A Preliminary study on protease activity of Russian sturgeon, acipencer gueldenstaedtii Brandt and Ratzenburg, 1833, at early life stages
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Balık yemi endüstrisi, aday türlerin optimum rasyon ihtiyacını belirlemek için araştırmalarına devam etmektedir. Bu amaçla yapılan in vitro analiz metotları, in vivo metotlara göre daha verimli olabilir. Bu çalışma iki farklı çalışmadan oluşmaktadır; bunlardan birincisi ticari besleme protokolünün proteaz enzimlerinin değişimi üzerine olan etkisini, ikinci çalışma ise farklı protein kaynaklarının Rus mersini, A. gueldenstaedtii, jüvenillerinin erken dönem proteaz aktivitiesi üzerine olan inhibisyon etkisini belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. İlk çalışmada, canlı yem ile besleme ve karma yeme geçiş periyodunun, sindirim sistemindeki günlük proteaz miktarını istatistiki olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir (P<0.05). İkinci çalışmada ise, mikro yemlerde kullanılan bazı protein kaynakları, Rus mersini jüvenillerinin proteaz enzimlerini olası inhibe edici etkilerini belirlemek için in vitro olarak test edilmiştir. En düşük inhibisyon etkisi balık ununda (%15.44) gözlemlenmiş, ancak buna karşın soya protein konsatresi, soya unu, mısır glüten ve pirinç kepeği proteaz enzimlerini balık unu ve diğer hammaddelerle yaptığı kombinasyonlardan istatistiki açıdan daha yüksek oranda inhibe etmiştir (sırasıyla % 63.55, 71.81, 72.24 ve 80.77). Buna ek olarak, balık ununun soya unu/soya protein konsantresi ile 1:3 oranındaki kombinasyonları kabul edilebilir seviyede inhibe edici bulunurken (%26.38 ve 22.13), kan ununun aşırı seviyede inhibe edici olduğu tespit edilmiştir (%97.28)
The fish feed industry continues to researches for optimum diet demands for candidate species culture. For this purpose, in vitro analyze methods may be more efficient than in vivo assays. This study includes two different stages; the first one is about the effect of commercial feeding protocol on protease enzyme alteration and the second one is about the inhibitory effects of different protein sources on early life proteases of Russian sturgeon, A. gueldenstaedtii, juveniles. In the first step, feeding with live prey and transition period to artificial feed significantly affected the daily amount of protease in digestive system (P<0.05). In the second part, some protein sources used in micro diets were tested in vitro for examination of their possible inhibitory effects on the proteases of Russian sturgeon larvae. The minimum inhibitory effect was obtained from fish meal (15.44%), but however, soybean protein concentration, soybean meal, corn gluten and rice bran inhibited the proteases significantly higher than FM and its combinations (63.55, 71.81, 72.24, and 80.77%, respectively). Additionally, dual combinations between fish meal and soybean meal/soybean protein concentration with the ration of three to one (3:1) was moderate (26.38 and 22.13 %), whereas blood meal extremely produced a 97.28% inhibitory ratio
The fish feed industry continues to researches for optimum diet demands for candidate species culture. For this purpose, in vitro analyze methods may be more efficient than in vivo assays. This study includes two different stages; the first one is about the effect of commercial feeding protocol on protease enzyme alteration and the second one is about the inhibitory effects of different protein sources on early life proteases of Russian sturgeon, A. gueldenstaedtii, juveniles. In the first step, feeding with live prey and transition period to artificial feed significantly affected the daily amount of protease in digestive system (P<0.05). In the second part, some protein sources used in micro diets were tested in vitro for examination of their possible inhibitory effects on the proteases of Russian sturgeon larvae. The minimum inhibitory effect was obtained from fish meal (15.44%), but however, soybean protein concentration, soybean meal, corn gluten and rice bran inhibited the proteases significantly higher than FM and its combinations (63.55, 71.81, 72.24, and 80.77%, respectively). Additionally, dual combinations between fish meal and soybean meal/soybean protein concentration with the ration of three to one (3:1) was moderate (26.38 and 22.13 %), whereas blood meal extremely produced a 97.28% inhibitory ratio
Anahtar Kelimeler
Zooloji, Balıkçılık
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri