Draje yüzeyinde kullanılan renklendiricilerin UV/VIS spektrofotometre ile kalitatif ve kantitatif olarak belirlenmesi
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Çalışmamızda UV/VIS spektrofotometre kullanılarak, drajelerin yüzeyindeki yapay renklendiricileri. kalitatif ve kanti-tatif olarak belirlemek için 40 adet örnek, Ankara'daki farklı süpermarketlerden toplanmıştır. Sonuçta drajelerde 5 çeşit sentetik renklendirici belirlenmiş ve her bir renklendiricinin miktarı örnekler arası geniş bir varyasyon göstermiştir. Drajelerdeki Tartrazin, Sunset yellow, Ponse 4R, Azorubin ve İndigotin renklendiricilerinin ortalama miktarları sırasıyla 188 mg/kg, 226 mg/kg, 381 mg/kg, 374 mg/kg ve 204 mg/kg çıkmıştır. Anılan sonuçlar Türk Gıda Kodeksinde belirtilen maksimum değerden az tespit edilmiştir
In this study, the colorants on coated candies (drage), both quantitatively and qualitatively, were tested by using UV/VIS spectrophotomether. Fourty samples of coated candy were purchased from different supermarkets in Ankara. Five synthetetic food colorants were determined in coated candies. The amount of colorant on coated candies-colored with a single colorant was showed a wide variation from sample to sample. The mean values for colorant on coated candies we­re found as follows: 188 mg/kg for Tartrazine; 226 mg /kg for Sunset Yellow; 381 mg/kg for Ponceu 4R; 374 mg/kg for Car-moisine; 204 mg/kg for Indigotine. These results were consisted with values stated by Legal Codex.
In this study, the colorants on coated candies (drage), both quantitatively and qualitatively, were tested by using UV/VIS spectrophotomether. Fourty samples of coated candy were purchased from different supermarkets in Ankara. Five synthetetic food colorants were determined in coated candies. The amount of colorant on coated candies-colored with a single colorant was showed a wide variation from sample to sample. The mean values for colorant on coated candies we­re found as follows: 188 mg/kg for Tartrazine; 226 mg /kg for Sunset Yellow; 381 mg/kg for Ponceu 4R; 374 mg/kg for Car-moisine; 204 mg/kg for Indigotine. These results were consisted with values stated by Legal Codex.
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