Examination of genetic and morphologic structure of sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) populations in Turkish coastal waters
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Bu çalışmada, Türkiye denizlerinde bulunan deniz levreği (Dicentrarchus labrax) populasyonlarının genetik ve morfolojik yapısının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Karadeniz, Marmara, Ege ve Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz'den eşit sayıda olmak üzere 120 birey toplanmıştır. Genetik analizde dört enzim sisteminde (G3PDH*. MDH*, ME*, PGl*) toplam dokuz losi (GSPDH-1 *, G3PDH-2*. MDH-1*. MDH-2*, MDH-3*, ME*, PGI-1*, PG1-2*, PGl-3*) incelenmiş ve bunlardan sadece 2 iosi (G3PDH-2*, PGl-3*) polimorfik olarak bulunmuştur. Dokuz losi kullanarak gerçekleştirilen Fisher'in testi sonucunda populasyonlar arasında genetik bir farklılaşma gözlenmemişti. Karadeniz ve Akdeniz örnekleri arasında Nei'nin genetik mesafe katsayısı 0.0001 olarak bulunmuştur. Genetik benzerlik katsayısı ise yine Karadeniz ve Akdeniz örnekleri arasında 0.9999 olarak bulunmuştur. Kümelerarası korelasyon analizinde populasyonlar arasında yüksek derecede morfolojik farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Kümelerarası korelasyon analizi sonucunda, kendi grubuna doğru olarak sınıflandırmada en yüksek, Ege Denizi (% 100) ve Karadeniz (% 97) populasyonları bulunmuştur. Birinci ve ikinci varyasyon değişkenleri grafiklendirildiğinde populasyonlar arasındaki varyasyonun % 99'u ifade edilmiş ve populasyonlar arasındaki farklılığın yüksek derecede olduğu gözlenmiştir.
In this study genetic and morphologic structure of the sea-bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in Turkish coastal waters were studied. Total 120 individuals were sampled in equal numbers from the Black, Marmara, Aegean and North-eastern Mediterranean Seas. In genetic analyses, four-enzyme systems (CSPDH*. ME*, MDH*. PGl*) were assayed, representing 9 loci (GSPDH-I*. G3PDH-Z*. MDH-1*. MDH-2*. MDH-3*, ME*, PGl-i*. PGI-2*. PGl-3*), 2 of which were polymorphic (G3PDH-2*. PGl-3*). Fisher's exact test revealed that there were no genetic differences between populations using 9 loci. Nei's genetic distance was 0.0001 between the Black Sea and Mediterranean samples. Genetic identity was also found to be 0.9999 between the Black and Mediterranean Sea samples. In canonical discriminant function analysis, a high degree of morphologic differentiation was detected between populations. Proportions of correctly classified Aegean Sea (100%) and Black Sea (97%) samples to their original group were highest. Plotting discriminant function 1 and discriminant function 2 separated all the populations from each other, showing a high degree of morphometric differentiation among populations.
In this study genetic and morphologic structure of the sea-bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in Turkish coastal waters were studied. Total 120 individuals were sampled in equal numbers from the Black, Marmara, Aegean and North-eastern Mediterranean Seas. In genetic analyses, four-enzyme systems (CSPDH*. ME*, MDH*. PGl*) were assayed, representing 9 loci (GSPDH-I*. G3PDH-Z*. MDH-1*. MDH-2*. MDH-3*, ME*, PGl-i*. PGI-2*. PGl-3*), 2 of which were polymorphic (G3PDH-2*. PGl-3*). Fisher's exact test revealed that there were no genetic differences between populations using 9 loci. Nei's genetic distance was 0.0001 between the Black Sea and Mediterranean samples. Genetic identity was also found to be 0.9999 between the Black and Mediterranean Sea samples. In canonical discriminant function analysis, a high degree of morphologic differentiation was detected between populations. Proportions of correctly classified Aegean Sea (100%) and Black Sea (97%) samples to their original group were highest. Plotting discriminant function 1 and discriminant function 2 separated all the populations from each other, showing a high degree of morphometric differentiation among populations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Sütçülük ve Hayvan Bilimleri
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri