Inhibitory effects of different decontamination agents on the levels of listeria monocytogenes in the experimentally ınoculated raw beef samples in the laboratory conditions
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Bu çalışmada, laboratuvar koşullarında, halk sağlığı bakımından önemli bir patojen olan L. monocytogenes ile deneysel olarak inoküle edilmiş çiğ sığır etlerinde farklı dekontaminasyon ajanlarının (%1 laktik asit, %2 laktik asit, %2 asetik asit ve %0.1 asitlendirilmiş sodium klorür, %0.1 sodyum asetat ve %0.1 cetylpridinium chlorine) baskılayıcı etkisinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. En yüksek bakteriyel inhibisyon oranı, %2 laktik asit uygulanmış et örrneklerinde belirlenmiştir, en düşük oran ise %0.1 asitlendirilmiş sodyum klorür uygulanmış örneklerde gözlemlenmiştir. Çiğ etlerdeki bakteriyel yükü azaltma sürecinde karkasların ilk bakteriyel yükü, uygulanan dekontaminasyon tekniği ve kullanılan asitlerin karakteristik özellikleri (dissosiye yada dissosiye olmamış, pH, miktarı, oranı, uygulama sıcaklığı ve kullanılan farklı kombinasyonlar) gibi gözönüne alınması gereken temel parametrelere vurgu yapmak önem arz etmektedir.
This study aimed at comparing the inhibitory effects of various decontamination agents (1% lactic acid, 2% lactic acid, 2% acetic acid, 0.1% acidified sodium chloride, 0.1% sodium acetate, and 0.1% cetylpridinium chlorine) on experimentally contaminated raw beef samples with Listeria monocytogenes being a significant pathogen microorganism for public health. The highest level of bacterial inhibition was determined in the meat samples treated with 2% lactic acid while the lowest level was in the samples treated with 0.1% acidified sodium chloride. It is very important to specify that initial bacterial load of carcases, the decontamination technique applied, and the characteristics of acids used (dissociated or undissociated, pH, amount, percentage, application temperature, and different combinations) are essential parameters to be taken into account in the process of reducing microorganism on raw meat samples.
This study aimed at comparing the inhibitory effects of various decontamination agents (1% lactic acid, 2% lactic acid, 2% acetic acid, 0.1% acidified sodium chloride, 0.1% sodium acetate, and 0.1% cetylpridinium chlorine) on experimentally contaminated raw beef samples with Listeria monocytogenes being a significant pathogen microorganism for public health. The highest level of bacterial inhibition was determined in the meat samples treated with 2% lactic acid while the lowest level was in the samples treated with 0.1% acidified sodium chloride. It is very important to specify that initial bacterial load of carcases, the decontamination technique applied, and the characteristics of acids used (dissociated or undissociated, pH, amount, percentage, application temperature, and different combinations) are essential parameters to be taken into account in the process of reducing microorganism on raw meat samples.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri