The correlation between infarct size and the QRS axis change after thrombolytic therapy in ST elevation acute myocardial infarction
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Amaç: Elektrokardiyografi (EKG) ST yükselmeli akut miyokard infarktüsü (STYAMİ) ile gelen hastalarda prognostik infarkt genişliğini belirlemede pratik ve yönlendirici bir araç olabilir. Bu çalışma ile infarkt genişliği ile trombolitik tedavi sonrası QRS aks değişim miktarı arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını bulmaya çalıştık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada trombolitik tedavi alan STYAMİ hastaları retrospektif olarak seçildi. İki EKG’de (trombolitik tedavi öncesindeki ve tedavi sonrası 90. dakikadaki) ortalama QRS aksı bir formül yardımıyla hesaplandı. İnfarkt genişliğini belirlemede belirteç olarak kreatinin kinaz MB (CKMB) kullanıldı. Bulgular: Tüm Mİ altgrupları gözönüne alındığında infarkt genişliği ile QRS aksı değişimi arasında korelasyon saptamadık (p=0.80). Sadece izole inferior Mİ grubunda CKMB ile QRS aksı değişimi arasında iyi derece korelasyon saptadık (r=-0.52 p=0.049). Sonuç: QRS aksı değişimi, trombolitik tedavinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesinde ve prognostik infarkt genişliğinin belirlenmesinde çok vurgulanmamış, pratik ve gelecek vadeden bir araç gibi gözükmektedir.
Objective: Electrocardiography (ECG) may be a practical guiding tool for prognostic infarct sizing in ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEAMI). In this study, we sought to find a relation between the infarct size and the change in the QRS axis after thrombolytic therapy. Materials and Methods: Patients with STEAMI who received thrombolytic therapy were selected retrospectively. The mean QRS axes of two ECGs (before and 90 minutes after thrombolytic therapy) were calculated. Creatinine kinase MB (CKMB) was used as the marker of infarct size. Results: We did not detect any correlation between infarct size and change in the QRS axis with respect to any myocardial infarction MI localizations (p=0.80). However, in the isolated inferior MI group, there was a good correlation between CKMB and change in the QRS axis (r=-0.52 p=0.049). Conclusion: The change in the QRS axis is rarely emphasized, providing a practical and promising tool for evaluating both the efficiency of the thrombolytic therapy and prognostic infarct sizing.
Objective: Electrocardiography (ECG) may be a practical guiding tool for prognostic infarct sizing in ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEAMI). In this study, we sought to find a relation between the infarct size and the change in the QRS axis after thrombolytic therapy. Materials and Methods: Patients with STEAMI who received thrombolytic therapy were selected retrospectively. The mean QRS axes of two ECGs (before and 90 minutes after thrombolytic therapy) were calculated. Creatinine kinase MB (CKMB) was used as the marker of infarct size. Results: We did not detect any correlation between infarct size and change in the QRS axis with respect to any myocardial infarction MI localizations (p=0.80). However, in the isolated inferior MI group, there was a good correlation between CKMB and change in the QRS axis (r=-0.52 p=0.049). Conclusion: The change in the QRS axis is rarely emphasized, providing a practical and promising tool for evaluating both the efficiency of the thrombolytic therapy and prognostic infarct sizing.
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Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Eurasian Journal of Medicine
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