth, and the surgery was completed without any endodontic procedure or any irritation to the pulp. These values were recorded on the 3rd and 7th days after the treatment and the difference was statistically evaluated. The coronectomy procedure was performed at the enamel-cementum border of the tooth, the surgery was completed without any endodontic treatment or irritation to the pulp. Root migration and endodontic lesion were evaluated with radiographs taken at the postoperative 6th month. Sutures were removed on the 7th post-operative day and wound healing was uneventful. Coronectomy treatment was applied to 78 patients. Since 5 patients could not come to the controls, 73 patients were evaluated. Results: It was determined that the rate of edema, trismus and pain was higher in young people in groups separated by age after coronectomy. The reason for this was predicted to be more inflammatory response in young people. No endodontic lesions were observed in any of the patients at the 6th month follow-up after coronectomy. Root migration was observed in 72 of 73 patients who underwent coronectomy. Root migration was not observed in 1 patient because the sharp enamel margin that prevented migration after coronectomy and inadequate coronectomy. Conclusion: Coronectomy has been proposed as the best alternative for nerve-related impacted wisdom teeth. More edema was detected in the young than in the elderly. After a successful coronectomy, no signs of endodontic lesions were observed in the 6-month follow-up. Key words: Coronectomy, impacted lower wisdom tooth, inferior alveolar nerve, root migration, endodontic lesion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Koronektomi, gömülü alt yirmi yaş dişi, inferior alveoler sinir, kök migrasyonu, endodontik lezyon.